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Sunday, July 10, 2016

BREAKING NEWS: Liberal Cathy Bassett Joins Conservative Wicomico County Executive Bob Culver's Executive Office

Cathy Bassett, (Ex Wife of former publisher of the Daily Times Greg Bassett) has been hired by the County Executive to handle, (get this) their newly created media executive position as a consultant. 

A position that had been terminated has been reopened and word on the street is that they/you are paying dearly for this new venture. 

This should get very interesting to see the different spin that will be put out there. I have to wonder, is the County Executive following in Governor Hogan's footsteps trying to reach out to the Liberal voters in Wicomico County? 

Originally published at 6:56 PM. 


  1. ask Jackie Wellfonger. She is good at reaching out to Liberal Democrats. Seems that she does more for Democrats then she does for Republicans. That is unless she is getting paid. No doubt she could be sold to the highest bidder that is paying her.

  2. Culver has lost his mind! He obviously is pandering to a certain crowd hoping to get re-elected. What a fool!

  3. Isn't this a conflict of interest since her husband runs The Salisbury Independent?

  4. Bob have u lost ur MIND ?

  5. As I recall, Rick Pollitt actually offered Cathy Bassett Way Strausburgs position before Wayne was hired. Is the fix in?

  6. What is that Kenny woman doing then? I thought she was taking care of everything for Culver.

  7. Joe, I was thinking the same thing. Ricky P wanted her first, but I think her then husband (who was running the Daily Rag at the time) felt it was too much of a conflict. I'd say the fix is in now.

  8. culver / hogan
    R.I.N.O s

  9. Nice going Bobby. First you go all Bernie with the free education and now you go all Hillary with Cathy Bassett. I know who I won't be voting for in the next election for Executive.

  10. Good looking wool.

  11. At least his Facebook posts may be more professional now. GEEEEEEZZZZZ!

  12. So are we having to pay her benefits too? Another fat deal at the taxpayers' expense!

  13. 7:29 now that's funny and I don't care who you are! ROFL

  14. Bob Culver, what has happened to you?

  15. Culver has lost his bearings along with so many other Republican (RINOS). I am truly disappointed in the direction he is taken this County as this is yet another classic example of his liberal swing to the far left. I don't understand why he doesn't just register a Democrat and get it over with.

  16. Isn't Cathy a favorite of Wayne's? I'm guessing there is a power struggle in Bob's office. Score one for Wayne.

  17. These are troubling times in the kingdom.

  18. Mr. Culver, please help us to understand your new way of doing things, your new road, the major changes in your decision making process.

  19. Cathy knows how to spell and uses proper grammar. This will be an improvement for what's been coming out of Culver's office.

  20. I've seen a slow down trend with progress in this county. Culver is slipping to the left a little , I don't know why. The head of Parks and Recreation is a total loss , his leadership skills suck(Steve Miller). Mr. Miller is a true democrat. But , the entire country has swayed to the left. Things look bad people.

  21. Isn't it obvious people?! He is looking ahead to the election. He doesn't want to lose the job that is paying him the most he's ever made! She is being hired to make him look good by spinning all of his liberal actions and trying to con the conservatives into thinking he is still looking out for them. Wake up! BTW, remember what happened to Tamara Lee Brooks and the election violation.

  22. I still say ole' Rick wasn't so bad....Culver, like any other politician promise this, promise that, do what the hell I want....you empowered the drunk.

  23. What are you fools going to realize anyone you elect is not going to cater to your wims these people running for office to better their friends line their pockets and screw over the taxpayers. just another reason not to be a resident of Maryland

  24. First 7:50: It is all about getting re-elected. As someone else posted, he is pandering to certain groups.

  25. Goodbye Miss Kenney with no college degree.

  26. WTH are you doing Bob Culver? You may think you'll be getting votes next time around, but you are sadly mistaken. Another RINO right along with Hogan.

  27. Joe, you are the best always getting the scoop of important news for us. Thanks.

  28. So now the county takes on yet another nonsensical liberal. Don't you people ever learn in this area. Liberals have been the destruction of Salisbury. Now you expect everyone to hippy happy about them screwing the county too? Too much nepotism in this place. Blood evades basic logic. Assinine.

  29. Culver was pretty stupid to think that older Kenney woman could fill his needs in that office. Not sure if this woman can either. He needs to get rid of his entire staff and get fresh blood in there or else he is toast.

