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Sunday, July 24, 2016

A Viewer Writes: Mike Lewis Over The Years

Mike Lewis, In The Police Chief, We Trust.

Mike Lewis, what on ever loving God’s Green earth is wrong with you.?

You are a public figure after all?

Should you have used the money you spent on a Tank to hire a PR person..

Let’s review some things….

“In an interview yesterday on WBOC, Sheriff Lewis appeared serious and frustrated when discussing the shooting in Salisbury two days ago.

He stated, this should have never happened. We need more Police training so that this never happens again.”

Great. In 2014 Mike acknowledges that deadly force is bad man.

But wait there’s more.

HE HIMSELF is guilty of such conduct under VERY similar circumstances

“Mike Lewis shot and killed a man several years ago on the Bypass for attempting to run him over after a traffic stop. It should be clearly noted, Mike was cleared of this incident by Davis Ruark.”

Fast Forward to 2016 when a Hispanic man admitted to a police officer that he was Under the Influence, but refused to take a field sobriety because - he admitted he was drunk.

This man luckily did not end up dead, but very badly beaten.

What is Mike’s rhetoric?

"[I]f lethal force were used it would have been completely justified.

As far as I’m concerned, being dragged by a moving vehicle is A LOT more life threatening than an unarmed drunk man.

So Mike, why would you imply lethal force was poor policing in regards to Myers in a life threatening situation, a mirrored version of your own history, but Stand up for an Officer in a comprising situation and say Lethal Force would have been Justified.

Change happens locally. DO NOT RE-ELECT a “Man” who does not stay consistent with his views.

Mike Lewis on Myers misconduct

Mike Lewis 2016


  1. Thank God for Mike Lewis we need more like him

  2. No, 1:01 PM, not so sure of that.

  3. Mike lewis needs to go!

  4. 1:40 Agree with 1:01.

  5. Several old timers have told me that the sheriff is a liar.
    He lies all the time about everything he says.

  6. Mike Lewis is a showboat! A worthless racist cop! A man more interested in furthering his career in politics than doing the job he was elected to do. He is a man who will stand with any criminal as long a they're a fellow cop or someone who's well off financially and supports his office! He is an accomplice to many cover ups and the crimes that were perpetrated. He contradicts most of what he says! And is a backstabbing liar to most of his employees!

  7. Mike Lewis is a badass he needs 100 more tanks so he can be warlord of wicomico county

  8. 1:01...my sentiments too.

  9. The man has a Napoleon complex....Whatever will he do for funds when marijuana is legalized in Maryland?

  10. I wasn't even aware of this case. After reading three stories relating to it, it doesn't sit well with me. I want to support law enforcement, but incidents like this are one of the reasons we are in dilemma we are regarding public citizens and police.

    Interesting to note Mr. Santos was acquitted of all assault charges. So how would lethal force have been justified? And for a sheriff to state he would have been more banged up if it were him is irresponsible at least and abuse at worse, especially since sheriff was not there.

    Maybe now the sheriff realizes that and is at least partly the reason he filed a motion to quash Mr. Santos' subpoena for him?

    I will refrain from making any comments that suggest blame on anyone, but perception, especially in these days, is a powerful thing.

  11. Mike Lewis is an important part of the law enforcement team here in our county.He has been in office for several years and I hope he is there for many more. Things are changing in our society and country , when that happens our views change or adjust to each and every incident. Some people don't agree with this , but that's the way it is. In 2007 when I started viewing this blog most of the issues I agreed with , now as the years have gone by change has affected opinions for us all. If a person tried to run me over with a vehicle years ago I would have tried to kill them . Today I'm not sure what I would do given the knowledge and experience I now have. The older you get the more you realize how precious life is especially your own. Nobody in this world can stay consistent with their views forever , "change is constant" that also includes someones views . How is your view on Mr. Culver would be a good example . Carry on!

  12. Find out what he said to be disciplined by msp, enlightening to say the least.

  13. Lewis street cops hate him.

  14. I believe he needs to put his brain
    in gear before he puts his mouth
    in action!

    The power has affected the brain!

  15. Mike Lewis will fold when obamas military moves in fold like a little girl.

  16. As usual, these stories are told leaving out half of the details and embellishing the "details" that prove the point the writer is trying to push down your throat. If I want to read fiction I'll reread "The Count of Monte Cristo" again...


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