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Sunday, July 10, 2016


JULY 7, 2016 9:45PM EST

DALLAS: Just reported at least two officers down in Dallas at BLM protest. Multiple shots fired. Possibly active shooter situation.

Concentration on the parking garage structure in downtown area. Fox News crew are being hunkered down because they do not know whether the situation has been stabilized at this time.

UPDATE 10:31PM EST: News reports say twenty shots have been fired with at least two police officers down.

UPDATE 10:34PM EST: Police entering Bank of America Building. Shooter believed to be in the building.

UPDATE 10:36PM EST: Possibly one shooter with a rifle in Bank of America Building. Storming building. They're in process of clearing building.

UPDATE 10:46PM EST: Unknown condition of officers shot in shooting incident in Dallas.

UPDATE 10:53PM EST: Local police officer has confirmed two officers are down. Only source at this point.

UPDATE 11:08PM EST: Three to Six Officers down - Greatly wounded. Additional SWAT team has been dispatched. Two shooters. Negotiators on scene. One is contained and the other is in negotiations. Possibly still looking for an additional shooter.

UPDATE 11:32PM EST: Two snipers shot ten police officers from elevated positions, one area at parking garage. Three are dead while others in critical condition. Two officers are in surgery. According to David Brown, no suspects are in custody. One DART (Transit) officer dead, two Dallas Officers dead. Lost while protecting protestors.

UPDATE: 11:37PM EST: One potential suspect now apprehended in camouflage with body armor approaches police with hands up.

UPDATE 11:56PM EST: Dallas Police Chief, David Brown, has just reported there may be a bomb planted in the downtown area of Dallas. Evacuations are underway of all non-law enforcement personnel. They have a picture of a person of interest as per witnesses in the area. Furthermore, the Dallas Police have already started to alert and take fallen officers' families to the local hospital. Two Dart Officers - one deceased, one injured. Two Dallas Officers confirmed dead but the new number is eleven officers are down in Dallas. Also just reported one civilian also shot by sniper(s). Below is picture of person of interest.

UPDATE 1:47AM EST: A fourth police office has now passed away from last night's shooting in Dallas.

Police on scene in Dallas, TX

from the twitter account of Dallas Pd

UPDATE 3:04AM EST Dallas PD: It has been a devastating night. We are sad to report a fifth officer has died.

UPDATE: 5:45AM EDT  Dallas police exchanged gunfire with a suspect in a parking garage

  • One suspect involved in standoff now dead
  • 3 alleged suspects are in custody
  • One suspect told police "the end is coming"
  • He claimed bombs are planted all over downtown Dallas
  • 2 shooters were snipers, who shot from "elevated position"

Story developing...


  1. People wouldn't be killed by cops of they would just do what the hell they are asked. It's that simple. Apparently those who are getting killed are just the dumbest of the dumb. I have no pity for them. I do have pity for the cops who put their lives in the line for us and this is how they are treated. It's unbelievable.

    1. No one deserves to be gunned down/killed like that. Cowards hiding behind guns; they will be caught and prosecuted. Prayers for the families.

    2. Philando Castile, in a carry state, informed the officer he had a gun and was shot while reaching for his wallet. Doesn't fit with the"just comply" narrative, does it?

    3. 4:38 How do you know this because his girlfriend said it and started recording AFTER he had been shot?

    4. 10:34 They had every right to be out there protesting. Blacks and Whites receive very different treatment by the police. This is a very old problem that is just now being exposed thanks to technology.
      The protest and the shooting had nothing to do with each other. Sure the timing made it convenient but a shooter intent on killing cops could find other places to do so. Just like most cops are good people, most people at that protest are good people, and only one in that protest came with the intent to kill.
      The police are doing a very hard job. They are under paid and under appreciated. Most of them are good people and only a handful go out to intimidate and harm. So just like we demand of Muslims and just like we demand in inner cities and just like we demand in airports, if you see something say something. If you are a police officer and you know someone on your force who uses excessive force or racist language, say something. Otherwise there may end up being a protest in your town too.

  2. This is premeditated murder! An ambush! Will be glorified as retaliation!

  3. 10 cops shot. 3 dead and others in surgery. Sad night!!!

  4. Thank obama and liberals for this.

  5. Rapid shots were fired 40-60 rounds can be heard on videos posted on Twitter and Facebook. This is seriously an ambush on law enforcement. BLM sure they want to go that route? Didn't work out so hot in the late 60s for the Panthers. Certainly not for Malcolm X. Think it over.

