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Sunday, July 10, 2016

Dallas police shooting: 'Black Power group' claims responsibility for police killings and warns of more assassinations to come

"More Will Be Assassinated In The Coming Days! Do You Like The Work Of Our Assassins? Get Your Own Sniper" read a post on the Black Power Political Organisation Facebook account

A self-proclaimed black power group appears to have claimed responsibility for the assassinations of five police officers at a Black Lives Matter protest in Dallas.

Five officers were gunned down by at least two shooters who picked out officers from an 'elevated position' - believed to be a multi-storey car park.

It came in the week of public outrage over the deaths of two black men shot by police this week.



  1. too bad, if you don't like the second amendment you should leave 'Murica!

  2. Facebook pages taken down.

  3. I'm not proud of it, but months and months ago I predicted events such as these taking place if the police did not stop killing unarmed people. If anyone does not think these shootings in Dallas are directly related to black people being shot by cops, especially the two most recent killings, you will indeed see more of these since you refuse to see the obvious and take corrective actions.

    It is one thing to shoot someone who is a threat to a cop or citizen, but it is quite another to shoot someone who poses no real threat to anyone, as is the case of the two most recent killings by police.

    Utilize better training and tactics than has been used, and get rid of that trainer who teaches police to shoot first and justify it later. He has been sending the wrong information to police for far too long and has cost taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars in lawsuit settlements.

    Get off the steroids, stop with the macho crap and stop being scared of your own shadow. Things HAVE to change. If we continue down this road much longer there will soon be total chaos in the streets, unless that is the desired outcome.

    1. How about respecting and complying when stopped instead of being argumentativeand combative.

    2. 11:09
      You do realize that police officers can only rely on their training, experience, and gut instinct to judge a situation or end up DEAD. They tell you to put your hands up to ensure that you have no weapon to kill them with. And that you can't access one while their guard is down. Reaching for anything but air without being instructed to could mean imminent danger and they have the right to protect themselves and a responsibility to protect the idiot rubberneckers who are nearby. How hard is it to follow instructions and bitch later? With all the publicity and TV shows about cops, you would think people would learn!

    3. Explain the one in Minnesota.... he complied and was still shot 4 times.

    4. 12:47 explain how you only saw a video with a girlfriend who said he complied?

    5. 1109 your a terrorist.

  4. As a black American (tax-paying, business owning veteran) apparently the Second Amendment doesn't apply to me.

  5. If black lives truly matter, then start with your own crimes against each other. YOU are the problem because you don't respect yourselves, your race or others. Where is the outrage against black on black crime? When you address that issue, maybe you'll gain more respect from the rest of us.

    1. There is outrage on black on black crime just like there is outrage on all crimes committed by those who have that mentality to do so.

    2. No there isn't. Where are you seeing the outrage? There are a handful of blacks people speaking out about it and they are called Uncle Tom by blacks. Larry Elder ring a bell? Black are the most racist people on the planet. Go back to Africa and see how bad racism is there. I've lived there and I know.

    3. With an attttude like that, maybe you should go back to Africa because you fit right in.

    4. 12:22 is correct. There is no outrage over black on black crime. This movement although originally may have had good intentions, has been hijacked by a cult of socialists bent on destruction and hate talk. George Soros a nazi collaborator spent 4 million to finance the protests in Ferguson alone. They want civil unrest, they want us divided. Your movement is only for media attention and puts additional attention on a minor issue in the black community, cops killing blacks. And takes away attention from the real issue not being addressed: 1) the lack of a father in the home, 2) black on black murders.

  6. 1109 I'm sure you're basking in your psychic abilities but we don't know the whole story behind the MN or LA situations. Even if video was taken, first you have to ascertain what occurred before the video started rolling. One snippet of time makes not for a full understanding of circumstances. Yet, people like you and President Obama, jump to conclusions before body bags enter the scene, merely looking at a tiny video. A video that has reversed the steering wheel! While cell cameras flip images the video orientation stays in tact.

