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Sunday, July 03, 2016

East Coast states want to tax drivers’ travel, not their gas

A group of East Coast states wants to help overhaul the way America pays for its decaying roads, and it’s starting with Monopoly money.

Delaware, Pennsylvania, Connecticut and New Hampshire are proposing pilots to figure out how they might charge motorists a fee for the miles they travel — rather than taxing their gas, as state and federal officials do today.

The I-95 Corridor Coalition, which represents transportation officials from 16 states and the District of Columbia, applied for a federal grant last month to test the idea.

Officials would stitch together the policies and technologies needed to count the miles driven by 50 recruits from each of the four states, including state legislators, transportation officials or other willing guinea pigs. They would send out “faux invoices” monthly. And they would collect the data that legislatures — and the driving public — would require to decide if the change makes sense.



  1. They been doing this plus taxing fuel! The tools are set up by the mile!

  2. it should be for hybrid/elec only,

  3. Tax me because I drive. Hmmm...

    How about the interstate/road planners (i.e., SHA, VDOT, etc) PLAN properly with necessary maintenance on roads. If you fail (which most have) then ala Trump - YOU"RE FIRED!

    Pay-as-you-go taxes already exist via fuel tax, sales tax, etc., and everyone (not just the state imposing the tax) pays.

    The coalition genius' groups (both left and right) need to go an play in the sand!!!

  4. We serve the government, not the other way around.

  5. What do you think will happen if people are taxed per mile they drive and stop driving or drive less? Taxes will rise on something or a new one will be created so... This is Maryland where they tax rain water...

  6. And all the out-of-state drivers that don't participate in recording their travel in state pay nothing towards the road use tax. That would be a colossal loss of revenue, whereas, the out of state drivers currently DO pay towards the road use tax anytime they buy gas within the state. This is an ill conceived project at the state level. Would only work at the federal level. And talk about losing your privacy to travel without being watched constantly by the government....well that's another whole different issue involved.

  7. I will immediately transfer my tags from DE to MD.

  8. Vote out every sob that tries to push this.

  9. Since democrats took over Delaware its as anti business as Maryland. Contractors now have to be union to bid highway jobs.

  10. Isn't this called tolls?

  11. By making it more expensive to travel, you make it harder for people to move. Just one more step toward containing the people in ghettos.

  12. Dave T: Amazing how greedy, manipulative politicians never seem to have enough money for all their projects. How about considering cutting back the pork? Ever think of that? I literally lived with a drunken sailor throughout my college years and I can tell you he spent like one as well, but you politicians have him beat by a country mile.

  13. I keep telling you (and they keep proving me right) that they will not stop raising taxes, fines, fees, surcharges, and every other revenue stream until the noose has snapped their neck.
    They operate in ways that would land "we, the people" in PRISON. Did you like the way they phrased it as a question as to whether or not it "made sense"? I guess they couldn't come out and say "we're looking into which method will squeeze more dollars out of our already squeezed citizenry".
    You lemmings cheered and cheered and cheered! "Your guy" was REALLY going to shake things up and take up for the regular Joe's. HA!!!
    Once he found out how lucrative "public service" was, you became about as important as a hair on a pigs ace.
    And STILL you cheer.
    Politicians ain't the only ones that need their neck snapped.

  14. 2:41. Now look at you! Someone had a typo and you jump at the chance to mock them. Yet you do the exact same thing as them and do what? Yes, it is called tolls! People like you are called trolls!


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