    1. Well now that you mention it....maybe this is cointelpro 2.0!
      Do some actual research before commenting. The original black panthers and Malcolm X cannot be put in the same category as these media brainwashed millenials with their hands up in the street.

    2. Do you think BLM could pull of such a coordinated event in downtown Dallas with full body armor and tactical gear? Something smells like the same crap criminal elements within our government will do to further an agenda. There are power hungry individuals who want nothing more than the destruction of our freedoms and well...power.

      Hidden dangers of the rainbow, cointelpro

    3. 211 you have to know that BLM is going to be knee jerk reaction of rush to judgment. Please tell me you're not that naive to believe people in other areas aren't placing blame on protest stirring up debit meant against BLM.

  6. Girls are screaming after shots rang out. Keep in mind, they were chanting Don't Shoot with their hands in the air. Total Pandemonium. People need to start thinking for a change. All for free speech but the chanting is incendiary.

  7. One in s in custody and another is barricaded is what the local news there is now saying.

  8. 4th officer has died

  9. Dallas Police Depart ‏@DallasPD
    With heavy hearts, we are devastated to report a fourth officer has been killed.

  10. This is how it starts.....the biggest war this country has ever or ever will see.Civil war and unrest.

  11. News conference...... https://www.periscope.tv/w/1RDGlwgrAddKL

  12. picture of person of interest is false. he is not a suspect. he gave his firearm to a leo when the shooting started and can be seen in the crowd when shooting started. dallas pd are asking for the deletion of the picture.

  13. And so it starts.
    Helter Skelter.
    Arm yourselves. This is not the America we know and love.
    Thanks to our so-called leadership, we have now officially turned into a third world country.

  14. These savages can't be allowed to be in large groups. They have no impulse control and are inherently violent.

    1. This is just the response the wicked forces at play are looking for. You are silly for believing that BLM can pull off a tactical assault in downtown Dallas with full body armor and perfectly placed snipers in the same fish bowl area they took out Kennedy? Please there are evil power hungry people furthering the civil unrest agenda. Order out of chaos buddy. Please educate yourself, this is what they are counting on to keep us distracted and at each other's throats.
      These wicked wealthy scum can't stand our freedom and want their new world order, which is simply an old world order of serfdom and slavery. Any student of history can see what's happening, but you have to wrap your head around the fact these sickos have 100 's of year plans. Order out of chaos.

  15. Obama has their blood on his hands.

    Now, more than ever, I despise and loathe the BLM savages and their so-called "cause". I have not the slightest sympathy for any of their grievances. Nor do I care about their "black bodies" or their issues, especially after tonight..

    The BLM dirtbaga need to be called out for what they are: a terrorist hate group.

  16. Obama is a deranged evil beast. The devil's spawn. Blacks make me sick. Most are a bad evil wicked race because they still overwhelmingly support him and anyone who supports him is the worst of the worst. They can pretend to be God fearing Christians but the fact is most are going straight to hell and will spend eternity burning in the fires. They can fool themselves but they can't fool God nor real Christians.

    1. You can also pretend to be a God fearing Christian with a prejudice, ignorant comment that makes you know better than BLM. I went to parties at SU and let me tell you, I've seen just as many black savages as I have white. Content of a persons individual character is how you judge.
      Based on your line of thought, you are responsible for Jeffrey Dahmer, Charles Manson, and Hillary Clinton

  17. An eyewitness on fox news said that the shooters shot once, and there was a period, before they started firing rapidly. [So the murderous fiends scattered the crowd so that they would only be murdering police officers.]

  18. CBSDFW is reporting a situation at a 7-11 store from a looting incident where people were stealing food and beer.

    Looters gonna loot

  19. I have lost track of how many pro-Palestinian and ISIS flags and signs I have seen in pictures and video of BLM "protests" (the new name for what rational people used to call riots). All downplayed or ignored by the MSM.


  20. Sad, sad event. Prayers for deceased officers and families; speedy recovery to wounded. Totally unjustified. Eventually we'll learn more specifics.

