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Friday, July 01, 2016

Gray Cases Lead To Threats, Hate Mail Against Mosby

Hate mail and threats against Baltimore City State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby has led to an increase in her security detail, the 11 News I-Team has learned.

"Our office has received, and she has personally received, a number of offensive and extremely disturbing, racist, sexist hate mail, and even death threats," Baltimore City State's Attorney's Office spokeswoman Rochelle Ritchie said.

The 11 News I-Team obtained a sample of the threatening e-mails through a Public Information Act request to the Baltimore City State's Attorney's Office. One e-mailer submitted two fake news accounts detailing the demise of Mosby and her husband, Baltimore City Councilman Nick Mosby.

The first fake story says: "Marilyn Mosby was gunned down in cold blood walking into the courthouse. Not one officer came to assist. A police statement simply read, 'Sucks to be her.' Nobody will miss that (expletive)."

The second fake story goes into morbid detail of the torture and dismemberment of Nick Mosby, saying: "Police issued a statement, 'The death of Mr. Mosby does not appear to be suspicious. Several family members related to Mr. and Ms. Mosby have been reported missing. Police feel none of the missing are significant. Hope you've enjoyed reading.'"



  1. Hint: when you want someone's incomptence exposed, the type of rhetoric used in these letters does NOTHING to further your case.

  2. Lawless and Classless, just like the Mosby's!

  3. You get what you give

  4. And to think of all the public money that went into her education.

  5. PLEASE do NOT do anything that would make this woman a martyr

  6. She deserves anything she gets! Those officers received just as much if not more hate then she is. Not just the Innocent Baltimore 6 but LE nationwide suffered because of that skank. She grew it now the putrid low life can suck it up. Let this be a lesson to her and her spawn. When you lie and are an all around nasty hateful spiteful person it WILL come back to bite you 10 fold. Mosby can go to hell and she will. God has no tolerance for evilness like her.

  7. The affirmative action twit's backed herself in a corner. If she decides to not proceed with any more prosecutions she admitted there isn't any new evidence. Not good for the civil suits. If she continues to press forward w/prosecutions after Judge Williams very detailed opinion on why he acquitted Officer Goodson of ALL charges then she's proving she's acting maliciously. Couldn't have happened to a nicer person. There's been or will be shortly another complaint filed w/the attorney grievance committee. This one by a career prosecutor. Expect many more.

  8. Mosby is such a lying POS. She so famously proclaimed that her mission was to get justice "for Freddie Gray." I guess her affirmative action "education" prevented her from knowing that her job is to get justice-PERIOD. She lied about the knife saying it was legal when the fact is it is illegal in the city of Baltimore to carry any kind of spring assisted knife. Either she knew that and lied or again affirmative action is showing it's face and the moron didn't know that the city has it's own set of laws. She lied about the sheriff's dept doing an investigation. They didn't. She never mentioned rough ride initially but when the case started crumbling and she needed something to prove murder she brought up rough ride. She a liar and why more blacks aren't calling for her resignation is a sin. A disgrace and a sin. It's no wonder the black race is such a shambles. They accept liars, dishonesty, and other bad behaviors.

  9. bottom line, she tried to pull a fast one and it backfired. great news.

  10. Sounds to me like she deserves it!


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