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Sunday, July 10, 2016


While most of you are at work, a Special Report just came over the air. While the FBI did in fact find many TOP SECRET e-mail messages while she was in hostile territories where other countries could easily hack her personal messages, the FBI stated they would not recommend charges against her. WOW!

The FBI Stated:

Clinton and Staff "were extremely careless" in handling classified information.


  1. Ready to cover my lawn in Trump signs. Anyplace to get them local, Joe?

  2. Exactly as I said would happen... So Again, I TOLD YOU SO!!!

    1. Yes, you're the only one in the world that thought this. Kudos to you, here's a cookie.

  3. Really, your surprised?

  4. so, we are officially Rome now, but with crappy art.

  5. 11:24 Why not do something that actually will help elect Trump? Your vote doesn't count in MD.

  6. So the stupid retarded people of America will elect a president that is careless with our secrets? Sounds like a plan. Bet all our enemies are thrilled, America's days are coming to an end.

  7. Wow! What a surprise. Who actually thought they would recommend indictment?

  8. We knew this was the outcome from the start. More important issue - VOTING CORRECTLY in NOVEMBER 2016!!!!!

  9. Basically what they are saying is that it was not intentional which in my mind means she was just STUPID. So if she was that STUPID, how in the world can anyone believe she should be allowed to be in charge of this country. I have never been so disgusted in my entire life. So you can unintentionally kill someone and still go to prison for manslaughter but she doesn't go to jail for this!!! What the .....!

  10. Reality is there never was enough evidence to constitute a crime or criminal intent. Ya'll need to stop watching and believing all the crap on fox news and hate radio.

    1. 53 of the emails were at least classified. 7 were top secret. That's enough evidence. General Petraeus was charged with a felony for disclosing classified info from his diary. She should go to jail.

    2. Criminal intent is not required to charge you with a crime. If you are DUI and kill someone you are going down for manslaughter, even if you never said, "I'm gonna kill somebody tonight!".

  11. 11:32 bravo, excellent point, but the other 47% won't get it.

  12. Way too many people would have to die if charges were filed. What a disgrace and a shame for this country. She is pure out and out trash.

  13. This was decided on the tarmac
    in AZ.

  14. Tommy Jefferson is rolling in his grave. Checks and balances are dead

  15. Do we apologize to Richard Nixon?

  16. 11:37 Can we at least agree that she's a liar? Watch any statements she's made since this all started and then listen to what the FBI found.

  17. Nothing but pure corruption at the top down including the fbi...is exactly why this country is being destroyed from within.

  18. Comey's words 'extremely careless', so what's the difference between extremely careless and gross negligence? NO DIFFERENCE. period

  19. A presidential candidate has been found to have been EXTREMELY careless with top secret information (people were likely killed because of it).
    She's STILL a candidate!
    She has been a party to (for "we, the people", that's called "conspiracy". For the Masters, its "business as usual") murder, drug dealing, intimidation of witnesses, falsifying evidence, misappropriation, profiting from her official duties, my God, the list is virtually endless.
    She is STILL a candidate!
    It's unbelievable.
    If you or I were found to be "careless" with Top Secret info, you bet your life we would be already jailed.
    Two sets of laws.
    Come on with the revolution. Its the only way to stop these criminal leeches from bleeding us out.....

    1. 1209 is LE coming for you? I think they should be.

  20. 110 emails on the server contained classified info. This is horse manure!

  21. James Comey family has been released from the hiding place the Clinton foundation had them at.

  22. Anybody who has ever held a clearance knows the law, and that being "extremely careless" is not a valid defense for them.

  23. Comely probably enjoys breathing.

  24. Wouldn't anyone this incompetent have been fired long ago from any other employer in the country?

  25. The fix is in!
    The government is totally corrupt!

    Expect lawlessness to expand exponentially!

  26. Might this be considered "White Privilege" liberals?

  27. Hope the media hammers that she was careless and LIED about the security level of emails. Unfit to be President.

  28. Remember today's date, 7/5/2016, it will go down in history as the day that one of the most corrupt persons in the United States went free.

  29. 12:51 this is "rich oligarchical privilege"

  30. People, People, People, with this report filed who among us is surprised? Who among us thought that POTUS (and the servicemen and women in Arlington who gave their all turn over in their graves whenever he is called that) would let the FBI file charges against her? In my opinion this election is over!! No matter how we the people vote, this woman will win and this country will be in deep s---!!! Just look what happened to Joe when he ran for Mayor, when they did their exit poll Joe was the winner 2 to 1, but when the votes were counted who won??? Did we the People stand un and do any thing. No!!!! Same thing is going to happen in this election for President!!!! Be afraid very afraid!!!

  31. If I did something "extremely careless" I would NOT have a job!!
    There is no excuse that this liar was not indicted on charges. She knew good and well that she was only to use government servers; if she didn't she had no business in any government job capacity!
    GOD has taken HIS hand off of this country and I fear the United States will never see HIS favor again.
    Off my soapbox now

  32. So a guy walks into a bank with a gun in his hand. The teller say may I help you, he says yes I am hear to make a withdraw. When he walks out of the bank with a bag full of cash he is arrested. His defense, I guess I was "careless" in the way I made my withdrawal.

  33. Phew. Glad that's over. Clear path to the White House now.

  34. And now she's on Air Force One with Obama heading to NC campaigning together at taxpayers' expense. It's so obviously rigged. Vote Trump if you're tired of our corrupt government.

