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Sunday, July 10, 2016

Sheriff Mike Lewis Puts It On The Line Against President Obama

I was recently tipped off that Sheriff Mike Lewis opened up in a Daily Times article attacking President Obama stating, The president "encourages Black Lives Matter to challenge law enforcement at every level," Lewis says. "He clearly does not like law enforcement."

Lewis went on to say, "I'm holding Barack Hussein Obama responsible for what's going on in the country," 

Do you agree with Sheriff Lewis. Is President Obama racist against law enforcement?


  1. Just goes to show everyone how STUPID Sheriff Mike Lewis is. This country was in deep trouble before Obama took office.

    What's going on with this country (ALL THE TROUBLE) is because of LAW BREAKING police officers JUST LIKE Sheriff Mike Lewis.

    1. That is utter BS on so many levels! We are literally experiencing another civil war. Its not the community against cops, it's the issue of a couple of white cops shooting a black man. This is the race card being pulled. Obama has encouraged the hate and has not tried to unite!

    2. Go mike its not a race card it's the truth. Statistic show only 14 percent of blacks were killed its a fact Obama doesn't like cops he wants to start a race war against man

    3. It's starts from the top, zero leadership in the white house! He is a coward a traitor and is not competent to hold the position of anything more than a community organizer. Labeling all law enforcement as bad or law breaking is like Labeling all black citizens as rebellious or unruly as the actions of very few. Wake up

    4. Wake up America... He quick to blame Obama but nobody blamed either of the Bushes,Regan,hellany other U.S president who slowed all this shoot to get this far.Only blame him because he black.Pure prejudice is all this is about, besides an attention seeking whore of a sheriff... #BLACKLIVESMATTER

    5. You raisist left wing idiots you are slaves to Democrats and to stupid to see when the shit hits the fan y-all the first ones thrown under the buss

    6. Law enforcement abuse their power. Knowing at times their shield protects them to certain aspects of the law. African Americans are just another number in some eyes, they feel like it doesn't matter if they don't see their families or they will just land in jail . This land we walk on was built on the natives we are all foreigners. Give those with color a fighting chance to live. Law enforcement is trained to defuse a situation without lethal force. So Stop abusing your power.

    7. All of this is a plot to bring in martial law and for another thing when this does happen martial law it will allow Obama to remain president that's why this whole presidential race has been a joke to keep your minds off of the bigger agenda!!! New World Order!!!! People need to read Revelations this is and will happen it's unfolding right in our faces!!!!

    8. That's the dumbest thing I have heard in a while. Of course, blame the President. No sir, blame the system allowing tbe bad cops to get away with their nonsense. Not all police officers are bad. The ones that are, need to go. They have no business with a badge and no matter who you are, if you do wrong you need to be punished accordingly. Just like everyone else. Police officers are not above the law. The system continues to let them get away with it

  2. Obama is racist against everybody who is not a Muslim. You can expect him to try to declare Martial Law any time now..

  3. how can one be racist against an organization? but anyway, yes I believe obammys are racist, as are most in this area.

  4. Absolutely not. Lewis is a little man with a big mouth.

  5. Of course I agree , even most idiots know that obama is a racist and hates whites or white officers.

    1. I completely agree 100%!!!! The only reason he made it to office is because someone wanted to make history. He was not qualified to be in office. He does not respect the law, the country or anything we stand for. He is a big part of the reason this country is falling apart. Intentionally bringing in terrorists as well as blaming the law for the problems he has called. Punishing the good people trying to help other while protecting those who do the harm. And is more focused on the entertainment industry than running a country and protecting it's people.

  6. I like mike. king Hussein Osama is the criminal muslim

  7. Obama and Hillary believe in the Alinsky principle "By Any Means Necessary". Not coincidentally, the group planning to disrupt the Republican convention uses the acronym BAMN. Obama stokes racial tensions to advance gun control and centralization of power agendas. The lives lost are just collateral damage in the liberal's push toward implementing their agenda.

    Martin Luther King must be rolling over in his grave.

  8. Obama sided with Henry Louis Gates, and called the White Officer stupid.

    Obama said if he had a son, he'd look like Trayvon, and forced the DOJ to investigate that shooting(with nothing to show for it).

    Obama sent multiple representatives to Mike Brown's funeral, for what purpose?

    Obama is not a uniter, he is an inciter!

  9. I am not a fan of Obama and I have law enforcement among my family but I see police officers this day in time just as out of control as the ones committing crimes. Why would a man get shot and killed for reaching for his license? This man had a tail light out for Gods sake! I would bet Mike Lewis would find this justifiable? Yes people commit crimes and should have their day in court. Let the judges decide what punishment is given. The police do not have a right to beat or kill people unless they fear for their own life but I believe they also use that to their advantage for their unnecessary behaviors at times.

