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Thursday, July 28, 2016

Clinton campaign braces for more DNC leaks

PHILADELPHIA — The Clinton campaign is bracing for another WikiLeaks email dump.

Jennifer Palmieri, the Clinton campaign's communications director told reporters she wouldn't be surprised if the rogue organization notorious for publishing hacked documents releases more emails from the trove it stole from the Democratic National Committee.

Palmieri said the campaign was not concerned about any of its emails or documents being released, and downplayed the impact another dump could have on the rest of the Democratic convention that will officially nominate Clinton for president Tuesday evening in a roll call vote of delegates.

"We're not concerned about our emails. The Wikileaks leak was obviously designed to hurt our convention so it's possible that they could do it — I don't think they're done," Palmieri said Tuesday. "That's how they operate."



  1. "We're not concerned about our emails." Sure you are. Or you wouldn't be scurrying around like you are and Debbie wouldn't have resigned. You're just lying to us... again.

  2. Luke 12:2-4.......Amen


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