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Sunday, July 03, 2016

Obama Responds To Maryland Sheriff “You Will Be First To Surrender Your Gun” - Departed

“As long as I’m sheriff in this county I will not allow the federal government to come in here and strip my citizens of their right to bear arms. I can tell you this, if they attempt to do that it would be an all out civil war, no question about it,” states Wicomico County Sheriff Mike Lewis.

Sheriff Lewis states he’s been carrying a gun almost since he could walk, whether it be in hunting or in the course of his job as sheriff. He adamantly states that guns are not a problem at all for law abiding citizens. It is surely his actual experience with guns that gives him his realistic, non-fear-based point of view on our Second Amendment, it is his integrity that makes him defend it.

Those are 2 characteristics too often lacking in law enforcement these days. Sheriffs are, of course, elected, so they are generally more in line with our Constitution. All other law enforcement are borne of a legislative process.

After This Obama Responded “You Will Be First To Surrender Your Gun”.



  1. Obama wants to take Lewis' gun?...
    Didn't he already gave him an MRAP?

  2. Now watch, every LGBT, black lives matter, NAACP, Southern Poverty Law Center type Left wing harassment group will be after Mike.
    Obama will see to it. But, no one will take anybody's gun around here.

    1. Mike Lewis is a horrible sheriff. He shouldn't be harassed but he shouldn't have a job as a sheriff either.

  3. Somehow I doubt Pres Obama said any such thing to or about Mike Lewis. However if Mr Heisenberg of Departed can back up his "report" I'm willing to listen. In the meantime, shame on you Mike Lewis for putting yourself in a position to be used by the "Conservative Press". You sound like the guy who's always mouthing off in all bar and all the other patrons know you're full of it.

    1. I agree. Sounds like baloney to me also..

    2. I'm pretty sure Obama could really give a rat's behind about what Mike Lewis says....many feel this way...I'm pretty sure of it

  4. All I got to say is Mike I got your back until I run out of munitions or die. I agree 100%.

  5. Obama will have to disarm and kill a lot of Eastern shoremen before that will happen.

  6. This is just silly. You know Obama is not paying any attention to Mike Lewis.

  7. I like mike and Osama can go back to kenya with his elegant wife

  8. There is playing "just because you are paranoid does not mean you are not being watched "

  9. Mike found his way into the spot light again! He is probably the one behind this! Hey Mike! I know the truth! Youll be the first one to hand over your weapons! Your a government tool! Always has been an always will be! I'd like to see Mike stand up to Obama! Just wonder how many phone books he will need to do it!

  10. And you can go back to Mars or never never land 7:51. No one will miss you.

  11. Xpoints for lewis.

  12. Obama When the ones that are protecting you and the sorry excuse for a family put down the guns that protect you all we will think about putting down ours into then you can go to hell

  13. Didn't Lewis take an oath of office? I didn't vote for him to represent himself and a bunch of right wing wackos.

    1. Right wing wackos? Because they believe in the bill of rights? You left wing entitlement idiot.

  14. Sheriff Lewis, I and many other eastern shoremen are proud of you. The MD GUARD HAS YOUR BACK! we will honor our oath to our last breath. MOLON LABE

  15. All the negative comments must be from felons who can't own guns.Thank you Sheriff Lewis for supporting our second amendment!

  16. Some of these comments are just dumb. The President is not worried about Mike Lewis and his comments.. I'm all 4 gun control not saying we don't have the right to own guns any non mentally ill American citizen has the right to purchase a gun but to own a weapon that would be used in a war is crazy to me. I just don't think it should be so easy to get these types of guns. Obama won't have much to say soon as he will be out of the White House but let's see what the next president has to say

    1. You're obviously one of those people too mentally incapable of owning a firearm. So you think that the government should make the determination as to whether you are allowed to have a gun or not.
      "To own a weapon that would be used in a war is crazy to me."
      Guess what stupid. That means that if a war happens, the government will GIVE you that same gun you shouldn't own and TELL you who to go kill.
      They have brought terror to our shores because of their occupations all over the world, they have brought crime to our streets with prohibition of drugs (just like with alcohol).
      So the government wants you to defend them, but wants to rob you of your right to defend yourself.

  17. This world is surely about to end can't we all just get along

  18. One thing I can say about Mike Lewis and Im not a supporter of him by any means. He's not a coward he got into a pretty serious scuffle with a perp and he was on the losing side and he did not reach for his gun taster or baton he actually stood his ground as a man first unlike most... (cops and civilians )

  19. 8:12, Davis you should know by now he doesn't'need a phone book to heads taller than you

  20. I don't care much for Mike, but I care a whole lot about the second amendment. Revolution makes strange bedfellows.

  21. Chuck Cook said...

    Somehow I doubt Pres Obama said any such thing to or about Mike Lewis. However if Mr Heisenberg of Departed can back up his "report" I'm willing to listen. In the meantime, shame on you Mike Lewis for putting yourself in a position to be used by the "Conservative Press". You sound like the guy who's always mouthing off in all bar and all the other patrons know you're full of it.

    June 27, 2016 at 7:02 PM

  22. Maryland NEEDS to change the concealed carry law. While crime may not be as high as Chicago, I should have the right to protect myself and my family by being able to concealed carry. My good and substantial reason? I AM a law abiding citizen.

