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Sunday, July 31, 2016



  1. Yeah, good luck with that.

  2. Keep going... Acceleration lane, deceleration lane.

    NOT stop and wait for traffic to clear lane... and slow down in the travel lanes then go to the left turn lane.

  3. You should also post a picture of that old outdated and generally unused thing
    called the "rearview mirror".

  4. Only idiots believe that. The actual rule is that they are all passing lanes! There are slow lanes and faster lanes, typically from right to left, but no "passing' lanes. Even driver education classes do not identify the left lane as a "passing" lane. It is for faster traffic, but you do not have to be passing anyone.

  5. Post a picture of that stick thingy to the left of the steering wheel and remind people what it's for.

  6. I believe Maryland had a "Slow Traffic Move Over" law but no one enforces it.

  7. lmclain said...
    You should also post a picture of that old outdated and generally unused thing
    called the "rearview mirror".

    July 26, 2016 at 7:59 AM

    It doesn't matter. These asswipes still use the mirror and see 10 to 20 cars behind them and they don't give a damn. I have been behind them at night and put my high beams on and all they do is flip the mirror. I wish I had a switch that I could flip that shuts their car down.

  8. Anonymous said...
    Post a picture of that stick thingy to the left of the steering wheel and remind people what it's for.

    July 26, 2016 at 9:41 AM

    It means that you are riding to close to their rear bumper and have had many close encounters. It means you are a dick head and lay on the horn because you almost ran in the back of them when they were turning. If you had your turn signals on long enough in advance you wouldn't have had a problem with that.

    People hogging fast lanes are more important of an issue. Learn to drive!

  9. 10:01
    You are just a jerk. I am not 9:41 but there is a reason for a blinker and it isn't only used for the people behind you. Many times coming across either Route 50 or Old Ocean City road people have almost had an accident because both try to cross at once. The one is turning the other going straight. How are you suppose to know they are turning if they aren't using a blinker?

  10. Anonymous said...
    Only idiots believe that. The actual rule is that they are all passing lanes! There are slow lanes and faster lanes, typically from right to left, but no "passing' lanes. Even driver education classes do not identify the left lane as a "passing" lane. It is for faster traffic, but you do not have to be passing anyone.

    July 26, 2016 at 8:52 AM

    You are the idiot. The law is the law and all slow traffic must move right. You are one of those morons that get in the passing lane and hold everyone up because you can. I pray that one day law enforcement starts issuing more citations. You love to instigate and you create aggressive drivers. People like you get what you deserve.

  11. Anonymous said...
    You are just a jerk. I am not 9:41 but there is a reason for a blinker and it isn't only used for the people behind you. Many times coming across either Route 50 or Old Ocean City road people have almost had an accident because both try to cross at once. The one is turning the other going straight. How are you suppose to know they are turning if they aren't using a blinker?

    July 26, 2016 at 11:07 AM

    Quits following them so close. Learn how to drive and keep a safe distance you jerkwad!

  12. 12:39
    Pay attention dipwad. They were NOT going the same direction. They were trying to cross over a road coming at each other. One was NOT using their blinker so the other didn't know he was turning until he turned in front of him almost causing an accident.

  13. To all commenters. You are wasting your time. All the people who stay in the left lane without ever moving over do so because they are unconsciously fearful of driving. They feel safer with having the solid white line on their left. These are the same people that slow down 20 mph when going through tunnels and will drive 10 mph over the speed limit on a divided highway but will drive 5 mph under the limit on a two lane highway. They are the same people that can't maintain a steady speed on the road and will take off slowly in the left lane when the light turns green(with traffic bearing down on them). They are careful and competent drivers(in their minds) but they aren't good drivers. Nothing you can say will make them change their minds. They don't understand or know proper driving etiquette nor do they care. They drive because they have to even thought they are afraid of driving and don't understand they joy of driving and getting somewhere quickly. They are also equal in number to the idiots that drive way to fast and aggressively for the conditions and traffic.

  14. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Only idiots believe that. The actual rule is that they are all passing lanes! There are slow lanes and faster lanes, typically from right to left, but no "passing' lanes. Even driver education classes do not identify the left lane as a "passing" lane. It is for faster traffic, but you do not have to be passing anyone.

    July 26, 2016 at 8:52 AM

    the left lane(s) are for "overtaking" slower vehicles. then they should move back to the right when safe to do so. at the very least keep up with traffic in the lane you are in.

  15. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Only idiots believe that. The actual rule is that they are all passing lanes! There are slow lanes and faster lanes, typically from right to left, but no "passing' lanes. Even driver education classes do not identify the left lane as a "passing" lane. It is for faster traffic, but you do not have to be passing anyone.

    July 26, 2016 at 8:52 AM

    Straight out of Md's driver manual:
    Generally, you should keep your vehicle to the right
    of the center of the roadway, unless you are passing
    another vehicle going in the same direction, there
    is a traffic signal designating it is okay to do so, or
    there is an obstruction that makes it necessary to
    safely adjust your position.

    Maybe you need a refresher.

  16. You are the idiot. The law is the law and all slow traffic must move right. You are one of those morons that get in the passing lane and hold everyone up because you can. I pray that one day law enforcement starts issuing more citations. You love to instigate and you create aggressive drivers. People like you get what you deserve.

    July 26, 2016 at 12:37 PM

    Not in Md. It says drivers SHOULD keep to the right if not passing but it's not mandatory.

    Keep right if driving 10 MPH under speed limit, or slower than speed of traffic if conditions require speed below limit

  17. Here is the reality folks...most drivers today are too involved with themselves or their cell phones to realize that there are actually other people on the road.

    But, while we are at it, can we please remember that it is not illegal to maintain your speed going UP a hill?

  18. Don't forget the far right lane is the left turn lane and the left most lane is for making right turns all without using those optional turn signals.

  19. With two lanes, if you are a slower driver and not intending to pass another vehicle, stay in the right lane. And if you're in the left lane and know you're going to turn right ahead, give yourself enough time to get in the right lane to turn right instead of cutting off someone else. And remember the one car length for every 10 mph you're going? If speed limit is 50 mph then you should maintain 5 car lengths' distance between you and the vehicle in front of you. People are just too wired today, lack discipline, or just downright rude.


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