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Friday, July 01, 2016

Dick Morris on Lynch-Bill Clinton Meeting: 'I Want to Know What She Got'

Attorney Gen. Loretta Lynch's meeting with former President Bill Clinton on Monday before the Benghazi report was released was "clearly … was inappropriate" — but political analyst Dick Morris told Newsmax TV on Thursday that "I want to know what she got."

"Her job ends in five months — and even a warm handshake and routine words of praise from the husband of her possible boss could mean the world to Loretta Lynch," Morris told "The Steve Malzberg Show" in an interview.

"It could mean she can stay on as attorney general," he said. "It could mean that Hillary would put her on the Supreme Court.

"Clearly this was inappropriate," Morris told Malzberg. "Could you imagine in a criminal proceeding if the husband of the defendant met with the judge?



  1. why is there noone to hold these blatant criminals accountable.

  2. well, there is God and there is eternal damnation. It all comes out in the wash. Remember, no matter how bad things get here, this is just temporary and what you do here is just a dress rehearsal for the Big Eternal Show. Let Clinton laugh and laugh and laugh- let her have her fun here. We know where she's headed.

  3. What did Bill Clinton get is the question here....let me guess...did she wear a blue dress for this meeting?

    1. She was indeed wearing a blue dress

  4. 9:45 AM - does the phrase "Thick as thieves" ring a bell?


  5. Haven't listened to the voices of Block Headed Morris or his chubby buddy Carl Rove since 2012 when they promised the election right to the last moment. The moment the trash was declared winner. (?)

  6. Hillary will appoint Obama and Lynch to the Supreme Court. Done deal assuming she gets elected.


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