    Armchair warriors are fascinating as they jump to judgment and then go silent when all the facts vindicate the police. Yet, you still bring them up for scrutiny long after the facts refute the initial judgment. Examples: Fergusson and Baltimore. In both situations, police officers were acquitted by juries for wrong doing yet they're still reference today as if criminal trials never occurred. Make sense?

    Why don't we WAIT until the findings of investigations are released before going to our local Kinko's to have signage created for the big march!

  7. It's truly horrible what has happened in
    the " taking " of the most recent 2 lives
    of people.

    I can understand why the police are quick
    to respond with soooo much crime out on
    the streets----It' s kill or be killed
    BUT to literally shoot someone to death
    with 4 shots---OH MY God this is insane.
    This cop and any others
    like him are a threat to Americans!!

  8. @11:13 am...you cannot compare black on black crine to unjustifiable shootings of unarmed blacks by those who are sworn and paid to protect. Thugs have no honor and is not a prestigious position. My children should feel safe with any police officer not just the black ones. You comment continues to show racism at it's best, continue to blame the victim, ignore the real problems. Keep listening to Donald Trump and a race war is what this country will have. Let's all strive to live in peace and harmony regardless of the color God gave them

    1. I'm black and never had a problem. I always put my hands up and never act stupid when pulled over. I seldom get stopped. Your a bad person and evil.

    2. You really should stop listening to mainstream media. You only hear what they want you to hear, and most of the time it's not the truth. Any black person who has parents who grew up in the 60's knows you don't do herky jerky dumb shit with a cop who like a lot of society is scared of a black man just because of the media stereotypes, and the unknown. And why are they always tha hoods finest? Cmon your falling for the bait.

  9. This will continue as long as cops keep prosecuting victimless crimes, like motorcycle cops giving tickets for seatbelt violations!
    If they act like Government carpetbaggers, they will probably die like Government carpetbaggers.
    It's a dangerous world in the mercenary business, they knew it when they signed up.
    I don't agree with it, but that's the way it is.
    Society will only take so much perceived oppression by government mercenaries.

  10. Two Things Could Be TrueJuly 8, 2016 at 11:34 AM

    11:27 Mercenary World? You do have a flare for the dramatics. You should try writing some fiction, it might make you a rich person, but to assume there's some mercenary 'business' is quite compelling. Too much television and Netflix binges I guess.

  11. These groups need to be eliminated as well as their filthy culture.!!

  12. Everybody is acting like only black people get shot by police officers. White folks are getting killed in greater numbers than blacks. The mainstream media just doesn't report it. Look it up.

  13. Just Curious Because I Can BeJuly 8, 2016 at 11:42 AM

    Alinsky 101, never let a good tragedy be wasted. Of course, there's more to come. Why? Because they want to indoctrinate through fear. They're creating a fear culture where everyone in a panic looks to them to provide relief. Relief through gun control; legislative muck.

  14. The fact is that Obama has caused the mayhem and bloodshed that has spread across our nation. Obama has been in the process of jump starting his own personal Communist coup d'etat. The fires of hatred for law enforcement have been fanned by Obama/Soros sponsored radical Communists. Violence toward law enforcement is intentionally being incited by Obama/Soros as a class division strategy lifted directly from the Communist Manifesto. This is about politics, people are irrelevant to the Marxist state. Obama needs to be impeached and our government needs to address the REAL problem, the Democratic Party's destruction of the nuclear family, individual responsibility, and morality.

    Trump 2016!

  15. People are responsible for their OWN actions...be it killer cops or mass shooters...blaming the president for any of this is utter BS...those who do so have an entitlement mentality where they want to blame everyone else but the actual criminals....lastly, if you don't like mass shootings and open carry laws...either you should either work to change those laws and deal with the realities of doing nothing...you made the bed, now time to sleep in it....one quick question also, where are all those gun rights activists when its black guys doing the shooting? And doing it quite well I might add.....

