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Sunday, July 03, 2016


Salisbury Fire Department is responding to a non breathing child at this moment. This story is developing...

Dispatch is all screwed up. They have called in Station 2, a volunteer station. Because of the delay, Station 74 is on a different call and dispatch called them in. They can't respond because they are on another call.

The child is out of the water and CPR is in progress. 

This is ridiculous. Station 74 is now responding but WHY can't they send a chase vehicle from let's say Station 16 to immediately respond and start CPR. But they call themselves PROFESSIONALS! 

PRIORITY 1, 6 year old pediatric patient being transported to PRMC.

A Viewer/commenter wrote: They have 13 cleared to hospital. Thank you Leo's.


  1. Is this place on 13 by weigh station

  2. They have 13 cleared to hosputal. Thank you Leo's.

  3. Please just pray for this child and not point fingers!

  4. I hope this baby makes it. How sad.

  5. the proper response would have been a medical assist call for dfd. then u quickly would have had a bunch of emts and possibly a paramedic there in a flash.

    1. It's an automatic medical assist call on dispatch plus they were already alerted 3 times for the previous call (with no response).

  6. Thank god they could just make it to mcdonalds on nanticoke to put a fire out with a bucket in five mins. WTF

  7. Praying the child is ok , could Msp have responded as the barracks is across the road or any other officers close by ?

  8. Could state boys have responded from across street ?

  9. Station 2 year's ago was all volunteer, not any longer.

  10. PLEASE let us know how the child is.

  11. Station 2 is no longer volunteer, another question is that is them with moving affecting service because they are getting a new station that's opening in the beginning of July.

    1. They are already in the new building

  12. Wow, so many internet know it alls.

    Citizen CPR iniated upon locating the victim. Patient care assumed by off duty trooper and uniformed trooper within minutes of the call.

  13. Station 2 is no longer all volunteer. It hasn't been for a couple of years now.

  14. Sunday evening an ambulance AND a fire truck responded to 1 person standing in the parking lot of classic cakes.

    She did not appear to be on fire.


  15. Reports from another news source say the child could not be located for five minutes and another Dove Pointe employee went searching and found the boy floating in the water and initiated CPR. Unconfirmed but that's what it says. Dove pointe outing for the children's center.

  16. 3:22 glad that troopers reacted and responded

  17. Just saw someone say that the child is alive and was sent to Baltimore!

  18. 5 minutes is a long time. By 6 you probably have brain damage. With these high water temps he would have been dead within 10 minutes for sure. The two minutes of CPR administered by a good Samaritan almost certainly kept the kid alive. The next 24 hours are crucial though.

  19. @4:05 Thank You JESUS !!

  20. Saw the troopers escorting the Ambulance at high speed. God be with all here.

  21. Funny how you people can complain about responding and dispatch but yet I don't see you volunteering in a fire department or working a 9-1-1 dispatch center. These stations are not fully staffed 24/7!

  22. Wasn't CPR done by the Dove Pointe staff who had another staff report to him that they couldn't locate the child? I mean
    Why was any child not accounted for when near a body of water?

  23. According to another source the child is alive an has been transported to Baltimore. .Thank god for that. Prayers continue that he will be alrigh.never mind about responds times, just pray for the child.. thank you

  24. Why is it that most people are commenting about the county services and not about why this child was unaccounted for by Dove Pointe staff?

  25. personally know the person that performed the cpr. They are visibly shaken and extremely upset. This will definitely change her life. Please pray for the boy and the people that helped to save his life. They are not medical professionals. thank you

  26. 6:40PM Please, one complaint at a time. There will be time for that once the initial complaints run dry.

  27. Thank you to the State Trooper who got there before EMS and continued CPR. I pray for the child and their family!


  29. Anyone else remember swimming there as a kid,before it became polluted?

  30. How many children were taken to the pond by Dove Point? How many supervisors? Why go to this park when they could take the kids to the zoo with so many other things to do there? No need to blame the fire dept or police when Dove Point is clearly the one to blame. Why is Sean's name mentioned and the person who let the child go missing not mentioned. So many questions.

  31. Sean did a good job, he was tending to a child. The issue is, how many staff were watching the kids? And how is it that they went to a playground and the child 'didn't come back'. What does that even mean? How are kids even left to go play and not accounted for?
    And why wasn't this bigger news on the local tv news? Oh yeah that's right. Hacketts wife provides a news studio with hair and make up.
    This should be more publicized and more people should be outraged. This is what? Dove Pointes third huge huge neglect issue in the last year? When will anyone ever stand up and put a stop to their bad care.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Guess what? Their "bad care" is the only reason this child is even alive after a TRAGIC accident. And that's what it was, an accident. An accident that could have happened to anyone. Did you know that DISABILITY SERVICES are the ones who MUST deem the child "severely disabled" in order to give them a ONE ON ONE Staff member? That if they don't deem it necessary then a one on one Staff person cannot be provided? Who's really to blame then? Disability services for denying a disabled child one on one staff or Dove Pointe for complying with disability even thought that's part of their job. Do you have children? If so you are well aware that all you have to do is BLINK and your child has wandered off. He hadn't been gone minutes or hours. He was there one second and gone the next. It was an accident! A very tragic accident. But how dare any of you make those young people from Dove Pointe feel any worse than they already do about this situation. By the way, CPR given by one of the Dove Pointe staff is the only reason this child is alive at all. Think about that before telling someone how terrible they are.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. I have heard this morning, via a Prayer Chain,
    it doesn't look good for the child.
    Keep up the Prayers!!

  33. Prayers for this precious baby boy. Stop pointing fingers I don't know the child and don't know who is to blame the point is about wether the child is okay or not. that should be the main concern. Prayers for this child and his family. I cant imagine what they are feeling right now and pray I never have to go thru this.