  35. Just goes to show this POS can get away with murder and everything will be hushed up. Anybody that votes for this piece of s--t do not have their brain cells in place. Corrupt government. I was not going to believe the FBI was crooked but they have proved me wrong on this one. They obviously can be paid off too.

  36. FBI just let this criminal go! Gen. Petraeus was prosecuted under the law, but Hillery gets a pass!

    Here is the actual wording of the law, you decide if she broke it, I feel she did!

    18 USC 793(f): Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed...Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both. 18 USC 798: Whoever knowingly and willfully communicates, furnishes, transmits, or otherwise makes available to an unauthorized person, or publishes, or uses in any manner prejudicial to the safety or interest of the United States or for the benefit of any foreign government to the detriment of the United States any classified information...Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both. 18 USC 1924(a):

  37. Hillary is not stupid. She didn't set up the govt e-mail system for this very reason. So there is no record of criminal activity or proof of her failures as Secy of State.

  38. What a joke this country has become. I at one time help a secret security clearance when I did IT work at government agencies. I sure as hell new what was classified and how to handle classified information. So Comey comes out and says all the laws and things they have found wrong. But will not proceed with any formal charges. What a joke. If I did what she did I would have been in prison a long time ago and should have been. Finally became a grandfather this year and I am sad and angry at what we are leaving him. Was a luke warm Trump supporter but am in all the way as of today.

  39. THIS IS BS


    Since when is criminal intent needed to bring charges? I guess I can go to the bar and get hammered, go out on the road and kill someone, but as long as I didn't mean to there is no criminal intent.
    Why don't we return all the money we took from BP. Sure they broke all the rules, sure they used unsafe practices, but they didn't MEAN to ruin the gulf.

    Without rule of law we are a failed state and our end is coming soon. Just realize something very important. It is the politicians that have driven us to this point. Don't blame the Syrian refugees, blame the politicians who destroyed their government and then started shipping them in. Don't blame the Mexican, blame the politicians who prefer a broken immigration system because it helps their business donors. Don't blame the poor for taking hand outs or the rich for exploiting loopholes, blame the politicians who created them.
    The people who made this mess have used their bullhorns (MSM) to try to turn this coming revolution into a civil war. We must stand together or fall together.

  40. Remember- there IS a hell and Hillary doesn't win in the end. The glee she gets now from abusing power will be the happiest thing she ever has for all eternity. When she cuts herself off from the Beatific Vision, and realizes what she has done, and realizes that a few stolen dollars is ALL she will ever have, she will weep. Forever. That is what hell is. Not fire or pain, but knowing without a doubt that God is Love and you forever rejected that love. Pray for Hilary. And Bill. And this country.

  41. Its with great disappointment that I learn Hillary won't have to rot in jail, while she waits to rot in h*ll!

  42. I am so disheartened that there is no comment to express my disappointment.
    Threatened to throw my election card away in 'o8 and was talked out of it and again embarrassed I had voted in '12.
    I plan on voting early and often for Mr.Trump, if it does no good I'm out.
    These top officials throw their integrity out the door and we should do the same to them.

  43. Its a sad day for the USA!

  44. Im not surprised.. but i have to wonder is he bought and paid for like the rest? or is this because he knows she wont be properly tried in court? I mean everyone knows our enemies/these crooks and criminals have infiltrated EVERY level of gov... The only hope I hold is that he's waiting for a new administration.....I truly hope their watching the voting system really really carefully!!! If she gets the wheel......only a revolution can save this Country.

  45. The words, extremely careless is also known as gross negligence, which is the exact wording in the law Clinton broke! Basically, he said, she's guilty but because she's Clinton, we're too scared to recommend any criminal charges. Hence, we have no legal system whatsoever...

    Lawyer: Your Honor, you must dismiss all charges against my client. LE cannot assess my client's INTENT to kill his wife!

  46. I am not surprised. But I am really tired of trying to teach my kids right from wrong just to have the democratic party spit in my face.

  47. 3:32...I never said they are "coming for me".

    They don't have a reason for that, unless they have already caught all the drug dealers, prostitutes, violent thugs walking the streets in Salisbury looking for victims, and of course, those dangerous seat belt violators.
    I merely point out the historical results of the course our country is on and that, as I'm sure you know, is absolutely protected. In theory.
    Imagine an American citizen actually wondering if his/her rights are still as good as they used to be....
    Keep up the good work. You know what I'm sayin'......

  48. 3:32 Yo wussy, we have an illegitimate government, what part of that don't you get? 12:09 is part of the few that have enough balls to make a difference. People like you will be licking the boots of your masters while some of us will will not submit. Molon Labe.

  49. Belize or Dominican Republic looking better &better

  50. Lets be clear our Government does not care about you. So sad I
    have lost faith in our government to do the right thing. I believe
    if the FBI looked they would find cases where people were prosecuted for a lot less. Everyone in Washington is bought.

  51. 6:18
    I hope you are brave. I really hope so.

    Imagine your local cops showing up at your door and stating, "we are here for your shotguns, 9mm, and the 30:30 rifle".

    Will you actually resist?

  52. Get as many Hillary stickers as you can and mark them up to be negative about her. Opps... There are NO Hillary stickers to be found around here!

  53. 8:00 what kind of government are you willing to live with? How do do you think this country was founded? We all have to die sometime don't we? What are you willing to die for? Our founding fathers left instructions when our country became as bad or WORSE than it was at that time. How do you think liberty is is purchased? Wake up wussy. Molon Labe.

  54. Ahh, I love all the wailing and gnashing of teeth!


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