    1. Its not BS Obama has been a divider and promotor in racial tensions MORE TOO COME.

  16. What would happen if the KKK did something like this ?

  17. Trust me 11:48, if someone proposed taking guns away from blacks, the gun defenders would go silent.

  18. 11:48, didn't my comment say that President Obama was 55% responsible? Did I say he was 100%? No, I don't think so. (Reading comprehension) I agree that people are most certainly responsible for their own culpability in every situation; however, our president's incendiary statements and public damnations are designed to Fire Up the People! This is divisive. Hitler did it. Mussolini did it. Putin does it. In fact, every politician and world leader does this to an extent. However, as a person who before elected promised unity, he has failed miserably.

    We're more divided now than we were three months ago. Its been an incremental breakdown of law and order, respect and acceptance. Surely, unless some are living in dark caves, we've all noticed the changes within our society. The collective mood is quite dire and abysmal. Economic restrictions have also aided in this social unrest.

    He's been feeding the minds of people so married to him they don't see where he's been more foe than friend to them. This has nothing to do with race. This is just out and out bad management of our country's affairs.

    1. Don't forget Trump because he gets people "fired up" as well.

  19. Promoted by dems to take our guns .


  21. The ignorant President needs to keep his mouth shut.

  22. 11:58 That's not going to happen and it's a violation of our First Amendment to even wish it. However, the Panthers shouldn't resort to violence to get their points across to America. That's illegal. There's more than enough legal means to assert their point without hurting others physically. Something Martin Luther King, Jr. tried to instill upon them in the Sixties. Peaceful demonstrations - ones that demonstrate a strong argument, are the ones that get people's attention - not vigilante actions. The latter only goes to forging a deeper gap and justify why Black people get the short end!

  23. Thank you Obama!

  24. Black Panthers??? If we're heading back to the 1960's - deal me OUT on this one. Ever forward!

    It Friday and by the time Monday rolls around, it'll be Hillary/Trump 24/7 again. Very very sad what transpired in Dallas, but very true that mainstream won't beat the hell out of this one given the climate/circumstances. Plus PMSNBC doesn't want to interrupt their around the clock "Lock Up" episodes, not to mention - weekend ratings are zilch!!

    Lock and load folks...lock and load!

  25. You know what?
    I'm not going to buy into this incitement thing the left has been trying to do.
    I'm not going to get hateful with black people just because a few are being very obnoxious.
    I'm gonna keep on treating EVERYBODY with love and respect and be kind.
    If that gets me killed, you can put it on my gravestone:
    "He died doing right."

    1. 12:12...I'm with you; too much hate is being shown.

    2. Well said, don't believe the media hype

  26. What a huge tragedy for the Dallas Policed Department, they were on the street to protect the Black lives matter protesters, and they were shoot down like dogs!!!!! One protester (Black) by the way told Fox news last night that many of his friends were on the streets carrying rifles and he pleaded with them to give their weapons up to the police before something bad happened, Maybe he should of went to the police instead of Fox news. I just don't believe what I heard him say.

  27. 12:14, I did say politicians... did I not? Even though I guess we could argue Trump isn't a politician, he does fit in that category to most now. Yes, Trump does it, too. He's yelling about making the country great again. I'd much rather have that then someone telling us how horrible we are and how we should apologize to the world. But yes, even though I could almost hear the tinge of sarcasm in your comment, Trump is a pontificater, too, but he doesn't have the ill-will as some of the others.

  28. Love and respect alone are not going to solve this problem now! Must be part of the solution though.

    The president shares the blame. He has never tried to help the country heal from these situations and only antagonizes the situations. The fact that cops brought this on themselves is utter crap!

    Lets not forget BLM groups going around chanting to kill cops.