    Main purpose in commenting is to critique lack of coverage overnight.
    Caught end of WBOC 11 pm news to catch the weather forecast snippet; they briefly mentioned the developing situation. Slept fitfully due to heat; awoke about 3 am and saw family member had a note posted about Dallas. Turned on TV to get updated. ABC on WMDT was following it with their overnight crew. CBS and WBOC were a void despite initial word being in their hands at 11:30 pm. WBOC cut-ins were obviously recorded before 11 pm news crew went home. The same is true for the CBS national coverage between 3 am and 4:30 am. They spent their time on Minnesota and Louisiana situations, on Obama's statement from Poland about those events and on an artist's career. And in lieu of many commercials they splashed love about their great news coverage.

    In contrast, SBYNews, Drudge, Instapundit and others had info and periodic updates about the Dallas event from its start to present.

    CBS gets an 'F'. WBOC gets 'D-' recognizing their sparser resources.

    Just saying,

  21. 4:38 he was told by the officer according to some girl eyewitness to keep his hands up. How do you know he was reaching for his wallet? Is that what his girlfriend said? We all know blacks in these situations never lie now do they? Michael Brown was shot in the back you know. yeah right

  22. Sheriff David Clark tweeted a few months ago that BLM was going to hook up with ISIS.

  23. Maybe this will stop the comply or die BLUE MURDERS. Really?, shooting people for broken tail lights after they tell you they have a permit? And you people agree with them? SICK!

  24. July 7, 2016 at 10:34 PM - narrow and ignorant point of view. There have always been corrupt cops. Cops that murder. Just like innocent people have never gone to jail.
    Wake up before it is too late.
    They have been militarizing LE for years now for a reason, it is to control us.
    They misjudged the fact that people are going to go down fighting.
    I am tired of all the cops killing citizens for no reason.
    Look beyond the high profile cases, it happens much much more than you want to admit.
    It even happened here and got swept under the rug.

  25. July 8, 2016 at 5:41 AM
    you are wrong, he was told to produce his ID and when he reached for it he was killed.

  26. 2:27 is correct. BLM is nothing more than a large herd of useful idiots. They do not have enough collective sense between them all to pull off something like this. This is your government at work. They are desperate to do whatever it takes to create anarchy so they can declare martial law, and it WILL happen before the November election. The evil forces (D and R alike) at work here cannot let the people vote for real change. Get ready for a rough ride, it's about to get real nasty.

  27. Joe ,
    Jessie Jackson has already made this a political issue , he has blamed Trump for the killings.
    Obama has already made this a political issue , he has blamed the guns .

  28. Are the suspects black or white? Is that too sensitive for the MSM to report?

  29. Did they finally release the names of the suspects? yes, I am curious if it was a middle eastern name or something like Tayvon or Taylor.

  30. BLM are the responsible people , this protest has led to death , if they did not have a demonstration they would not have cops there. We are near the end of our rope of tolerance with this movement.

  31. Sad and tragic as this is, what do you expect with open borders and all these refugees coming into our country, un-vetted... As I said before and I will say it again, the crap is hitting the fan...

    And on a side note, as the ass cheek sucking cop lovers out there always say "Well, one less criminal thug on thew streets" but this time in the for of police...

    lets see if the cops want to keep on keeping on, now that its an eye for an eye... They helped cause this, so now they get to reap what they sow.. The population has had enough corruption and abuse form politicians and cops...

  32. Obama has so divided the United States, it's pathetic, and then he wants to blame all of this on guns. He is no leader nor has he ever been.

    To the families of all the officers who lost their life last night, please know that there are people in this country who do care and are offering their heartfelt condolences to you. So very, very sorry this had to happen to the officers out there protecting us day in and day out without as much as a thank you. I thank every last one of you. Yours is not an easy job knowing you are doing your best and sometimes your best is not good enough. There are crazies in this United States and more and more of them every day so please be careful and stay safe when you go out and do your job. I pray for all of you, all the time.

  33. 3:12 AM - As a black veteran of our Armed Forces, I defended your right to spew such ignorant hate.

    I just hope, for your sake, that if you ever need emergency medical care, you can find a completely white ambulance and hospital staff.

  34. Check out the Drudge Report.
    The Civil war has started. Great article about the city of Baltimore. Not enough cops, and crime is out of control!!!
    Urban areas in any city are now to be avoided. The animals now control the zoo!!!

  35. False flag as usual... The reason why I say this is because out of all of the videos I have seen on this situation, the video I saw where supposedly it all started, one cop ran up to shoot the suspect, and you can see the flashes of the muzzle and the smoke and light when the bullets hit the ground, and you see the gunman run up to the cop which is like 5 to 10 feet away, run behind the cop while he was taking cover and shot him 3 times, the first shot or two didn't hit the cop and the guy was behind the cop no more than 2 feet away, with a riffle or shotgun, the cop should have been hit... The cop didn't drop until the third shot...