    1. We have no idea what happened prior to the girlfriend video taping the aftermath. Facts first!

    2. The broken taillight isn't the reason they were stopped but the excuse for stopping them

    3. The broken taillight probably was the only reason the cop pulled them over! It happens everyday including here in Salisbury, MD. Mike Lewis had no right to say that the president is at fault for anything! all this shit was happening way before the president took office. These racist cops out here either have to be trained or removed from duty!!! GTFOH with that b.s.

  10. Aside from the problems our country was in before Obama,as 8:15 put it,Mike is clearly isolating his opinions to law enforcement.I totally agree that the country was in deep trouble before Obama took office.

  11. Oooweee, tough guy layomg it on the line there. Im pretty sure the President will be shaking over big Mike's statement.

    And im sorry, but since when xan one be "racist" against a choice of occupation? Please put on your thinking caps people.

  12. I agree with Mike 100%. I admire someone with guts enough to tell it like it is instead of weak leftwing liberals blaming everyone but the real source.Keep up the good word Mike.

  13. The sheriff should form a citizen militia to help him.

  14. Yes, we agree with Sheriff Lewis

  15. I have to agree with Sheriff Lewis! Counting the days until Barack Hussein Obama is out of here and praying Trump is in! So sick and tired of hearing Black Lives Matter!

    1. You're an idiot. So you're tired of hearing it, huh? You're tired of hearing that Blacks are human? That Black lives matter as much as other races? You see no problem with this?

  16. I could not agree more with Sheriff Lewis. I am waiting for the day when we sweep this dung pile from the white house.

  17. 8:41

    Just like a typical liberal carnival barker you cherry pick facts to suit your agenda.

    The guy was shot because he went for his gun. If you cared to do further research, you would have seen the picture of the gun on the guys lap.

    but i guess that doesn't fit your warped view.

    Also, there was a BOLO and police thought the guy met the description.

    You liberals are about to break the straw on the camels back.

    may your chains rest lightly on you.

  18. Obama and his administration have done a lot to aggravate this problem; as late as yesterday Loretta Lynch was 'encouraging' BLM to not give up the fight.

    Obama has made a number of comments in recent weeks that would tend to justify demonstrations and civil disobedience, while at the same time trying to appear as if he does not condone it.

    You can't have it both ways.

    Our first 'black' president is in a unique and powerful position to affect this situation. How he handles it shows how he really feels about it. If he WANTS to bring a calming influence to it, he can.

    Or he can keep stoking and provoking it through his minions, as he has been.

    What are you made of, Mr. President? Do you want to help to bring us together and help to heal the divisions, or do you need to inflame them to achieve some agenda?

  19. This is Obama's America. 8 years ago it was predicted that race relations would get worse under Obama.

  20. I agree with Sheriff Lewis. We are blessed to have people like him protecting us.

  21. I agree with Lewis. Ohbamha has had Louis Farkhan and Sharpton in the White House over 80 times since he has been in office. These are race baiters with an agenda. Since he has been in Office his hometown of Chiraq has had over 3500 black on black murders. He has not once addressed or reached out to his people to stop the killing. The man invited the BLM into the White House. Right after they chanted in New York 'What do we want dead cops. When do we want it now" Yup I would invite the racist bigoted bastards to my house. He has incited this racial disparity. The fact is police killing blacks is down by 67% in the last ten years check the UCR. However Black on white crime is up. Black on Black crime up over 50% since OHBAMMY took office. Sorry Black America you have proven you did not flourish under Ohbammy 58% more blacks on food stamps since he took office.

    Speak up Libtards !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like Mike or Not. Ohbammy is a failure and a racist

    1. It's just as many whites on food stamps as well get your facts straight not all blacks are on food stamps i work for the state u would b surprised how many white gwt assistance

  22. I agree 100% but add Democrats and Loretta Lynch to that.

  23. Part of a statement Obama made after the Dallas shooting: "There is no possible justification for these kinds of attacks or any violence against law enforcement," Obama said, speaking from the NATO summit in Poland that he is attending. "Anyone involved in the senseless murders will be held fully accountable. Justice will be done."

    And by the way before some misinformed somebody says, Obama doesn't care enough to come back and deal with this you should know that he is cutting his European trip short and will be back very soon.

    Many of you people have selective hearing and vision and seem to lack the ability for complex thought. It makes for an interesting but sad study. I have to include Lewis in the study too.