    Al Sharpen and is ilk as well. If you incite people long enough they will follow through.

    This has been in the making since Brown was killed.

  29. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    These groups need to be eliminated as well as their filthy culture.!!

    July 8, 2016 at 11:35 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    July 8, 2016 at 11:58 AM

    with attitudes like these things will never get better.

    1. Ohhhhhhh and ur boy obama is making things better get ur head out of Obamas A..

  30. Obama = Race baiting piece of ,,,,

  31. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    How about respecting and complying when stopped instead of being argumentativeand combative.

    July 8, 2016 at 12:07 PM

    Like the man in Minnesota was doing? He did everything the cop said and STILL got murdered.

    and in neither scenario should a death have to occur.

    1. I guess u where there? by the way how are u eric holder.

  32. SOROS needs to be sent to Syria.

    1. He is a well protected Hypocrite.

  33. Why don't we WAIT until the findings of investigations are released before going to our local Kinko's to have signage created for the big march!

    July 8, 2016 at 11:20 AM

    Doesn't take psychic abilities to know the cop was wrong in this case, he even gave multiple clues by shouting expletives after he shot the guy for COMPLYING with his orders. You talk a lot but you don't say anything. And it's people like you who never see a problem, believe anything you are told that has gotten us to this point. He was licensed to carry, no record etc. so yeah he must have been a real gangster. Go sit on the couch and be quiet. Things are bad enough without your kind making them worse.

    1. He had robbed a store a couple of days prior! And you can confirm this carry permit? Think before you answer, 110 because you're getting close to trolldom.

  34. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    You do realize that police officers can only rely on their training, experience, and gut instinct to judge a situation or end up DEAD. They tell you to put your hands up to ensure that you have no weapon to kill them with. And that you can't access one while their guard is down. Reaching for anything but air without being instructed to could mean imminent danger and they have the right to protect themselves and a responsibility to protect the idiot rubberneckers who are nearby. How hard is it to follow instructions and bitch later? With all the publicity and TV shows about cops, you would think people would learn!

    July 8, 2016 at 12:42 PM

    and that is exactly what the man did and was still killed. just because someone wears a police uniform does not always mean they SHOULD. THIS one should take off that uniform and put on prison blues. you apologists will never learn.

  35. NO he didn't comply 12:41. A bystander said he was told to keep his hands in the air. According to the girlfriend he was reaching in his pocket to get his wallet or ID or something so he did not do what the cop said by the words of his own girlfriend.

  36. 12:47 the one in MN was NOT complying at ALL. He was told and this was witnessed by at least one bystander to keep his hands in the air. His own girl friend is saying he was reaching to get his wallet or something definitely NOT complying so stop saying that lie. It's as bad as Michael Brown was shot in the back while running from cops with his hands in the air.

  37. 11:09 You are part of the problem. Don't endorse murder.

  38. I know every time my boyfriend gets shot the first thing I do is start recording the aftermath and broadcasting it live to my friends. I even find time to "like" the Facebook comments coming in as my boyfriend lays dying.

  39. 1:10 pm, he did have a record, he was a registered sex offender among other things.

  40. 1:10-The Sheriff’s Office at first said he did not have a permit nor asked for one. He has a history of driving with no license or insurance for years. Hardly no record. If someone who drives for years with no license and no insurance, plus actively claims they are Crips can get a CC, then something is wrong.

    Do not repeat misinformation. At this time there is zero evidence that Castile said he had a permit or that he even had one. Don't you think if he did the liberal MN governor would have had it displayed all over the media by now? Yes!!!! The HCSO is now saying "per state law all data about applications for permits to carry a firearm is private data." Also the girlfriend witness has contradicted herself four or five times already.

  41. Farakhan has been calling for violence for a long time. I wonder if there are ties between this group and his?

  42. "Anonymous said...

    Trust me 11:48, if someone proposed taking guns away from blacks, the gun defenders would go silent.

