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Sunday, July 31, 2016

Ocean City BLM Part 1


  1. This BLM is just an excuse to congregate , destroy and show the culture of ignorance and the love of crime. People wonder why we hate the black race.

  2. This was not a BLM rally lol.

  3. And, you don't congregate, destroy and show your culture of ignorance. You just did, right here on this blogspot. Your comment said it all.

    1. no he just told the truth you're the moron or part of the problem

  4. Looks to me like any other raucous gathering in OC.

  5. Just another perfect example demonstrating the filth, ignorance, violence, stupidity and lack of respect of a culture based on these very things. America is getting sick of you people and if you're so great then why do you, as a minority, commit 90%+ of the crime in this country?? This country has been run into the ground for the last eight years by the first black president who is a proven liar, coward, treasonous criminal wannabe kenyan king. Enough is enough!

  6. Please stop all the division both black and white you are playing right into the crooked politicians hands they want us fighting so we don't focus on the curuption in politics

  7. You realize that by sharing this you're just glorifying it

  8. They can't stay away from White people ,It's like they are obsessed with Whites.

  9. 8:09, You MUST be a part of the local Main Stream Media.

    Yeah, the Liberals would rather NOT challenge the local politicians as to very serious marketing mistakes by drawing crowds into the resort and ask the media to COVER IT UP.

    I care about my friends and everyone else here on the Shore. I want them to KNOW what reality they will face when they choose to take their children to the Boardwalk at night.

    This is REALITY. It's a reality we must all face. I'd say I'm being far more responsible then anyone else out there and guess what, now that I have put it out there it will force the rest of the media to follow. Mind you, they'll downplay what happened but they will be forced to put it out there nonetheless.

    Shame on you for your comment, seriously.

  10. And this is why I dont go to the boardwalk anymore. Its also why we cant have nice things.

  11. You can thank Cummings and mukluski and the FOOLS who continue to vote these racists against whites into office for 30 years.

  12. I watched the videos all you involved are bout worthless plain and simple

  13. I do not argue that this behavior is quite outrageous, but why are you labeling it Black Lives Matter. Let me guess because all parties involved are African American. Do not disrespect the Black Lives Matter movement with this debauchery of young adults who clearly where there looking for trouble. I am not condoning what happened at all,just letting it be known don't disrespect the Black Lives Matter movement by labeling this incident as BLM. Just smh. Guess you couldn't think of anything else to title it.

  14. 8:46
    Maybe because that is what they were chanting? If you don't like the title find another blog to voice your worthless opinion.

  15. I was there yesterday,and could not belive how trashed the beach was. South of the pier was riddled with garbage. Trash cans where over flowing,but these people continue to throw there trash on the ground next to the cans. I guess it's to difficult to use one of the 3 dumpsters located 100 ft away. Frigging animals is how they live.


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