  30. Another good looking lady to add to culver's office staff ....imagine that?

  31. Joe didn't you support Bobby during his election?

  32. this is more about a fine lady than anything...Bob loves the ladies...but alas, so do I...my only fault, except for the others.

  33. 8:47, Yes, I did. I also said "I do" to my ex-wife.

  34. The controlling local yokels who think they know it all, will NEVER allow educated professionals to run this county. Who's in the executive office, two non-college educated, failed business locals. And then there is "have another drink" Wayne. Adding C. Bassett to that mix should be REALLY interesting.

  35. Mr. Albero, I love your last comment! It shows that you call it like you see it. That is what makes this site so great. Thank you.

  36. I think Ms. Bassett is far more qualified to do the work than Ms. Kenney. I'm not sure why Culver needs them both. I thought he was trying to save the county money. (That has now become a joke.)

  37. This whole county and city government is an absolute laughing stock

  38. If you want to understand the mentality of the so called "executive office", just start with the receptionist. Culver should have found a true executive secretary with some polish, so at least his office seemed somewhat professional. Instead he has a gossip queen sitting front and center. All he is doing is putting lipstick on a pig when it comes to trying put on a professional front.

  39. This smacks of a desperation hire to me. I think he is thin skinned and doesn't like some of the negative comments that have appeared in this blog and in print. Frankly, I think his campaign should be paying her salary.

  40. 9:20 Bob was way over his head when he took office. Think about his background, he had no idea what a true professional executive office should be. Yet, he was too arrogant (or too scared) to take the advice of people with greater knowledge and experience than he had. He has been and continues to be a disappointment, and now you have to add liberal leanings too.

  41. So, who are likely candidates for County Executive for the next election? Joe, are you hearing any rumblings? There has to be someone better than Cannon.

  42. 9:25 I agree. I wonder how much of her work is really about crafting an image for Culver with an election on the horizon. That is not something the County should be paying for.

  43. 9:19 Amen! Still waiting for all the great economic development.

  44. 9:02 "Who's in the executive office, two non-college educated, failed business locals. And then there is "have another drink" Wayne. Adding C. Bassett to that mix should be REALLY interesting."

    Not following because I just don't know the backgrounds. One non college educated failed business local is
    King Bob. Who is the other one? I'm not a Cathy Bassett fan. She is way too self promoting! What say you?

  45. The first time I met Cathy Bassett at a function, she acted as though she was so much better than anyone in the room. (and more important) Was not impressed and even after trying to strike up a conversation with her, it was like she did not have time to speak to me or could care less.


  46. No more brickbats from the Independent; that's a given.

    And Editor Bassett will be able to snag county benefits; his COBRA from Gannett should be about up.

    IIRC she was on the local payroll of one of the Democrat in Congress.

    Guess I need to start making a list of free stuff to ask Bob for!


  47. I'm still waiting for that Arrogant Strawberry to be dismissed. Just because you find another hiding place for our county car at a bar doesn't make qualifications for the serious job.

  48. In reference to people asking who might be best qualified to run for County Executive:

    Here's the deal.

    According to the Charter, you must be a resident of Wicomico County for 5 years. At one point this topic was brought up with the former Council. I urged them to reconsider this and ultimately they refused and kept it the way it is.

    This is a major injustice to the taxpayers of Wicomico County.

    There are some incredible former corporate executives who retired here to the Shore. These are people who can walk in that office on the first day and make immediate changes. These are people who won't cater to "special interests" and will do what is best for the community/county.

    However, they're not qualified and this language was purposely set up to screw any OUTSIDERS chance. The very first thing that needs to be done is to remove that language. We should be able to do a national search for a County Executive.

    I can tell you this. If I, (just as an example) had been elected to County Executive, the very first day I would have removed every single person from the Executives Office, period. Not fire everyone, reassign them to other positions. Wayne Strausburg would have been terminated immediately, with all due respect. I would have brought in a person who I know would have my back 100% on every single decision I made. Remember, this position pays a LOT more money then the Executive makes. I would have created and fulfilled a new Economic Development Department and my right hand person would have experience in that position.

    Everyone knows that the number one topic and interest here in Wicomico County is JOBS. I WOULD HAVE CREATED JOBS! One thing Rick Pollitt and Bob Culver know about me is my Fortune 500 corporate background and connections. I could have delivered massive "Clean Rooms" to the Shore. However, Joe Albero is too controversial a name. I could have approached Tesla to consider a 3 million sq. ft. manufacturing facility for batteries, massive jobs, massive home developments, grocery stores, you name it. More importantly, great paying jobs.

