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Sunday, July 03, 2016

'F--- America!' Muslim woman makes terror threats at LAX

Just one day after 49 people were murdered in an Islamic terror attack at a “gay” nightclub in Orlando, Florida, a Muslim woman at Los Angeles International Airport was caught on video making terrorist threats against the U.S. and blasting homosexuals.

On June 14, video journalist Tony Vera recorded an interview with the self-professed worshiper of Allah who had just been searched and released by police outside LAX.

When Vera wished the woman a safe flight, she responded: “I’m gonna have a safe flight, but none of you is gonna have a safe sleep. Wait and see for yourself.”

As the conversation continued, the woman declared, “F— America!” as she raised both of her middle fingers to the camera.



  1. I am not impressed.

  2. Another black trying another angle to get attention.

  3. Trump 2016 to save America.

  4. Obamas new america

  5. This is why we don't want Muslims in this country. Simple.

  6. Get her the hell out and don't let her back in. I wish someone could explain why they come here if we are so damn evil.

  7. Cops should have gunned her down right then!

  8. Dave T: I wonder if our wonderful, know it all president has seen this footage? After all, he's a proud supporter and staunch advocate of the Muslim faith. Just goes to show how incompetent this administration truly is.

  9. If Obama/Osama had another daughter...

  10. Yeah whatever. Idiots have the ability to speak too...so many of them on Capitol Hill.

    Karma will get that woman...yep it sure will!!!

  11. I'm with her.
    This country can go straight to hell.
    I'm going to leave it as soon as I can identify just one nation that this evil government isn't bombing. Then, I'm going to move there.

  12. Obama's remaking of America. This is his legacy.

  13. Can't you see nobody likes white people? Congratulations you've accomplished your goal of making the nations hate you and rise against you as the Book of Obadiah calls for. Oh how the Mount of Esau be cut off! Though thou exalt thyself as an eagle and set thine nest amongst the stars hence will I bring ye down. The house of Jacob will be a fire and the house of Joseph a flame and the house of Esau for stubble. Just face it, America isn't even on its last leg, more like it's on the tip of its last toenail.

  14. 1:13 please let us know the country , so w this great country can Drone your a$&

  15. I would have slapped her in the face with a slab of bacon. I propose any muslim terrorists be executed by letting pigs eat them alive.


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