    I don't buy that you have 5 cops dead and 6 wounded and you can't hit a cop from 2 feet away?

  36. Perfectly timed to take the attention off of Hillary's lies?

  37. Sure takes the edge off Hillary right now

  38. Waking up to this is a coordinated attack. Sounds familiar. BLM is being used to provide soft targets. People need to wake up and realize they're being used! Suspect wanted to kill white officers. Who the hell started this attack on America and who has the most to gain from it. Funny how people aren't connecting dots. We aren't talking about Killery getting away with murder yesterday! Wake up people you're being played like cheap pianos.

  39. It's going to get to the point where police are not going to protect the people across the country. Look at Chicago and how police don't rush to certain sections of town when murders occur. It has gotten so bad even Bill O'Reilly has been yammering on about it! You're putting yourselves in danger every time you start protesting or demonstrating for one cause or another. You provide bad people a way to folly with your good intent. People need to sit down and keep calm. The divisive element in this country will be gone come January if we keep our cools!

  40. This is happening to get your gun rights taken away from you. Shred the Second Amendment because he can't just take away an amendment via executive order. Wake up America! Stop being stupid tv morons and start thinking. Looking at big pictures is absolutely necessity right now. This is designed for a couple of initiatives, one is you're not thinking about Clinton's corruption while you're obsessing over shootings that may or may not have occurred.

  41. 8:48 AM. Divisiveness isn't going away. Your last sentence ensures that it will continue.

  42. 853 your comment makes no sense at all. You're another puppet. Here's some reason for your coffee. If you think Obama is not at least 55% a part of this problem, you're failing to see the big picture. His words since re-election - his all out WAR against law enforcement has been criminal. Stop being a minion with no logic. You have a brain, start using it. Emotions has no place right now if you want to stay in a free country. This place continues to go south, truth is, there's no place on earth left to go. No refuge. No idiot safe space. We're the last free country and if we allow others to dictate our will for us, we're done. Over. There will be no right to free speech. No right to bear arms. No rights at all. You will become enslaved.

    Hint: If the UK citizens voted to get out of the EU slave market, shouldn't us smart Americans desire the same?

    Wake up before the chains and shackles restrict not only your bod but your mind.

  43. " Anonymous said...

    Maybe this will stop the comply or die BLUE MURDERS. Really?, shooting people for broken tail lights after they tell you they have a permit? And you people agree with them? SICK!

    July 8, 2016 at 6:12 AM'

    Broken tail light my foot. That's just what the officer told him. Word is he had just arm robbed a store and was stopped because of a BOLO. Of course the cop isn't going to tell him he's the suspect- too dangerous. There is video footage of the robbery. Cop told him to keep his hands up and according to the girl friend he went to his pocket to get his license. Believe anything out of her mouth and you are a fool.

  44. 7:55 that's exactly what blacks need to learn. A cop shoots a black and they automatically assume it's the cops fault and will go so far as to lie about the person shot! They make a criminal out to be a saint. It's a sin how they act. As long as the person's black they refuse to look at their character. Most are like this and it's disgraceful and a sin! If racism actually does exist and I'm doubtful it is because of their own actions and their refusal to be honest and accept that their is bad in their race. They really do need God and I mean in a real way.

    1. Your comment is prejudice. All black people are not responsible for the actions of an ignorant subculture. No different then you are not responsible for slavery. There is a section of the population, black and white, that is brainwashed by tv and media, and ignorant to the strings being pulled by super elite power hungry individuals.
      Do some research there are sick individuals in powerful positions that want the last bastion of freedom removed from the planet. Total control as Saran desires.
      Before you call me a "tin foiler", read George Soros and Zbignew Zybrenski's last two books.
      Order out of chaos

  45. "Anonymous said...
    These savages can't be allowed to be in large groups. They have no impulse control and are inherently violent.

    July 8, 2016 at 1:15 AM"

    I have finally come to this conclusion after many years of rough experience in dealing with large groups.

  46. Here here 11:18. Brilliant.

    Once again, I assert, we have to get all the evidence. People marching throughout the country are likened to Fergusson. They don't have the facts yet they get their Irish up because of this so-called social justice. I'm thinking if the guy just robbed a store, this explains why the police officer had a gun trained on him through a sunroof. In all my years, I've never seen a police officer just pull his weapon without cause.