    The problem you have here is that you keep electing people with NO EXPERIENCE. No knowledge of the corporate world or connections to that world.

    Oh sure, many of you only know me as this Blogger guy. Well, you are so wrong. You go right on believing I'm just this guy with a big mouth but let me assure you, the ONLY reason my name gets brought up by elected officials is because they're scared to death of me. They know I've already been there, done that.

    Your system is rigged. Special interests never want anything to change because they're making millions of dollars off your stupidity and lack of forward thinking. They want to spread words like "come here" and "from here" to make you thing outsiders are INTRUDERS who will destroy our way of life on the Shore. It's a load of crap. Instead, all of these special interests, (for example) are getting into pot growing facilities or getting Marinas in Downtown Salisbury for ONE DOLLAR. They buy riverfront buildings for $5,000.00. It goes on and on.

    You want positive change, get rid of that 5 year minimum in the Charter and watch things get a million percent better immediately.

    Oh, here's a great question for all of you. Let's say the language got changed and you had a new Executive. Do you think that person would have hired someone like Cathy Bassett?

    1. Cathy Bassett is damaged goods. Anyone whose been in the local milieu isn't good for its government because they all protect their friends and families in the area. Seriously both the county exec AND the mayor of Salisbury should be 'come heres' because they're not subject to all the born here political bullshit. The born heres seem to revel in the corrupt little cliques like they did when they were in high school. Unacceptable. Both Wicomico and Salisbury have big people problems so it's time their governance wore long pants for a change.

  49. 757 seems to know about rec and parks, lots of drinking but little work getting done, lets see if the boys can stay sober long enough to get through the world series. if not bye bye world series. there seems to be a persistent theme to county govt from the top down

  50. Great comment at 6:08 Joe. You summed up the problem. Way too many special interests. This county will stay being backward until they have bled it/us dry.

  51. Wow. Culver must really be scared to hire someone from the dark side. One of her best friends lives with Lee Beauchamp, the guy Culver fired soon after taking office. Connect the dots and they go back to Strausburg who has done nothing but undermine Culver since day one.

  52. 8:38am And Culver used to live with Lee Beauchamp's Mother years ago and he practically raised Lee. So your point is what?

  53. Both Hogan and Culver need liberal and conservative votes to get elected. But I think both of these men are trying to do what is best for all the citizens they are responsible for and not just misfits on here.

    Also it may be that Cathy Bassett (who is no longer married to her husband Greg according to the article) is extremely qualified to do the work she has been hired to do. There has been a lot of chatter here about other people some of you think are not qualified. So give it a rest. Time will tell.

  54. He fired the black lady to replace her with two white people. How does that look ?

  55. I said all along Little Bobby is useless. You can see he's a dope and when he opens his mouth it's proof. Quite frankly Joe is correct and Wic needs an outsider because all the moron born here's have done is turning the lower shore into a shithole. This area should be paved with gold, a huge land of opportunity given it's close proximity to the ocean. This place should be dotted with expensive farms and polo playing clubs. A simple dated 3 bdrm rancher on 2 or 3 acres should be selling for $300,000. But it's not because quite frankly the born here's don't have the intelligence or the guts. The only one I see with any b**** is Sheriff Mike Lewis.

  56. LOL thanks for the laugh. Like some 2 bit like her that's hardly been off the eastern shore for more than a few day has any experiencing with media consulting. If you are going to do something like this at least get someone with top notch credentials and not some goofy shore bumpkin who has no real experience at all.

  57. Bob needs to stop smoking what they are growing on the farm and wise up. Take a good look at this woman's friends.

  58. Cathy B is out for Cathy B and Cathy B only.

  59. If Wayne can quench his thirst on county time at the ring of 100 k plus the grunt should be able to quench his thirst too. Just typical double standards everywhere you work.

  60. Culver is a joke! Plain and simple! He has nothing of this counties best interest at heart. I wonder if he's the new guy to know or the one to blow? Either way he's is sure keeping that good old boy connection strong!

  61. Like 8:05 said alcohol and drugs are what keep parks department going but with liberals running no big deal even though it's against county policy. Now with crew leaders getting $5k raises I wonder how much will go toward retirement or their families and how much will go to there liquid breakfast and marijuana lunch. If you don't believe,test them.

    1. 12:37, that is just stupid. The same percentage of that raise will go to the mandatory retirement.