    July 8, 2016 at 11:54 AM"

    Wrong! I know of several black families in my neighborhood and I would want and hope they are gun owners. Most gun owners feel this way and wouldn't want a responsible law biding black citizen denied the right to protect themselves, their families and their property.

  43. Homegirl Lavish/Diamond Reynolds whatever the hell she's calling herself today set up a gofundme page and quickly went from being a girlfriend to a fiancee right after he died.

  44. 11:34
    Are you a shill?


    Are you just an idiot?

    Yes, mercenaries. Paid thugs with uniforms.

    1. 243 how 60s of you. Mercenaries and pigs. Get out of the 60s. It wasn't as glamorous as you think it was.


  45. LA: Cops are called by someone; thought I saw a note about man with gun; haven't verified that. Dead man was a felon and apparently was armed. For whatever reason, struggle ensued. Was on ground when shot; unclear if hands were free or if he was reaching for gun. Clearly wasn't an altarboy but we'll learn more about why they wanted to put him in custody.

    MN: Stop for bad tail light; provides probable cause for a stop. Dead man was passenger? Had conceal carry permit and apparently told cop. But appears not to follow instructions to keep hands in sight. Hand closest to door and not visible to cop is one he's reaching for wallet? Permit? Gun? Cop shoots and girlfriend decides to make a movie. Small child and marijuana in car. Lots of questions about this one. Officer is said to be Asian. Don't know if adults had been smoking the weed and responses to officer impaired?

    Dallas: Premeditated murder with many details unclear. Won't help cops to be more relaxed on calls due to ambush concerns. Big step backward in reducing tension.

    1. 243 you laid this out very nicely. So now here comes the $10K question. Why the hell were people protesting yesterday when clearly both men shot gave the police cause for their actions? Protesting just to protest? They could've been there for the pay. I don't buy it was organic protest. Sorry but unlike some big shiny things don't impress me.

    2. George Soros and other socialist movements finance this street theater.
      This is the response of mindless, tv and Hollywood brainwashed chattel.
      Whatever the tv says they believe as gospel. No individual thought or critical thinking skills. Just social media lemmings

  46. 2:43 MN was driving. In video it's reversed so looks like he's the passenger.

  47. There is going to be a tie between this shooter and Islam.

  48. Also 2:43 he was actually stopped because he was the robbery suspect. The taillight is what the officer told him. From KARE11 out of MN

    “I’m going to stop a car,” the officer says on the recording. “I’m going to check IDs. I have reason to pull it over.”

    “The two occupants just look like people that were involved in a robbery,” the officer says. “The driver looks more like one of our suspects, just ‘cause of the wide set nose,” the officer continues."

    The surveillance photos of the robbery suspects are online. He looks just like the gunman and odd enough the robbers glasses and shoes look just like some seen worn by him in his FB photos. Imagine that.

  49. 4:09 Same reason they protested for Brown and Gray. They like protesting the death of thugs. It's how they roll. A kid dies in the crossfire of a driveby and they can't even tell you the name of the kid. But a thug and they are on it!

    1. Shameful truth. It's not about black lives mattering. It should be called

  50. How about the dopey MN DEMOCRAT (of course) governor saying no one should be killed over a tail light. Asswipe doesn't even know what he's talking about. Figures what democrat does. Dispatch records clearly show (and prove) he was stopped because he's a suspect in a armed robbery that occurred a couple of days prior.

  51. You people act as if the killings are isolated just to police. Sorry AAs you kill each other at a rate of 150 to 1 over police involved killings. More Whites are killed by police but that does not fit your racist agenda. I imagine the murder rate of black on black if there were no police. Some weekends in America over 100 Blacks die at the hand of another Black. When people stop acting like animals the cops can start being cops again. I blame you and your racist president for this. Baltimore and Ferguson are prime examples of Blacks speaking without the facts. A city burned and a Black judge calls out a racist prosecutor as a liar. Enough said stop this knee jerk response to the inevitable police will kill people. It will never stop regardless of the color. They will make mistakes and yes some cops are just crazy MFrs. They need to be dealt with but killing innocent men and women will only incite violence. Clean up your own back yard first. Then look for credibility from good Americans of all colors.