    People watch too many movies and not enough reading! You sacrifice common sense for sensationalism to the point of nauseum. Use your BRAINS! Even the kids on CSI or Criminal Minds don't draw their weapons without cause!

    Now, not being in law enforcement, I am no expert on their rules of engagement; however, working in a complimentary industry to law enforcement, I can say, those are pretty forward actions for a taillight citation. Something occurred before to warrant such a response.

    It's time people stopped letting their emotions cloud their judgment and good common sense.

  47. Actually the armed robbery was 4 days before and 4 blocks from the shooting. If you look at his death photo you can clearly see he was the armed robber. The Last Refuge has the photos. Not only that the eyeglasses the robber is wearing are exactly like ones the dead guy is wearing in a picture on his FB page.

  48. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Actually the armed robbery was 4 days before and 4 blocks from the shooting. If you look at his death photo you can clearly see he was the armed robber. The Last Refuge has the photos. Not only that the eyeglasses the robber is wearing are exactly like ones the dead guy is wearing in a picture on his FB page.

    July 8, 2016 at 11:43 AM

    if any of that crap was true the cops would be shouting it from the rooftops. you jr detectives are amazing, wrong but amazing.

  49. 12:48-KARE channel 11 had a report with a copy of the radio traffic. The officers mentioned they intended to pull over someone fitting the description of a robbery suspect.

  50. 12:48 While they can't shout if from the rooftops they can certainly leak info to trusted sources and that is exactly what they are doing. Just like in Zimmerman, Brown and Gray. And all turned out to be 100 percent on the mark. The Sheriff's dept said at first he never had or applied for a gun permit. Now they are saying state law won't allow them to release info on permit holders. If the guy couldn't be bothered keeping up with his drivers license do you really believe he had permit to carry a gun. Not only do his glasses he wears on FB match those of the robbery suspect so do his shoes in another photo.

  51. There was an armed robbery today at the Shore Stop in Salisbury. My neighbor just messaged me about this. It's getting really dangerous to live and work in Salisbury.

  52. B lue
    L ives
    M atter

  53. Really 3:33? Let me guess blacks. Real good at making babies they can't afford and committing crimes and crapping up their neighborhoods with trash and filth. That's what they do best. Oh that and blame everyone else for their failures in life.

  54. Even though shooter made a full confession before he died, stating why he did it as well as his intent to inflict harm, our really smart president says he has no clue why he did it! You guys really elected a winner. Best puppy in the liter.

  55. HUH 10:26????? The protest and the murder of the officers had everything to do with each other. Get out of the bubble you are in. They chant death to cops at these protests. And if you are a reasonable person you don't even call them protests. They are riots. They chant threats to cops, they shut down highways and streets, they climb all over vehicles, they spray paint cop cars and other vehicles. Go online and view YouTube videos of these so called peaceful protests. If they are black america's idea of being peaceful then it leaves no doubt why the inner cities are war zones. NO wonder their young are blowing each others brains out.

  56. The ironic thing is the Micah Johnson the shooter hated whites. Wanted to kill white cops. Yet this black man was charged with sexually harassing white women while in the National Guard. Hellllllllllllo is this not typical of these confused racist. I hate whitey but I love their women. Heck when nobody's looking I wrap my self in a Confederate flag and dance around whistling Dixie. F'ing demented bastard.

    I hate to say it we might need a war to thin the herd of this sub culture. The fact is most educated people get along. People with morals and common sense do not care the color of skin.

    I do know I will not stand idly by while thugs kill police or any race of people. They are a cancer that should be dissected from America.

  57. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    12:48 While they can't shout if from the rooftops they can certainly leak info to trusted sources and that is exactly what they are doing. Just like in Zimmerman, Brown and Gray. And all turned out to be 100 percent on the mark. The Sheriff's dept said at first he never had or applied for a gun permit. Now they are saying state law won't allow them to release info on permit holders. If the guy couldn't be bothered keeping up with his drivers license do you really believe he had permit to carry a gun. Not only do his glasses he wears on FB match those of the robbery suspect so do his shoes in another photo.

    July 8, 2016 at 2:46 PM

    Sigh. The sheriff said he never applied for a permit at their office. They never said he did not have a permit, just that they didn't issue him a permit. They did say he could have applied elsewhere and gotten a permit, which is what he did.

    Are you the same person I have been trying to correct on other threads?


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