  62. Just what the county needs, another drunk on the payroll.

  63. Joe first of all Bob Culver is not a conservative, when he was on the council he played that way so he could run against Pollitt and he fooled a lot of people. Bassett's job is only to try to make Bob look good to the public and it won't work as he has already cooked his goose. If you remember Bassett ran the Gilchrest campaign and even with her husband at the Daily Times slamming Andy Harris every day she managed to lose that one. Culver is to much of an ass to take good advice and to damm dumb to come up with any good idea's of his own.

  64. Is she a drunk? I wouldn't know her if I fell over her but she does have the looks of a habitual alcohol user/abuser. All sunken in and bloated looking at the same time. Top lip all but gone from loss of muscle function in her face from dehydration. Alcohol will do it to you every time.

  65. Joe.... You would have been a great person for this position. You tell it like it is. Truth of the matter is that the county is run pretty efficiently, I'm sure Bob has realized despite bad info. He received at the onset, is that the employees are hard working and have the taxpayers interests at heart. I'm sure he has also realized that with the budget available and the services expected there is no fat. Everyone talked about fat... Doesn't exist. Most citizens just need to be explained things because they assume too much. I would be curious what the payroll and expenses.... Especially fuel is now compared to 4 years ago. Now that there is only one take home vehicle in that department and I would guess the whole county. Not sure the numbers are there to justify. Too many knee jerk reactions and trying to fix things that ain't broke. Attention should be paid in other areas. Like job growth and Economic Development, where are we at with that building anyway.

  66. I think it is time to reconsider an elected County Executive. It isn't working. We would be much better off with a national talent search, paying a good salary to someone with education and world class experience. That would be the smart move, but the yokel bumpkins would never allow it. They are reaping what they have sown for years. The problem is they are taking the rest of us down with them.

    1. You'd end up with same BS the city got when STEVENSON was literally given the administrator position.

  67. if Wicomico county did drug and alcohol testing on employees there would be lots of job openings

    1. 7:35, they do drug and alcohol testing.

  68. It's a shame when our electoral process fails us so frequently and miserably as it has in this area. Cronyism is rampid. This woman isn't even qualified for the job she has just been asked to hold - not by election. Frankly, I've worked with her husband and underwhelmed puts it mildly. The Daily Times and the Independent or whatever his quirky little paper is call are both sub par papers that basically traffic trash journalism; filled with nonsense about local news that equates to gossip in print. Nothing you couldn't get from a Sunday morning having breakfast at Dayton's.

  69. Parks and rec has a nice group of men on the force.This is total B.S about the alcohol and drugs. They do not need all this crap right before the biggest money maker the county has is about to start. These guys and gals always pull off each event they put on.

  70. She's a great choice. All you being critical of her; do you even know her? I doubt you do. Albero you just come off as jealous and petulant. You have zero qualifications.

  71. Cathy Bassett? God help us all. She is the spinner of all spinners.

  72. Bassett is nothing more than a paid campaign manager for Culver at the taxpayers expense.

  73. 9:50, Jealous, seriously? My job here is to deliver news and information. This IS news. You act as if "I" put up all the comments here. So you think "I" want or wanted that job, I think not. I just turned away an $80.00 an hour, (60 hours a week) job offer and a very gravy job at that.

    Considering the press releases and Facebook posts were almost childish, I can see why the Executive's Office chose to bring in a professional. However, what YOU DON'T KNOW is that they already had someone as a consultant on the books who was rarely ever used and is far more professional and experienced then Cathy Bassett. However, they hired Cathy behind their back for absolutely no reason whatsoever. This is why we know this was a Good Ol' Boy move.

    Cathy Bassett did NOTHING to help Bob get elected and or ever showed any support towards Bob. Nor did Wayne Strausburg. Now did the Daily Times, WMDT, WBOC, are you following the bouncing ball or are you that stupid?

    One only has to open their eyes to see Culver is being played like a puppet and has no leadership skills, professionalism or background. We voted for Culver for JOBS, leadership, a major change in the Executive's Office, Department Heads, how's it working for you now?

    So you want to call me jealous, bite me. I know leadership and this is not leadership. It's cowering down to Liberal demands and in the end it will come back to bite Bob. You just wait and see.

  74. Well said ! Joe touches all the bases here with the facts.

  75. Culver has failed as a County Executive! He should stop listen to his HR Director too.

  76. 10:08 that would also explain the actions of JW. Guess she got booted by Bob! Maybe he finally woke up to her. That's the funniest part of all.