    1. Are you ok with al sharpton being one of his advisers? Are you ok that he grew up surrounded by communists? Facts not fiction. Do you think it is possible he could have been negatively influenced by his father, mother, grand parents or any guardian that was in the communist or socialist party

    2. I just feel that its very unprofessional for a Sheriff to make such a statement. It was a biast opinion that should have never been stated from someone who works for such a diverse community. Who is supposed to have a non biast view, but a fair view. The community is already in a state of confusion and emotional distress over who to trust and it makes it hard for the community to trust someone who shares so openly what could be seen as racially motivated statement. Right now the community here in wicomico county needs to feel we can trust our law enforcement. He should have tried to reassure the community and reach out to our community in light of the tragic happening all over the country. We all need to respect each other Political comments as such should have not been made as well as his personal feeling towards black lives matter movement in such a negative hateful way.

  24. Obama is an instigator. He wants to divide not unite because a divided country is easier to overtake. Although so many refuse to admit it, he is America's number 1 most dangerous resident. He has people falling in line to carry out his agenda and they need to be stopped while there is still time. Americans need to wake up by taking the time to see what Obama is doing. It really doesn't take much to see the obvious.

  25. "We" are proud to have Mike as our leader of Wicomico County. Keep on keeping on Mike!!

    1. Wicomico County, No jobs, Racism, no real education system,the jail was built on stolen land because a black man wouldn't sell it. Judges that are drug addicts, guilty of being bribed w/ no consequences. Yeah that Mike Lewis is a stand up guy sarcastically speaking. In order to be a good cop you have to weed out the bad ones. Wicomico County streets aren't safe so Wtf is he really doing? Oh yeah, making the streets safer for #WHITEAMERICA

  26. 10:18 You are such a good little obamanista. You people are so dumb. It's pathetic and really quite disgusting how dumbed down you fools are. Anyone with a brain knows why he is coming back and what the Dallas visit is going to focus on....Gun Control. Just watch. The democrats will be back doing their House of Reps stompy feet sit-in to time exactly with the date of the speech the pervert in chief will deliver in Dallas.
    Now grow a brain 10:16 and start using it you disgusting fool!!!!

    1. First of all I'm not a obamanista. How would you know that cause I do not go around spilling out to the world my personal or political or racial views. That's my personal business and I don't hate anyone or call names like you just did. Calling me a disgusting fool. You need Jesus in your life. Respect is earned its not given. So with that said you grow a brain, and read the bible, because you sound pathetic and quite disgusting. I actually would like to see peace among all of us. I understand how hard it is to be a Police Officer and deal with people when they are angry and mad and crazy pissed off. Its a hard job yes but its your duty to keep peace in your community when speaking out about a topic like that. The community's are scared as well and have a right to be. Its very alarming. Its not fair to blame anyone for what a mentally unstable person chooses to do. However it is your job to keep this community safe and to gain trust of the community.

  27. That shows how ignorant the lower shore really is!!! This guy isn't protecting anyone but himself and his inner circle

  28. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I agree with Mike 100%. I admire someone with guts enough to tell it like it is instead of weak leftwing liberals blaming everyone but the real source.Keep up the good word Mike.

    July 9, 2016 at 8:51 AM

    the real source is US/we the people. We allow it to happen, we encourage it to happen, and we reward those who make it happen.

  29. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Just like a typical liberal carnival barker you cherry pick facts to suit your agenda.

    The guy was shot because he went for his gun. If you cared to do further research, you would have seen the picture of the gun on the guys lap.

    but i guess that doesn't fit your warped view.

    Also, there was a BOLO and police thought the guy met the description.

    You liberals are about to break the straw on the camels back.

    may your chains rest lightly on you.

    July 9, 2016 at 9:04 AM

    wow, anotherr one who 'sees' things that nobody else does.

    Joe, let these liars post links to their magical pics and claims. I refuse to waste my time looking for these red herrings


  31. It doesn't matter what Mike Lewis thinks. The ONLY thing that matters is what LEE STEVENS thinks!!! Somebody find him and interview HIM!!!!

  32. Hussein and his thugs are racist toward this whole Country and have been all along. Said that Lewis only stands up for his badged brothers and not for the rest of this Country! Your just as racist Lewis...

    1. Muslim is NOT a race...it's prejudism! Educate yourself before you try to educate others!

  33. While crooks thieves and liars destroy this Sate and Country...you DO nothing. Now that your gang is taking bullets your paying attention. Your oath is to your uniform not this County, State or Country!

  34. Mike is a clown! Saw him on wboc last night! He has three stars on his collar like he's a general in the army! You'd think he'd rate himself a four star! Surprised hes not five star like all the hotels he stays in playing Hollywood!

    1. A sheriff wears stars. They add stars for each time they're reelected. He's been elected three times.

    2. 12:09 Please educate yourself before making stupid,utterly stupid comments.

