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Thursday, July 28, 2016

CareFirst ups insurance rate increase request for 2017

CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield is seeking a higher rate increase than expected — asking for a 27.8 percent increase to its HMO plan and a 36.6 percent increase to its PPO plan.

Those rates are higher than the initial request CareFirst made of 12 percent and 30 percent increases, respectively.

The new proposed rate increases would bring monthly premium prices for a mid-level plan for a 40-year-old Baltimore resident to between $382 and $478.

CareFirst is one of six health insurers operating in Maryland to request rate increases for individual and small group health plans for the coming year. Cigna's requested premium hike of 29.8 percent was the highest requested increase prior to CareFirst's revised request.



  1. how ya like that hope and change now?

  2. I hope trump wins and his first order of business is to repeal Obamacare. Seems like the democrats have a truth problem and its up to us to remind them who they really work for.

  3. Dave T: Way to go Obama care!!! Nothing but increases for the few who can afford it, while we all watch the quality of our healthcare slowly go down the drain.

  4. Look what really disgusts me prior to Obamacare we were paying for poor people illegals ect, via our premiums. Now!I'd like to know what's changed? Other than the fact that we have added the government as a middleman instead of a watchdog. The drug companies big pharma,the Insurance industry, etc and all the other crooks that were part of the bill Drafting and creating to the benefit of them! Not us! My premiums have never gone down in the 25 years I have been employed with a very good health plan. My out-of-pocket cost have continuously increased and I expect since my company has informed me that this year's plan expires at the end of the fiscal year(dec) basically a six-month policy. I foresee something drastic and devastating in my cost /changes for 2017.

  5. Of course rates are going up. You are required by law to purchase it. Market forces of affordability no longer apply.

    I'm sure the game is to make rates so expensive, everybody gets subsidized payments. Just think of all that sweet government cash showing up on time.

  6. Trump can't get here fast enough

  7. Follow the money, people. Who gave millions to Obama and Hillary?

  8. So the rates go up and it's Obama's fault? When do we put the blame on the healthcare companies? It's never their own greediness?

  9. You should ask CareFirst Blue Cross Blue Shield how they can afford those extravagant receptions at the Hobbit Restaurant in Ocean City for those County and City officials.

  10. Yes, it's got nothing to do with record profits for insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, hospitals and doctors! Blame Obama for it all. If we had a single payer system medical care would be reasonable. But you cannot dismiss health care facilities and caregivers raping people! When are we going to stop making having bad health care issues a windfall for Healthcare providers!

  11. Single payer system would suck! Wise up 6:13. Take your blinders off. This is a direct result of Obama care. People like you make me sick to my stomach.

  12. If Trump wins, the insurance companies will continue to raise rates. It is due to their monopoly of the healthcare system and collusion with the legal field whose malpractice suits drive up the costs too. As I've said before, I don't know anyone that has obamacare or was forced to buy insurance. The people in my circles either have insurance through one of the spouses' employer or are covered by their own insurance purchased through their own business. As a former HR executive during the Clinton and bush years, I have never seen insurance rates go down, especially individuals, small groups and those with high experience ratings (code words for people with unhealthy lifestyles or family history of certain diseases).

  13. How many people do you know that have to pay the fine because they can't afford the premiums, and they still don't have insurance. Let me tell you about two. My wife and I. I lost my job, thanks to the housing market crash five years ago. Since then no insurance for either of us. I'm 59 and my wife is 56. The last time I checked, premiums would be $1000 to $1200 a month. We can't afford it yet and fortunately we've been blessed with pretty good health for the past five years. How'd we survive with no food stamps or any kind of handouts? I started my own business, worked my ass off and every year business has grown. I don't want any government help, I just don't want them in my way!

  14. 645 is clueless, 6:13,5:41 as well. Obamacare added 10,000 government administrative salaries to the system, and you think it's BCBC's fault!


    I'd like to oversee your mortgage and car payments. Oh, it won't increase your rates, they will go down, just sign here. You can read what's in it once you sign!

  15. @7:34, my husband has a carefirst bcbs policy and we pay $208 a month. Granted, his deductible is $6500 but at least we wouldn't go bankrupt in the event of a major surgery or illness.


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