  77. Hanging out in the bars downtown has really paid off.

  78. I feel like we are back in the tricky Ricky world again. Seriously Bob. Get your head out of your backside. Desperation isn't a good way to lead.

  79. WTF is wrong with Bob Culver!! I know he is your friend Joe, or at least you think he is, but it is obvious that he is using you and your blog for his own benefit.

    Who in their right mind would hire Cathy Bassett for anything. She is the most liberal turd out there and she knows how to suck up to people to get what they want.

    I hope this is a position that the County Council can cut.

    Bob Culver's true colors are showing!!

  80. Anonymous said...
    Isn't this a conflict of interest since her husband runs The Salisbury Independent?

    July 8, 2016 at 7:11 PM

    Why would it be a conflict of interest you dumb moron. Second, that is not her husband.

    Pay attention you IDIOT!!

  81. Correction: "Liberal Cathy Bassett Joins Conservative Wicomico County Executive Bob Culver's Executive Office"

    Bob Culver is no Conservative. Thank you. Wasting money on a free money scholarship and year 2 on an economic development office that is empty. Give me a break.

  82. The PIO Tamara Brooks should sue, he kicked her to the curb and hired Kenny and Bassett.

  83. Anonymous said...
    What is that Kenny woman doing then? I thought she was taking care of everything for Culver.

    July 8, 2016 at 7:23 PM

    Another JOKE!!

    It's a pay back for his election. You know like paying back Mike Lewis for getting the FOP to support him in return they get massive pay raises as well as 20 brand new cars.

  84. Anonymous said...
    Good looking wool.

    July 8, 2016 at 7:31 PM

    Good looking?? Oh grosss! Greg Bassetts ex. UGH

  85. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The PIO Tamara Brooks should sue, he kicked her to the curb and hired Kenny and Bassett.

    July 10, 2016 at 12:58 PM

    No Dummy! Rikki let her go so she could collect unemployment.

  86. Bernie Culver the Wicomico County Executive for one term only.

  87. Anonymous said...
    I've seen a slow down trend with progress in this county. Culver is slipping to the left a little , I don't know why. The head of Parks and Recreation is a total loss , his leadership skills suck(Steve Miller). Mr. Miller is a true democrat. But , the entire country has swayed to the left. Things look bad people.

    July 8, 2016 at 7:57 PM

    That was another abortion of Bob's. Almost as bad as hiring that idiot reject of Barrie Tilghman and Mike Dunn. What's his name, oh yeah. WIILLLLBBBBUUUURRRR!

  88. Anonymous said...

    I'm still waiting for that Arrogant Strawberry to be dismissed. Just because you find another hiding place for our county car at a bar doesn't make qualifications for the serious job.

    July 9, 2016 at 5:50 AM

    He should have been dismissed 6 months into the job, but Bub Cullbur is toooo dum two undur stan da job.

  89. I hear the wolves are at Bob Culver's door

  90. Big Mistake Bob! Big Mistake!

    We hired YOU to get away from the Democrat way of running things. I can't believe you are that dumb. No wonder you are a failure at running businesses. Case in point your failed restaurant. You should not be making these stupid decisions.

  91. Seems this woman is massively unpopular here in Wicomico. Looks like Bob made a career-breaking mistake. Too bad he didn't seem to do his homework.

  92. Hey Bob, do your remember those checks I wrote you for your campaign?? You are done!

  93. Has anyone notice that Bob Culver has gotten a little tight with Salisbury's reject Mike Dumb!

  94. Damn the torpedoes. Looks like Culver's sunk his own Battleship. Why would you purposely hire someone who is the very reason many of your voters voted for you. All I can do is smh in disgust. Lastly, Ms. Bassett, I'd quit if I were you because life is hard enough without adding to it by being hated by so many people. Doesn't sound like anyone here is any too happy you've been hired.

  95. Everyone has mentioned a lot of dumb moves by Culver. Two things stand out to me. He should have gotten rid of Strausburg (RINO) a long time ago. I can understand keeping him a few months (maybe) to learn the ropes, but time is well past when he should have been let go. The Bassett hire seems like a Strausburg thing to me. She and her ilk are in his circle of friends. All so impressed with themselves and each other. Gag.

    Second, Culver is pandering to the liberals and the the people who think they are the "cool kids" in town. Voters expected change from Culver. There has been very little change. It seems he can find money to do liberal things, but couldn't scrape together enough money to offer a decent salary for a proficient economic development director. We need jobs, not free education for kids who will have no jobs to go to. Backward thinking at its best, or should I say worst!