  35. 8:54 he already has a militia group! Those wild uncontrollable deputies he has!

  36. The police need to leave Americans alone.
    Stop enforcing victim-less crimes.
    Stop taking people's property and harassing us.
    Leave us alone.

    We will let you know when we need your assistance.
    Investigate and solve real crimes.

    As for Barry and his boyfriend Michael.
    Well, how pathetic can one person become?
    What an absolute fake individual.
    And totally compromised, which means controlled by his handlers in intelligence.

    The media is trying desperately to start a race war.
    White people will have nothing to do with it.
    Most intelligent black people will have nothing to do with it.

    So now they are using the thug cops who are very poorly trained and full of ego. They take these thugs after "serving" in one of the illegal wars and then they sic them on the American people.

    The people have had enough of it.

    1. Please don't be one of those drug users who thinks drug use is victimless. Almost every burglary and theft is tied to an addict. People overdose daily.

  37. This is what eight years of having a Communist street agitator as President will get you.

  38. I would wholeheartedly agree...I hope my spelling is all correct!

  39. So what you white people are saying is their was no race related problems or black men and police officers having issues prior to Obama in office. Lmao I know I was only 10 at the time but didn't I see Rodney King get beat for 4 minutes on tape on the ground not resisting in like 1991? Oh yeah Obama did it. You'll just need to be honest and say you hate the fact we have a BLACK MAN as president. I mean Bush sent your husband's and daughters and sons and wives to fight for oil after 9/11 and no of you ever mention that. Why is it we can go years looking for FBI'S most wanted but a young black man can't even make it to court to defend himself

    1. Yes there were issues before Obama took office! However, he has continued to divide the country! He has not brought any people up black or white! He brings them down...welfare is up, jobs are down! Education is being dumbed down through Common Core and Race to the Top! We need to stop looking at people's skin color or religion and look at their intelligence and ability! BLM is no better than the KKK! Hate breeds hate and Obama and his administration are perpetuating that hate! Black people follow him blindly, so do most Democrats. I thought he'd make a positive change, start trying to get rid of the identifications of race and religion, but he fell right into it! Keeping it going and pushing it harder! Dr. King is rolling in his grave and wondering WTH is going on? WHY did this BLACK man not help heal race issues but pepetrate it more! He could've been a defining influence in getting rid of the stigma but he fell right into the government line and continued the great divide! I don't care what color your skin is, what religion you are, what sex you are what your sexual orientation is...I just want to live my life and be happy, be a positive part of my friends and family's lives! I don't know what the answer is, but I think closing our eyes to the above and just looking at humans as other humans is a good way to start!

    2. Holy crap how stupid can you be? Are you that indoctrinated you don't know we have been are war in the Middle East the entire time Obama has been in office? His drone strike policy as killed more women and kids then any other war. It's the longest war of American involvement in American history. Please.

  40. You folks are missing the hidden agenda. Ob'is creating these problems so you will not notice that he is filling the country with Muslims who are hell-bent on taking over the country....

  41. Years of good cops turning a blind eye to thug cops is coming to a head with the help of these congressional crooks {whom have a much larger goal}Ive not personally seen it with the sheriffs dept, but the criminal acts of some of the troopers that pass threw here are ridiculous and worse yet are those of you like Lewis who just let it roll...all over cheap traffic tickets mostly, eventually it makes all the badges look tarnished. Years of allowing law breaking within your own departments is now being taken advantage of by higher crooks with civil unrest as one of its tools to destroy this Country. You, like others in powerful positions have been derelict of duty...chasing cheap tricks while letting powerful blatant political criminals go untouched. Many people of all walks of life will soon be paying the price because good men done nothing.

  42. Mike Lewis. Whatever.
    Obama is a racist, a Marxist, obviously closet Islamist and a diligent purveyor of the Ideals and tactics of Saul Alinskys Rules for Radicals and Communist manifesto.
    Law enforcement is a device he uses to foment hate on both sides. Hate that law enforcement stands down and watches in St. Louis and Baltimore while blocks burn instead of kicking butt and cleaning up, as well as hate towards law enforcement based on a lie and a slogan like hands up don't shoot.
    The major defining problem in the United States on one hand is approximately 13% of the population commits 70% of violent crime and has a seemingly hereditary penchant for primitive mob action. Obama just loves a violent demonstration that pits groups against one another.
    On the other hand is Government as an oppressive mercenary force and judicial system backed by the legislature spying on every aspect of life and stealing from its citizenry.

    I don't see any possibility of turning things around. Obama has done irreversible damage. America is more divided than ever. Communists love to see the once great CAPITALIST nation with its knees buckling under the socialist philosophies of its enemies.

