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Sunday, July 03, 2016

Fight In Salisbury


  1. Its my experience that fights do not occur for no reason. So I am calling bull. Next time watch what you say and who you say it to. I am sure this was all avoidable.

  2. He was talking smack and got a beat down.

  3. Is this the Shell gas station at the corners of Snow Hill and College Avenue?

  4. Thanks to the guy who stepped in
    to stop the fight.
    Crazy things going on in this

  5. Video only shows the after the fact moments.....too bad the camera wasn't rolling 5 minutes earlier so we could really see what happened.....young thug got a beat down for running that mouth! Maybe you should try to rip Salisbury apart you might get the same thing....LOL

    1. My thoughts exactly! This could of be avoided I'm sure...the beginning of the story will never be told.

    2. The bigger guy was drunk and already angry and when my friend asked him could he get him a cigarillo because he didn't have his id on him after the store clerk had just turned him away the man began to assault him think before you speak assumptions make you look like an ass

    3. I know thats right......people go all the way around what they have in theirs minds that happen

    4. 4:27 c'mon you left the part out about your boy trying to punch the older guy through the window

    5. 4:27 you must be a great friend. Your boy getting stomped into the ground and you do nothing but record it. What a friend

  6. This is why I don't go to Salisbury after dark and if I have to I'm carrying!

  7. This is the shell across form the new remodeled Royal farms by the moose lodge...

  8. I'll bet he don't run his mouth anymore.

  9. Loudmouths from PA.

  10. Go to Tayvon's Facebook page ,all these little hood rats talking about what they should have done...LOL They all would've gotten beat down...Haha

    1. What if that was your son would you be saying the same thing you saying now nah I don't think so

  11. White guy to the rescue.

  12. The white dude and black dude were traveling together. Trust me he got what he deserved. That guy did not just beat his a** for nothing. Talked smack to the wrong guy

  13. If you actually pay attention to the whole post you will see that it was stated the young man was attacked for asking for something. Unprovoked. The white guy with the attacker was beating his friend near the gas pumps. Nothing that young man could have said would justify being beaten that way. The man beating him is the "thug" and should be punished as such. There may be more to the story yes, but nothing in the video shows this young man as the aggressor. This is an attack, not a fight. If the victims were white the comments would be completely different...

    1. EXACTLY!! 💯

    2. The video doesn't catch the 18 year old provoking it

  14. You don't know happened before the video started ,Just because the little thug recording said he did nothing wrong doesn't make it true. Ask every inmate in a prison and they will tell you they are innocent...LOL The white guy appeared to be trying to subdue they other guy to keep him from punching him ,he ran him off enough to go back and pull his friend off the other guy. Nobody just starts beating someone and if you have ever had the pleasure of interacting with Salisbury's youth at night at a convenience store you will either be robbed or beaten. Not his time...LOL

    1. I am he. I'm no thug. Just a bystander who walked into what looked like a drug deal gone bad. But at second glance I got the truth. Know facts before you start typing

  15. Actually the person who recorded was there and knows/said what happened .. He asked the guy to buy him something kuss he aint have ID .. (Hence why the boy said im 18)

  16. The guy recording it was his friend ...Of course he ain't done nothin wrong. Why would he be beaten like that for know reason ? He was running his mouth guaranteed ,If not the cops would have been called and the tag number written down.

    1. I'm Tavon. You wanna talk to me. Inbox me.

    2. Actually the person who recommended dose not know the young man who was assaulted.Further more the older me who bartered him us a suppose to be coach. Who had I'd child in the car. Now what kind of example us he supposed to be.i hope is ass goes under the jail

    3. I was recording it. I wasn't his friend. I just walked up on it. I saw from beginning to end what happened. Funny how you make your own conclusions when the truth is in your face. I don't lie for anyone. Not even to save my own ass

  17. I loved when the guy came around the gas pumps and said,
    "What the f*** is going on?!"
    Its because it comes right after his woman says she's leaving him.

  18. Y'all wild. I was there. Guy recording just walked up on it. We thought it was a drug deal gone wrong. It wasn't till after the fact that we found out he was innocent. If anything that guy recording was the ONLY one who asked him if he was good

  19. Its funny how ppl can sit behind an anonymous pg. And put their own conclusion together.

  20. Black or white that is someones child and violence is not the answer.

  21. First of all the person recording didn't know the boy so talk wtf you know that's why he posted the damn video to see who family member it was for justice!! If you don't know what your talking about don't speak on it

  22. I don't care if the young boy cussed him out, if the attacker is really a coach there is something very wrong! He acted like a thug

  23. Tay White wants to be a tough guy now... You weren't saying much to this guy...LOL

    1. You wouldn't say too much either if at first glance you thought it was a drug deal gone bad. Would you?

  24. You didn't start recording until the skirmish caught your eye you don't know what happened that led up to the beating. Unless the guy was a nut job something happened first.

    1. Actually like I said. I was there. Before anything he walked in between my headlights when I pulled up. As if to ask me something if I got out. He saw the black car pull up and went over that way. I saw from beginning to end. I didn't start recording until I heard loud smacking sounds coming from the side of the building and saw his friend get dumped.

  25. Well if that's the case then you should give the police a copy of the video...I wonder if the kid went to the police ? That would tell us a lot.

  26. So it turns out the little thug was charged for fighting as well so he wasn't the victim Tay White said he was...LOL

  27. Haha. And Salisbury thinks a HOCKEY TEAM will come to the hood.

  28. Funny thing how everybody says they didn't do anything wrong. Same as saying the prisons are full of innocent people.


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