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Sunday, July 31, 2016

Clinton's campaign manager: Russia helping Trump

Hillary Clinton's campaign manager is alleging that Russian hackers are leaking Democratic National Committee emails critical of Bernie Sanders in an effort to help Donald Trump win the election in November.

It comes on the heels of "changes to the Republican platform to make it more pro-Russian," Robby Mook told CNN's Jake Tapper on "State of the Union" Sunday.

"I don't think it's coincidental that these emails were released on the eve of our convention here, and I think that's disturbing," he said.
The DNC has previously had its files hacked by an individual named "Guccifer 2.0" that may have had ties to the Russians.



  1. Stop making excuses democrats. You were caught red handed and now its time to own it. If the Russians really wanted trump to win they would deliver the 30,000 emails hillary deleted. That would be a game set and match score for trump.

  2. Yeah right hillary. Like anybody is going to believe that one.

  3. They are looking for anything to divert attention from the corrupt DNC.

  4. Obama Crooked BastardoJuly 25, 2016 at 5:53 PM

    This is Hillarious! I thought I was watching episode of Looney Tunes. Clintons Will Do Anything to make themselves look good. Quote from book of Saul Alinsky "by any means necessary".
    Instead of Blue Pant-suit, give her Orange Jump-Suit

  5. Russia helping Trump?! How about the generous "donation" by Russia to the Clinton Foundation while Hillary was Secretary of State, followed by giving away U.S. uranium rights in our very own country? I would say that the pot calling the kettle black is an understatement in this case.

    1. It doesn't make sense bc of the uranium deal. Absolutely right, 555. Shows democrats lack any logic skills at all. Why would Russians pay Clinton $145M get uranium and then turn around and bury her. Makes no sense at all.

  6. Last night or the night before the MSM began bashing Russia for incidents like the jet fighters buzzing the US ships,etc.Every time the control is removed from the hands of the American powers that be such condemnation begins.Another country stepping in is their worst fear.

  7. He'd better be able to back that up with fact. He's liable to get sued!

  8. Sounds like smoke & mirrors to me. Keep digging and reading the meat of thinks!

  9. DNC demonic non Christians.

  10. actually the dems are helping trump

  11. This is a cover up. It is not who leaked or why it was leaked. It is the Dem Party will do anything to get in office. Sad but this proves how corrupt the government is. I have not heard one person to say how sorry they are. They got caught with their pants down!

  12. Why would Putin do that when Clinton allowed Russia to own 20% of our uranium. That makes not sense. Dem logic is there is no logic.

  13. 7:16
    Ditto...you saved me from commenting!

  14. Too funny...I suppose that means those emails never existed? The American public is slow to catch on sometimes, but we're getting there...


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