  34. This is why we need more paramedics and less firefighters. It's ridiculous that most paramedics are required to have their firefighting certification yet a firefighter does not have to have a paramedic license.

  35. 11:41 Joe has reported on this hellhole Dove Point before,so YES fingers should be pointed.The parents of the boy entrusted them to care for their kid and I am sure they expected he would be safe with professionals.Point! Demand that DHS look into this place.Patient care providers are paid a pittance and treated like crap.

  36. Please just pray for child and stop pointing fingers it was my daughter who gave him CPR and was able to get him a chance

  37. This is a tragic incident, both for staff and this little boy.I'm not pointing fingers, but this wouldn't of happened to begin with if the staff had maybe less children and or more staffing on the outting.If it my child I would not call it a accident, I would call it what it is "neglect". Yes the staff did CPR, but all staff are trained to do so that work there. Anyone that would of been there would of done the same thing to try to revive this poor child.

    1. It wasn't neglect. If anyone is neglectful its disability for not allowing the child a one on one staff member! Dove Pointe can't do anything that disability doesn't approve.

  38. 10:00 I suggest you backtrack and see what has been posted here before about Dove Point and their screw-ups in the past.I DO have a child and you can be damn sure if my child was disabled in any way,I would keep her as far away from DP as possible with their track record.
    I did not specifically blame YOUR daughter for anything.I just stated the facts: Most of the workers involved in patient care are overworked,underpaid and treated like peons by Hackett and his little entourage of favorites.I am shocked that DHS has not looked into this organization prior to all the bad press.
    Residents or clients,whatever they call the patients-deserve better.Their families should not have to worry about them being left on a damn bus,forgotten for hours after an outing.(This has happened more than once!)Hackett needs to take a pay cut so that caregivers are paid what they deserve and maybe they can retain the staff who are there because they truly love the clients they serve.I understand that some of the lousiest workers stay on because they are part of the "clique" with the higher ups and the workers who do their job above and beyond are never recognized or rewarded for the efforts they show.Your daughter is probably one of those stellar caregivers and she very well saved this boys life.But sadly,this just scratches the surface of whats been going on with that whole organization all these years,back when they used another name.

  39. You need to stop blaming everyone else.Disability service was not at the scene of the incident. Not all consumers at Dove Pointe are one to one.Was the ratio off, due to being short handed? A lot of people are not aware of what goes on in this place called Dove Pointe.

  40. You need to stop blaming everyone else.Disability service was not at the scene of the incident. Not all consumers at Dove Pointe are one to one.Was the ratio off, due to being short handed? A lot of people are not aware of what goes on in this place called Dove Pointe.

  41. The person who gave CPR wasn't my daughter, that's someone else who commented. Do I know her? Yes, very well actually. And I know that she is traumatized. What goes on higher up at Dove Pointe, I don't know. All I know is that this wasn't the staffs fault. Not the staff that were at the scene. That's all I'm saying.

  42. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Sunday evening an ambulance AND a fire truck responded to 1 person standing in the parking lot of classic cakes.

    She did not appear to be on fire.


    June 27, 2016 at 3:40 PM

    Good observation. That is how screwed up the Salisbury Fire Department is.

  43. Anonymous said...
    Thank you to the State Trooper who got there before EMS and continued CPR. I pray for the child and their family!

    June 27, 2016 at 7:50 PM

    Thank you to who ever had the brains to alert the State Troopers to the County Park. Were the County Deputies alerted to respond to their own park?

  44. Anonymous said...
    Anyone else remember swimming there as a kid,before it became polluted?

    June 27, 2016 at 9:09 PM

    I was just thinking about that. I used to go there in the 1980's and my buddy Lanny Fisher used to life guard there. I also remember a part time deputy working there. I can't believe the how much the times have changed. We used to swim by the Ward Museum as well.

  45. Anonymous said...
    This is why we need more paramedics and less firefighters. It's ridiculous that most paramedics are required to have their firefighting certification yet a firefighter does not have to have a paramedic license.

    June 28, 2016 at 1:27 PM

    Where is this a requirement?? There is no requirement in the state of Maryland that says a Paramedic has to be a firefighter.

  46. Anonymous said...
    It's an automatic medical assist call on dispatch plus they were already alerted 3 times for the previous call (with no response).

    June 28, 2016 at 1:08 AM

    You are being very vague. WTH are you talking about and who did what?

  47. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Sean did a good job, he was tending to a child. The issue is, how many staff were watching the kids? And how is it that they went to a playground and the child 'didn't come back'. What does that even mean? How are kids even left to go play and not accounted for?
    And why wasn't this bigger news on the local tv news? Oh yeah that's right. Hacketts wife provides a news studio with hair and make up.
    This should be more publicized and more people should be outraged. This is what? Dove Pointes third huge huge neglect issue in the last year? When will anyone ever stand up and put a stop to their bad care.

    June 28, 2016 at 6:44 AM

    And don't forget to mention Hackett's daughter Emily Stone is involved in that creepy pyramid scheme Mary Kay. They try to get everyone to join, but only invite the "nicer looking ones" to parties. They are some common people.

  48. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    This is why we need more paramedics and less firefighters. It's ridiculous that most paramedics are required to have their firefighting certification yet a firefighter does not have to have a paramedic license.

    June 28, 2016 at 1:27 PM

    No this is why Wicomico County needs to have their own EMS division with someone to answer to. The volunteer far cheefs are the ones that make the rules with no one to answer to and it costs tax payers millions of dollars a year. If you want to complain you need to complain to MR. Culver and the County Council.


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