  43. Yup it's Obama fault.. because ADULTS are for the actions of another ADULTS.. I guess thugs are not thugs because it's there fault but thugs are thugs because Wal-mart and Perdue won't hire them.. silly Americans.. silly political talk.. silly people

  44. How's the saying go?? HISTORY WILL REPEAT ITSELF !!! The poor me mentality I'm always a victim to what the white man dies is BS!!!

  45. How's the saying go?? HISTORY WILL REPEAT ITSELF !!! The poor me mentality I'm always a victim to what the white man does is BS!!!

  46. Obama has had it out for law enforcement since day 1. To Hell with all of you talking trash about Mike Lewis!

  47. It is shocking to me as an elected official and as a man who commands respect, you would think he would have more respect for the president of the United States - I mean you don't have to agree or even like the president, but come on man show some class - who the hell do you think you are? You are basically blaming the president for what happened in Dallas. You are clearly a racist and you better hope that the black lives matter movement doesn't get organize in Salisbury and turn out and vote, because with statements like that - you will be voted right out of office. I wonder is Mike thinks Donald Trump is going to bring this country together?? Clearly, he does!

    1. Well said...the President has been blamed for a lot of things that don't make sense. If someone gets run over by a bus
      they will blame Obama.

  48. 11:35 Go to The Last Refuge and before you criticize the site let me inform you that they were 100 percent right with the Geo Zimmerman case, the Ferguson case, so far with the Innocent Baltimore 6 case and all the other ones they involve themselves with. You can check that out too yourself.
    So head on over to The Last Refuge so you can choke on your words!
    When it is all revealed to be 100% on point be sure to reveal yourself so I can smash, smear and rub in your face the I TOLD YOU SO!

  49. 11:35 KARE11 TV has the transcripts of the dispatch on their site. “I’m going to stop a car,” the officer says on the recording. “I’m going to check IDs. I have reason to pull it over.”

    “The two occupants just look like people that were involved in a robbery,” the officer says. “The driver looks more like one of our suspects, just ‘cause of the wide set nose,” the officer continues."

    Copied directly from their site. There is also a video of the girlfriend speaking at a rally and I will be sure and post a link for you as soon as I find them where she says he had a problem getting his license out of his pocket because the gun was in the way. Let's set the record straight here and now. The person you say is lying isn't. Do you understand. Just because you have issues with accepting what is the absolute truth doesn't mean everyone else has your lack of honesty. Do you understand.

  50. He'd a big talker just like those idiots on twitter talking about the Dallas shootings.

  51. You know what the problem is people?
    Lewis is an idiotic racist riot-instigating Thug!


  52. The president "encourages Black Lives Matter to challenge law enforcement at every level"
    "He clearly does not like law enforcement"
    But, both statements are something that most reasonable citizens have know for nearly eight years.

    "I'm holding Barack Hussein Obama responsible for what's going on in the country"
    Of course this idiot is responsible, he is holding the position of leader of this country.

    I don't know the reasoning for the remarks that the good sheriff made because I am not qualified to get into his mind. I agree with him, but am concerned it doesn't come back to bite the WCSO and staff with unwanted attention.

  53. 8 years of Obama has now put us in the most racial tension I've seen in last 35 years. At least Bush had us unified

  54. I agree 100% with Mike he and Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke who is black by the way need to speak out together.

  55. Man there's a storm brewing here whites against blacks Muslims against anyone american.. How in the world do you people think this country will survive this chaos

  56. This Coward is ALL talk. Lewis has no morals or integrity, who cares what he thinks? Why is this even in that crappy paper? Doesn't this screwed up town have more important relevant news to report? Lewis sucks!

  57. 3:27 Real Muslims from the Middle East can't stand blacks so it's one of those enemy of my enemy things. In the Middle East they still import blacks up from Africa for slaves.

  58. Lewis is right and a good cop

  59. Muslims don't like blacks. Around DC when a Muslim is brought to the hospital they know to not let a black doctor or nurse around the patient. Their hatred of blacks is so deep they would rather die then be treated by a black medical professional. The Quran makes reference in many places to blacks and to put it mildly they are not thought of highly at all.

  60. 4:24
    That is the truth! Mohammed referred to blacks in the hadith as 'raisin heads' and 'pug nosed slaves'.

  61. 2:32
    Don't pair the two up, there is no comparison. They were both on television one time and no disrespect for Lewis, but he was not comfortable in that setting if you remember his body language. Clark is quite the spokesman.

  62. A scary volume of anti presidential racist hatred. Where is Mr. Lewis's respect for our commander in chief. Lewis should be impeached!

