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Sunday, July 24, 2016

BREAKING NEWS: Balitmore Police Officer Lt Brian Rice Verdict

Brian Rice found Not Guilty on involuntary manslaughter charge

Reckless Endangerment   -  NOT Guilty

Misconduct In Office  -  NOT Guilty

Brian Rice found NOT guilty on all charges


  1. I think its time we forget about this Freddie Gray charade. It is painfully obvious the court system feels the same way.

  2. NO DUH, no cop will go to jail for murder...

    1. In this case, I certainly hope not. Poor brain damaged Freddie committed suicide by trying to inflict a minor injury on himself, in search of a payday, and ended up Darwinizing himself.

  3. God will continue to see to it that the good always overcomes the evil.

  4. Evidently the judge is reading the prosecution the riot act. He told them in plain English in his last opinion that he needed more evidence and they failed again.

  5. " Anonymous said...

    NO DUH, no cop will go to jail for murder...

    July 18, 2016 at 10:40 AM"

    Murder? What facts do you have that points to Gray being murdered? NONE!

    The sad reality is some in the black community and elsewhere will always fail to take responsibly for personal actions. Gray killed himself and anyone who doesn't admit this now is either clueless or is a liar.

  6. The REAL victims are these cops. They should Mosby and the city for malicious prosecution. They should be able to recoup all their expenses from their defense and some significant punitive damages.. this was a biased sham from square one.

  7. By trying them separately, and acquitting them one by one, with enough time between trials, the justice system is defusing the BLM cause and the potential for more civil unrest. Nicely executed and well done. Charges, however unwarranted, served to quiet the masses of lawless welfare recipients with nothing but time to riot and loot on their hands. And now the cops get their days in court. Agree, or disagree, the strategy has been effective for dealing with the arrest and death of Freddy Grey, and the aftermath. The BLM movement is being led around like a bull with a ring in its nose.

  8. 11:39
    Maybe or all the ones that were being paid to riot before are on there way or are already in Cleveland. Who wants to go out in this hot weather and protest if you aren't getting paid.

  9. All of the Officers should put together a class action law suit and sue the City of Baltimore for all they can get....then put Mosby out on her big butt!!!!

  10. Does anyone remember the 6.5 million that the Mayor of Baltimore awarded the family od Freddie Gray??? She did this before any wrong doing by the Police department was proven! This was also done after she let the thugs burn down business in their end of town, and destroy those police cars. She should have to repay the city of Baltimore.

  11. I guess Baltimore will burn tonight!!!

  12. Mosby needs to be fired. I think all these failed prosecutions prove she rushed to indict the officers. She was quick to bask in the spotlight. Where is she now?

  13. Baltimore burning would help the state. Send the occupants to Philly.

  14. 11:43 agree with that I hope they make the City and Mosby pay for what has been done to them and their families. Freddy Gray threw a temper tantrum and injured himself that's a no brainer to me, we all saw how he was acting before he was put into the van.

  15. Fred Gray...when was that..Apr 2015???

    old news!!

  16. 11:39 It's not the justice system's function to stop or prevent riots.

  17. @10:40 You should move to inner city Baltimore and see how long before you call for police help...LOL

  18. The charges against the remaining officers should be dropped by the state. The judge in his rulings has been saying he needs more evidence then the state has so far produced. Unless they have something different they have no reasonable expectation that they can get a conviction. Absent that expectation it is unethical for them to proceed.
    What we have seen so far is that being ethical (or honest) is not in Mosby's playbook.

  19. July 18, 2016 at 2:33 PM:

    I believe you are incorrect. It HAS historically be used that way during times of civil unrest. Do you remember Rodney King, and the officers that were acquitted in jury trials, only to be indicted again by the federal government for civil rights violations, just to stop the rioters from burning down the rest of LA? If you are too young to remember, look it up.

  20. Thank GOD. I bet if it was a white guy that was supposedly killed by black cops then none of this would of happened

  21. Obama Crooked BastardoJuly 18, 2016 at 6:45 PM

    So, those black Baltimorons rioted and burned down Rite Aid Pharmacy, where most of the employees were black. And also burned down several homes where black people were living, just because somebody told them " White Cops Killed Innocent Black Man". That to me nakes a lot of sense. All that before knowing the facts. And now they have created more unemployed, homeless and got no pharmacy to get their pills. So, for all black folks out there, before you start believing your local race baiting government "representatives", pause for a minute, use common sense thinking and tell your teenagers to do the same. It doesnt matter if you black, white, yellow or green remember this - 'Politicians and Media are Corrupt, use your common sense judgement. And wake up and dont be a Sheeple!

  22. "Anonymous said...

    NO DUH, no cop will go to jail for murder...

    July 18, 2016 at 10:40 AM"

    I know right. Mosby said that Freddie was murdered with malice aforethought by those 6 cops at various locations in Baltimore a week before he died in the hospital. And now that black judge is telling us that isn't true!

  23. 3:58 I know all about Rodney King. It's probably a safe bet to say I've forgotten more about that case then you ever knew or will hope to ever know.
    Prosecution without a reasonable basis, for political purposes, is malicious, regardless of the existence of "larger purposes," such as an attempt to prevent riots. Prosecution has not been used that way "historically" or otherwise during times of "civil unrest."
    Again it is not a prosecutor's job to stop riots.


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