  23. For all of you saying Obama would not respond to Lewis in these words - Where have you been for 7 plus years. I do not know if this is true story. However, Obama is a petulant child and this is exactly how he has been acting and responding since the police acting stupidly response with the following beer summit. Good grief people. Lemmings all the way to the cliff!!!

  24. I highly doubt the credibility of this article. Whoever wrote this is just mischievously stirring the pot of conflict. NOWHERE did President Obama ever say he was going to take weapons. Especially from law abiding citizens. Just make it more difficult for suspected terrorists and other mentally ill individuals. Mike Lewis is a little guppie in a shark tank in retrospect to the President. So I highly doubt the President even knows he exists. Stop believing everything you read.

    1. Oh, the gun laws are just for terrorists and mentally ill. I didn't know that. Well anyone with "Terrorist" or " Mentally Ill" stamped on their forehead is going to lose their gun.
      I guess the IRS is only concentrating on tax cheaters, not stealing money from conservative PACs.
      Realize that if the pigs running this country got a law passed that said no guns if you are on the no fly list, there would be 50 million new people on the no fly list tomorrow.

  25. You people are crazy, do you know how easy it will be to disarm the population of the eastern shore??? Very east and in fact most of you will do it willingly and gladly... And the most important part is, you will never know it is coming, that is how stupid you all are... The media will be blacked out or not mention it, Facebook will scrub it from your post if it even lets you post it, and all of the other online sites will be scrubbed... Phones wold go down too...

    1. Move to a passive country like france.

    2. If you believe that, you are a fool. It will be a nightmare for them to get our guns.

  26. It would be very interesting to see Obammy and his goons try to come for our guns.

    I got your back all day Mike Lewis and everyone else who agrees. The rest of you can enjoy your stay at the nice FEMA camps waiting for you sheep to arrive.

    Mike Lewis would put down his badge over this I'm sure and join the ranks of the people. Don't think for a minute he wouldn't.

  27. The gullibility is astounding.

  28. Alot of you guys on here are just insensitive and very selfish. That's allllll I'm reading.

  29. When those federal storm troopers show up with blackhawks and abhrams, Mikey will be pissing in his pants! I call BS on this one. Mikey followed orders like a good little slave while with MSP. Not fooling anyone!

  30. 8:26 Get your ears checked, every other day your buddy wants to take guns away in various liberal schemes.

  31. Funny you all call Mike a coward yet he says what he has to say on National media. He does not hide behind anonymous post. The man is out there for all to see. As for those crying about Mike's politics he ran for the Sheriff's Office and crushed his opponents. I am willing to bet President Ohblabla knows he has a Sheriff on the Eastern Shore of Maryland saying come and get em. Maybe that is why he does not visit the Shore he knows we are conservatives who can not stand what he has done to this country. Ever see the President at a function in America. He is the coward. He is happy to run all over the world to avoid Veterans Day or July 4th. F him and anyone who supports him.

  32. he is to much of a coward to come do it himself ...good luck with that !!!

  33. 10:26 AM - Please show me one verifiable quote (reported by at least two media sources with actual Press credentials) of the President suggesting taking guns from law abiding citizens. You can't because no such quote exists.

  34. 10:39 AM - "F him and anyone who supports him." Nice way to feel towards the majority of the people in the country you live in. (He won two national elections, in case you forgot).

  35. I am behind Mike and I voted for Obama which I truly regret, Salisbury and Maryland have your back. Obama needs to be impeached now can't wait till January when new President comes in, he can do even more damage between now and then.

  36. 12:10 you are right he did win the election sadly enough. I truly hope you are not bragging about voting for him. You Libtards are why we have all this violence and immigration issues in this country. Trump will clean much of this up there is only so much that can be fixed after years of leftist B.S. I for one did not vote for that idiot. The man is as American as Osamma Bin Laden as far as I am concerned. He did nothing to help anyone except he and his racist wife. New days ahead thank God.

  37. There will be no one tell me that I can't have my guns or fly my flag it is my god given right to do so and if you don't like it you can kiss my god loving gun toting ass....southern pride and loving it...eastern shore raised and born.....country loving.......


  39. The pervert-er of the Constitution is Barry Sotero and clan. His destination is the eternal deep depth of perdition, unless the repents and accepts JESUS as Savior and changes his ways.

    1. Oh jeesh...your tin hat fell off didn't it? Please get back on your meds.

  40. Nice sentiment but why purposefully out yourself and community on the radar. Lewis should learn to shut up and just go about business instead of putting us on dangerous ground. I want the Feds to forget we're here so they'll leave us the hell alone. Last thing we need is some sheriff talking smack. Just do what you say without saying it. Some people don't have the brains to carry. He's one of them. Guess he needed to get his mug on the news to compensate for his shortness or something.

  41. yes sheriff lewis did take an oath and he is standing up for us all by saying he will not allow it,also what is the president saying is he allready making plans to do so? IF he did make that statement it is very direct and forward get ready people it about to hit the fan.Sheriff thank you for for backing your oath and protecting us and our rights remember domestic enemies are a threat too you have my support American citizen


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