  63. He is absolutely correct!!!!

  64. Out the mouths of the ignorant spews ignorance. I am black and I am not a Obama supporter. I did not like Bush for nothing but I respected him because he d let you know I'm the head white man in charge unapologetically. Obama racist. Lol. Whites calling him black and blacks calling him black. He no more black then he is white. He lack backbone at times in my opinion. However I do respect him. Gas is lower then it's been in years. Osama was caught. Had it been a white press parades and firecrackers would still be going. Let's be real at the end of the day if he did not have that drop of black blood, whites would love him. He loved his white family and THEY trained him in thought, they educated him. Only thing black about him is his swagger.

  65. Mike Lewis is a stupid instigator. All he wants to do is be in the news. What has he really done for Salisbury? It is worse than it has ever been. He is biased, he keeps the criminals in his family out of jail, of course thats what the people in power do. Look at the the Fruitland police chief...I won't go down the list of others. He can't and won't make a difference because of the hidden racism.

    1. Truth truth truth & more true

  66. Not true 6:13 not true at all. Obama could be blond haired blue eyed 100 percent Caucasian and I still would dislike him. He's a dishonest man whose word can never be trusted because of his perpetual liars. I don't tolerate liars in my own family or circle of friends and I'm sure as hell not going to put up with it in a 2 bit politician. You don't lie to me. I'm better then that. I have respect for myself. People earn my respect. I don't give it freely and just because of someone's title. Integrity means a lot to me. I couldn't stand Clinton either. He's a vulgar crude perverted dreg of society. His wife is no better. No woman worth a damm would put up with a man like that. I dislike George Bush too. I think he went into Iraq with too little info and not enough forethought.

    1. Sounds like u dnt like any one, & no one likes u.

  67. 6:13 What is it in you that allows you to respect a liar?

    1. The same thing that allows you to entertain this Web site. Apparently you don't comprehend... . The same thing that allows me to respect George Bush. I always try to see some good in people. Even you if I met you. I don't place my self on a gold throne & think in a I only matter & what I feel matters sense of mind.

  68. 5:35 You don't respect someone just because of a title. That's asinine. Respect is earned. Handing it out freely and it becomes diluted and meaningless. You only respect someone when they have proven they are honorable and are of good character.
    Respecting someone just because they are president!!!! I can't get over just how low some people's standards are!!!!!!! It's really disgraceful. Absolutely disgraceful.

  69. "Anonymous said...

    A scary volume of anti presidential racist hatred. Where is Mr. Lewis's respect for our commander in chief. Lewis should be impeached!

    July 9, 2016 at 5:35 PM"

    "racial" really? How about it's because Obama isn't a honorable man. He lies all the time. If you respect obama then it only proves you are a dishonest immoral person yourself.

  70. Not one commenter has mentioned that Obama is half white. He's not racist. He grew up in a household with a white mother and grandparents.

    1. Said it & I agree. 6:13. I think he is more Republican than Democrat. Except tht mess of immigration & health care.

  71. Lewis is full of it. People like he and Trump are causing the divide in this country. There are so many people out here that still cannot get over the fact we have a black president. Wait until we have our first woman president. Lol.

  72. "Anonymous said...

    Not one commenter has mentioned that Obama is half white. He's not racist. He grew up in a household with a white mother and grandparents.

    July 9, 2016 at 8:14 PM"

    Who knows. It's too the point where anything that's ever come out of his mouth is to be suspect.

  73. 9:14 Trump is causing the divide? That's a moronic thing to say. The racial divide has been happening for at least 4 yrs long before Trump came on the scene. What is it with you people and your lies. Also stop lying about it's because obama is black. FYI if Dr Ben Carson who is black were president I would be estatic and so would most of the people who dislike obama. Dr Carson is an honorable man. obama isn't. obama lies pathologically. obama is a crude and vulgar lying ghetto hustler not even worthy to breath the same air as honorable people. If you like him it only goes to show what a disgusting putrid degenerate you are.

  74. Dr Ben Carson would be the best thing to happen to this country in a long time. A man of integrity character

  75. After reading some of the negative comments on here about Lewis , I will tell all of you , if any of you had 10% of the balls and nerve Lewis has you would be a good men. However , all of you are swayed by the media here and elsewhere. You will need him very shortly , you will beg for his support.

  76. Democrats like Obama never run on strengthening America they only address social issues they perceive as problems ,They create their own victims to help in a big experiment causing chaos and destabilization.

  77. 8:16, You don't have the balls to post your name, so why should anyone take you seriously. Mike will do what he is PAID to do, his job. None of us are going to run around praising and thanking him for doing what he is PAID to do. Mike has become known as "little pot luck". Because there's a very little chance he'll actually be anywhere near work when something goes down.