  52. Let's also add your racists sheriff stirring the pot. And you wonder why race relations between law enforcement and the AA community are poor. Please, somebody tell Mike Lewis to keep his comments to himself. If you can't be part of the solution...then you are part of the problem.

  53. 7:26 what racist comments has Mike Lewis made? How does he "stir the pot"?

  54. Just Curious Because I Can BeJuly 9, 2016 at 12:35 AM

    What is the black community going to do when it gets to a point where they call the police for help in an emergency and no one shows up? All this ginning up over two black guys shot for probable cause and yet, you guys don't bother to even wait to see what an internal investigation turns up. I could understand if these men were minding their own business; however, I don't pack heat when I'm going to the grocery store. The one in MN had robbed a store a couple days before. So he wasn't shot over a stupid taillight as many have been crying.

    So what's up with that? What are you going to do when you dial 911 and the dispatcher tells you there's not enough units to come assist you? What then?

  55. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    NO he didn't comply 12:41. A bystander said he was told to keep his hands in the air. According to the girlfriend he was reaching in his pocket to get his wallet or ID or something so he did not do what the cop said by the words of his own girlfriend.

    July 8, 2016 at 1:30 PM

    he was moving his hands BACK up after the cop told him to stop reaching for id, that is when he got shot. It matters little. He is dead when he should be alive. It is disturbing enough to have police kill people for no good reason, but then we have stooges bending over backwards to find the smallest of possible justifications for deadly force when there is none.

    Minnesota's own governor has stated he probably would not have been shot if he had been white. So I think I will go with the governor who should know much more about it than either of us. But by all means, keep fanning the flames and posting rumors and inaccuracies.

  56. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    1109 your a terrorist.

    July 8, 2016 at 2:49 PM

    Oh wow, you got me. I must not be a very good one if you caught me and I have not killed anyone. I don't follow the herd so I do tend to stand out. Makes me an easy target I suppose.

  57. The surveillance photos of the robbery suspects are online. He looks just like the gunman and odd enough the robbers glasses and shoes look just like some seen worn by him in his FB photos. Imagine that.

    July 8, 2016 at 4:26 PM

    well I have not seen anything at all like you describe. I'm not saying it is not true, I just have not seen anything and it doesn't make sense to me. Maybe they all just look alike to that cop?

  58. Black Panthers/Black Power/BLM = KKK and White Power...

    no different.

    cant people see that they are BOTH hate groups that are equivalent to each other??

    theyre basically terrorist groups.

    all such hate groups should be shut down...

  59. while some of you keep demanding black people to clean up their backyard and stop committing crimes, why don't you extend that ridiculous request to all races? what is even more laughable is that you people actually believe that would work.

    and something else that is similar is telling people not to call the police for help because they complain about the abuse and illegal actions of some cops.

    some of you are just priceless.

    1. It's not a ridiculous request, it's truth. How many BLM protests have taken place in Chicago or Baltimore for the killing of other black males by black males? How many times have they shut down Martin Luther King Blvd or the local dope spot people are dying around, instead of an interstate? It's all financed to encite division amongst American's and our current police force.

  60. You folks only want to discuss how this effects you and your feelings. Did anyone stop to think about the article itself and what is says? It is saying that up to 4 people got together and did this. They then say that this is an isolated incident. I call BS on that. 4 people dont decide to radicalize and then somehow "get together" on any action. They do however meet in places that attract like minded people and they do accept the direction of leadership. This is not a lone gunman or an isolated incident. And the President is right at the top of leadership that is making all of this possible. Lets get this POS and all other Dems out in November.


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