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Sunday, July 03, 2016

Be Careful This Morning On Rt. 13 In Salisbury


  1. Thanks City of Salisbury for improving the drainage on Rt. 13 - NOT!!!

  2. My rain gauge shows that we have gotten 3" of the 1/4 - 1/2" predicted.....

  3. Correct me if I'm wrong, but for the last year, a new drainage pipe was installed from this very spot to the river to stop this recurring problem. Millions of dollars.

    What happened, did they forget to put in the catch basin?

  4. Don't you lover all that money they out into the new storm system to not work, but what do you expect, they can't even get the WWTP to work...

  5. Too many complainers and not enough doers.

  6. US 13 is not a "city street" it is owned by state.

  7. This section of 13 has always had drainage problems for 20 + years, apparently the new pipe ain't cutting it, so to speak.

  8. 8:44 Soooo...lets complain about people who care.

  9. That spot is not where the new drainage pipes were installed. Complain to Hogan, it is the state's road.

  10. Why don't one of you idiots clean the drain?
    Complain , complain , get a life .

  11. 9:46 I just thought of a job for you, LOL, what a maroon.

  12. 10:02, Are you calling 9:46 a moron? If so, you spelled it wrong. LOL!

  13. Cuts down on having to doge the J walkers.

  14. 10:02 Nope, Maroon is correct, it gets more attention than moron, used that ever since college days for responding to people like 9:46.

  15. Maroon (in this context) comes from the Bugs Bunny cartoons of the 60's.

  16. Wait till it starts to rain....this is just a warm up for real rain

  17. Though I was going slow, (less than 20) the standing water grabbed the front of my car & threw me into the other lane. I was grateful for 4 lanes & no traffic in the one by me.

  18. The drainage in Salisbury sucks. As well as the condition of the streets here. Salisbury looks like a patchwork quilt.They see a hole and when they finally get to fixing it, their solution is to just throw some dirt or gravel in it and go to the next one. Too much to ask for an employee to make an effort I guess. That or it is poor supervision.


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