    1. Love it. And I disagree with some things you say at times, but that's the beauty of adult, mature interaction. We respectfully agree to disagree then you praise when you can mutually agree

  78. Right on joe! Hit the nail on the head again!

  79. The bottom line is-If you support, respect, accept Obama then you need to do some serious introspection. He is not a good man. Just his lying alone people should not accept and if they do it only proves that person themselves is not a good person. When you accept a liar it only means you yourself are a dishonorable person with no morals, no integrity, no decency, no concept of right and wrong. To support Obama only means you have sunk so low that you are drowning in a cesspool of filth. Good, honest, moral and just people do not accept liars. There is no way around this. Obama is a test sent here to separate God's people from those who have let the devil in them. The choice is yours. You either rebuke the liar or you will pay the price when your last breath comes.

  80. Mike Lewis is entitled to his opinion just like every one who post on this site. I find it alarming that most of you do not see the hypocrisy in your statements. Your minds so bent by media or just the way you were raised. Either way you break it down Ohbama has been a complete failure. Mike Lewis retained more of the popular when contested and in recent elections ran uncontested. I say the majority has spoken on that issue. The minority that dislikes him is far outweighed by those that do.

    As for Blacks speaking of a handful of police killings that are in question please educate yourself. You do not own the corner when it comes to police killings. More white are killed every year by the police. Police are going to jail for bad killings let the system work. Police killing will never stop we do not pay these men and women to die serving us. As long as there is crime there will be police killings. The bad ones will be punished. While you are at it address the 3748 murders of young black men in Chicago since Ohbama took office. It is shameful I guess I would cry about the cops too if I were Black. Got to blame someone right. The hundreds of thousands of young black children with no father. Do I really need to go one.


    1. Clean up your race & if there are people in your race being wrongfully killed or abused by police, then speak out and create a our race matters cause. Trust Black people will not be mad. We dnt know what's happening with your race if you don't tell us. I dnt listen to your radio stations like I doubt u listen to mines. Cause if you did you d know blacks want nothing more than to be treated equally & are disgusted with what that fool did in Texas. My parent was a probation agent, a fair one who didnt see race, but saw safety.

  81. I don't post my name because people are cruel enough on this site and would post hateful comments while they would remaining anonymous. I say only post those comments who post their names, you'd probably only get about three or four comments per post.

  82. Without comment on either the President or the Sheriff, the only possible way to address the horrendous issues facing this country with the racial divide is not to pander or concede, but for rational people to address firmly and professionally that the law will be enforced by officers, both white and black, and that those who make the decision to kill or attempt to kill police officers will face the most severe consequences. On the other side, the shooting by the officer in Minnesota looks like a completely "bad shoot," although we don't know all of the circumstances leading up to it. If it's a bad shoot, then it needs to be addressed strongly and forcefully as well. Civil dialogue between people with differing views and beliefs has gone by the wayside. Until we as a country return to that civility, the divide will only continue to increase exponentially. I've just about given up hope for peaceful resolution, complete respect for law enforcement officers (I was one many years ago in a different era) and total respect for the law. If that's true, we're doomed to repeat many bad things from the 1960s.

    1. I agree. However the police need to also see that if they mistreat citizens no matter the race, or behave in a unlawful manner, that they will be punished by the law also & that's what's not been happening. That is why there is turmoil. I think more people don't realize everyone who s been affected by a rogue cop empathize & still morns for those innocent cops.



    All this BLM and Musim crap is being shoved in our faces to keep us preoccupied from something else. It is to keep us at each others throats to make way for our gov and powers that be steal our rights away from us.

    IGNORE the crap. Most of it false information anyway. Half of these shootings and crap are not even real. Look it up.

    Divided we are all weak and easy to control.
    United we are unstoppable.
    Just think about it.

  84. My advice: everybody needs to remain anonymous.
    At all times.

  85. I will not cast another vote for Mike Lewis. Ever! If he wishes to speak as a private citizen, then that's fine. But to make such hateful, devisive statements as an elected official, then he's stepped over the line.

    1. Right. Very unprofessional & in subordinate. To disagree is one thing but to push his whole political agenda & beliefs onto a community of diverse people he police & supervise is selfish, disrespectful & self absorbed.

  86. Amen 10:19 and as fro you 1:28 I am willing to bet you voted for him in the first place. You ring true of a Libtard. I am sure Mike would not want you vote.

