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Friday, July 01, 2016

OC Jamboree property sold to Sunsations owner Sibony

Though a judge has to sign off on the deal before it can proceed to settlement, Sunsations owner Avi Sibony won they day last Friday when he purchased the former OC Jamboree property for $950,000.

The building and property, as well as the remaining contents, were sold off during the auction and auctioneer Bill Hudson said all of the lots — 13 in all — sold that day.

Dozens of potential bidders attended the auction held within the former theater, which was closed more than a year and a half ago following the arrest of the former owner.

Bidding on the property, located off Route 611 in West Ocean City, started at $400,000, which is less than what the previous owner paid when it was last on the market in 2004, according to public records. Bids quickly escalated to $800,000, and then inched along until the final sale price was reached.



  1. Please for the love of whoever u believe in, no more sunsations.

  2. Speaking of suspicious fires. How many Sun Sations burned over the years. I guess it was all bad luck.

    1. How about when the fire department showed up to put out a mattress on fire and the next day the same mattress caught fire again and burned down the building.
      100 locations, nothing over $5, and no customers. It doesn't take a math wiz to figure that one out.

  3. Not what west OC needs....a crappy brewery. I'm sure the food will be as bad as his his other establishment at 45th street. I wish this would have been purchased by some one who really cares about serving quality food.

  4. And someone who operates a clean restaurant his restaurants are atrocious.

  5. Who said anything about food?

  6. Just let the tourists suffer and go somewhere else.

  7. 10:13 other news sources are reporting that he will turn it into a brewery.

  8. If it's a brewery, it will stand on the quality of the product.


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