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Sunday, July 31, 2016

City Of Salisbury Council Meeting For Tonight CANCELLED


Today’s Council Meeting is cancelled due to absences and illnesses. A Special Meeting will be scheduled for Monday, August 1st prior to the Work Session.


  1. How many cancellations is that this summer?? I say there needs to be a review anyway on the resolution to renew STEVENSON as adminstrator until February 2019. This stands as one of the biggest scams and injustices ever perpetrated by salisbury city government

  2. Maybe they can pass more secret resolutions that destroy valuable entities.

  3. This Stevenson dude seems to surface with negativity often. Don't know of the dude, what's the story?

  4. Uneducated switch hitter that the x mayor enjoys.

  5. @9:12 sad but true!! That's pretty much how he "assumed the position" pun intended. He lacked no qualifcations for adminstrator position and stood back while ex mayor railroaded someone else out of a job. But his prior military record and city employment record possess marks that wouldn't allow the rest of us to be hired not once but twice tgen appointed to the highest position. He must have really stepped up big time for Mr Ireton

  6. I give opinions but try not to do personal attacks, but sorta thought that may be how he was employed in the position (no pun intended). Keep hearing he is in over his head or qualifications.

  7. It's not so much personal attack as it is the sad truth about how government and politics works here in salisbury/wicomico county. Any of the accusations are truth and can and should be brought to light and in a public forum so the question can be addressed and answered as to why and how this has been allowed to continue on and be accepted as business as usual.

  8. The resolution to appoint STEVENSON until February 2019 really is another slap on the face of taxpayers here. This is an obvious double standard for favored employees and themayors office where as others would have been terminated, it's just flat out wrong

  9. This is beautiful. There's no such thing as a resolution to appoint a city administrator. In fact, there are not resolutions on this agenda about any appointments. Tom Stevenson is appointed by the mayor. That's all there is to it. Just how stupid do you have to be to comment on a blog and get literally ever word you write wrong?

  10. The resolution was to swear STEVENSON in until February 2019 think your being a little too defensive

  11. @1:27 my apologies resolution 2648 the RE-APPOINTMENT of TOM STEVENSON as city administrator. You must work in city government as well

  12. @2:21... .THAT'S NOT WHAT IT SAYS AT ALL. It's to reappoint him as the GASB45 Trust insurance representative. Only the mayor appoints the city administrator. And not for a term. It's for as long as the mayor wants that person there. Having trouble reading?????

  13. Uh... just looked at resolution 2648... that's not a re-appointment of TOM STEVENSON (as you write). He's appointed by the mayor. Not the council. There is no such thing as a resolution appointing him. This is just about the people that sign off on the insurance partnership. Dang. Crazy how people comment before they even bother reading the thing they're commenting about.

  14. Please go back and read it again!! Resolution 2648 the reappointment of Tom STEVENSON Kim Nichols and Keith Cordrey, right off of you city council agenda. Boy talking about one not knowing what the other is doing

  15. Curious as to which MO this is STEVENSON Day or Dunn?? You're going to argue about something that came right out of city of salisbury memo, it is resolution 2648 and it sucks that this clown has been allowed to remain in that position

  16. Had to be DAY, STEVENSON is on the verge of a nervous breakdown he will study any literature put out by city government endlessly to keep from looking any more ridiculous as to his business inadequacies


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