  87. 1:28 PM I am in total agreement. Mike Lewis blaming Obama. What does he think he is doing if it is not the same thing. Where is his respect for his superiors? Yet he wants to say blacks are getting killed for failure to comply. HYPOCRITE. Just jumps on the bandwagon. Now he wants to act like he is so concerned about drug addiction in the communities. Wasn't concerned until he saw the number of young to middle aged caucasians that were dying. Sad because this has been an issue in black communities for years. Mike if you are going to call yourself a leader, be one at all times. Mike, remember that words have power therefore you should be careful about what you are putting out there. think before you speak.

    1. This should go for all SO CALLED leaders both government, police , and church!! HEAR this BILL CROPPER sounds like you and LEWIS suffer from the same Napoleon complex little man gotta be seen and heard.

  88. 08:15 Must have broken the law or one of his homeys did
    We need more like mike Lewis

  89. I am totally confused by the comments that President Obama is racist. His mother is white and his dad was African. He was raised by his mother and her parents he actually looks like his white grandfather except his skin tone. Just because people are upset because African Americans are being killed by police during simple traffic offenses does not mean a disliking of the police. It's the disliking of the police that unjustifiable use force and the are able to justify it to get of. Instead of pointing fingers try weeding out the bad cops because I have friends that are excellent officers that don't need to be caught up in the mess of someone else. Mike Lewis is acting like one of the ones that need to be voted out.

    1. 5:48 would you even comment if Alton or Castile had used the guns they had in them? Freddy Gray your hero too?

  90. Constitutionalism is KINGJuly 11, 2016 at 12:10 AM

    1122, you know, I'm getting a bit tired of hearing about all this BS about officers abusing their power. That's just misinformed BS. Nothing more. Blacks get in trouble more than Whites because they run, they lack respect and generally, do not respect law and order. If they wouldn't run or go against what LE tells them to do when asked, they would find their encounters with the Law a lot more friendly. Respect is as respect gets. When the perps are running, mouthing off, refusing to be handcuffed, refusing to even answer their names, etc., they show a lack of respect for the shield. There's no excuse of this. It's ridiculous that people like you tout about abusing power, well, blacks abuse the fact that they're a minority. They use this as their badge of courage - knowing the police are more reticent to stand up for themselves. As of late, with all the social unrest, police can't do their jobs as effectively to keep ALL citizens safe, not just your protected minority groups. The 14th Amendment in now way gave minorities a free pass to do what they wanted regardless of state and federal laws. We live in a law-ruled society and people are EXPECT to follow those laws. IF you can't do it, you get arrested. It's as simple as that. Deal with it. Maybe if Black people would quit abusing their protected status, they'd find their assimilation in our society a lot easier.

    Note: Bear in mind these derelicts are only a select few in our society. Most black people are law abiding people who desire the same as white people -- law and order. Therefore, this comment is by no means geared towards them. They're not the problem - some of their subculture is.

    1. U must be in your house all day living off your inheritance. Lol. Or you haven't rode past your local methadone clinics. Read your local news papers. Whites have the blues right now too. Note to agree with you, Bear in mind this here derelict is about the unproductive whites... .

  91. It's all coming to a head one way or another. Then we will see what the new plan will be. I'm thinking we go back 8 to 10 years. We all got along for the most part. Now this is the most divided United States has been. Our president is obsessed with skin color.

  92. You want a story! Ask Lewis what he said to be disciplined in MSP- shocking

  93. Obama is continues to fan the flames. Under his watch, racism has spiraled out of control. Instead of pulling the nation together, he has divided it more than an of his predecessors.

  94. The communists said they would take over this country and never fire a shot.....I am starting to believe it.

  95. Don't tell me Salisbury doesn't have corrupt cops. Remember the young man a few years ago that was charged with DWI and trying to run over Salisbury police. Well there must have been a gag order i place. That young man was credited for time served while waiting trial and probably did another month or less in jail. He had to agree not to sue Salisbury police. If you only knew the rest of the story. ITS CALLED CORRUPT COPS.

  96. I absolutely agree with Sheriff Mike Lewis!

  97. Mike Lewis is the embodiment of why the Eastern Shore will never be taken seriously. How this mouth breather got elected is beyond me; but I guess he's gotten tired of giving tickets to weekend beach goers and now if promoting his own political future all while making Shore residents look like Cleetus the slack jawed local. Good job guys... 

  98. 11:02 most people "think" all cops are professionals because they haven't had the opportunity to run into one of the lying egotistic ones. Once this happens to them they will look at law enforcement differently. Unfortunately they only make the professional ones look bad. It's a sad day when you can't trust the police to do their jobs and not being honest. Some of them will add several additional charges that never happened.

  99. Im with Mike Lewis if more Sherrif's were like him there would be less trouble in this world when the chips are down Mike Lewis will back his City


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