  96. To the person who commented about Wilbur.

    Wilbur and Kenney are tight. Follow those dots...are you seeing the picture now?

  97. So, who is the top dog in Culver's office now? Strasburg, Kenny or Bassett?

    Culver seems to be easily swayed.

  98. This is all so disturbing. This mess is not what I voted for. Almost every week Culver does something that is inexplicable for a "conservative". HE IS NOT A CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN. I won't be fooled again.

  99. Interesting point 12:19, unless the charter states differently for the executive department, I believe the Council must approve all new positions.

  100. So many issues would go away if we only had ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. Culver is desperately trying to do other things to take our attention off his FAILURE with economic development. It is time for people to hold him accountable. Renting office space prior to having a person in place and then basically saying "oops" to the taxpayers for that waste of money. Give me a break.

  101. 1:40 AMEN! AMEN! AMEN!

  102. 1:43 If I'm not mistaken, Ms. Kenney was on the Charter Review Committee that recommended the Executive form of government.

  103. The HR director is setting the county up for lawsuits. Bob needs to learn who to listen to, not rush to judgement and think about unintended consequences. If he would listen to the people in certain positions, who know how things have to be done , rather than those who were scorned employees that fed him bad info he would be a lot better off.

  104. I agree. Culver is a failure on economic development. We need someone who has had experience with major corporations and industries AND that knows life exists beyond Wicomico County and the Eastern Shore. How can you expect a failed, small businessman to do anything with economic development? I'm not sure he'd recognize it, if it hit him in the face.

  105. Another new hiring with out a job posting. Bob is looking very bad in a lot of people eyes now. Morale is awful and many looking to get out.

  106. how many of culvers business have succedded

  107. I agree with 10 02, when the parks workers put down their joints and 24 ouncers they do some fine work, mgt just needs to keep looking the other way (as usual)

  108. She's been hired to replace Wayne Strausburg. Get it now?

  109. Took you awhile Joe, but you're seeing the culver we saw as employees and we can't support him, let HR Drector fire a person or two because she disagreed with them. One lawsuit won by a former employee, could others finally stand up for what's right.

  110. There are frequent comments about drugs and drinking in Rec and Parks. What is Culver doing about it? Enough has been said publicly that the public should be updated by his office.

    Before they hide behind "it's a personnel matter", they could address the problem in general terms. First, they can acknowledge that there is a public concern and that they are doing random testing, site inspections without notice, etc. If it is disgruntled employees who are stirring the pot, then deal with that.

    Is this being ignored because Culver hasn't cleaned his own house yet?

    Why don't they circle back with an answer?

  111. Just a bunch of bumpkins trying to run a county
    From Culver on down.
    Culver won't fool anyone next election
    You and Cannon will be history

  112. All this being said what can be done about the city side of this ongoing problem ??? It's nothing more of the same ol same popularity contest meet up for drinks scenario

  113. I saw her and Jackie Wellfooder walking into the Bricks drag show last week,

  114. This has been very enlightening. I had no idea so many people feel the same way I do about Culver, his office and the way he is running things.

    I particularly liked the image of Bernie Bob and Hillary Cathy. Really funny!

  115. Bob was the biggest reimbursement requester ever while on Council. Now he goes everywhere in the Tahoe with Taxpayer gas and dares any county employee to submit mileage or reimbursement. Can you say hypocrite? His fuel savings reports are a joke... Only includes certain departments.

  116. They are doing random drug and alcohol on site testings in all locations including rec and parks.This is a dead horse find another to ride.What these people are being paid is grossly under what the private sector makes

  117. Let's face it your stuck with Bob until his term is up. Employees and citizens need to protest by flooding the council with their objections to his policy and tell them to ressurebobby to terminate some of his cronies. Stand up for what you believe in or shut up and watch the show.

  118. Retirees first, employees next. Look at pay disparities between line employees, supervisors and Directors.

  119. when was the last person at rec and parks "randomely tested"

    1. 7:05, this month. It is also done by DOT requirements. There is s non DOT pool as well. As someone else said, you are beating a dead horse. Find another one to ride. You are wrong, let it go.

  120. 5:59 It appears that Jackie Wellfooder hangs a lot with Democrats and the liberals. and always has to be with alcohol.

  121. i will not be supporting Bobby next election! He and a couple others will not get my support.


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