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Sunday, July 24, 2016

Police shoot autistic man's caretaker as he lies in street

WASHINGTON (AP) — A Florida police officer shot and wounded an autistic man's black caretaker, authorities said, in an incident purportedly captured on cellphone video that shows the caretaker lying down with his arms raised before being shot.

North Miami Assistant Police Chief Neal Cuevas told The Miami Herald that officers responded to the scene Monday following reports of a man threatening to shoot himself. Officers arrived to find 47-year-old Charles Kinsey, a therapist who works with people with disabilities, according to WSVN-TV, trying to get his 27-year-old patient back to a facility from where he had wandered.

Cuevas says police ordered Kinsey and the patient, who was sitting in the street playing with a toy truck, to lie on the ground. Kinsey lies down and puts his hands up while trying to get his patient to comply. An officer then fired three times, striking Kinsey in the leg, Cuevas said. No weapon was found.



  1. What the hell are these cops doing? Now that is "hands up"

  2. But police never shoot unarmed black men. Right? That is what Sheriff Lewis wants us to believe.

  3. I can't wait to hear how the "if you don't break the law, the police won't bother you" crowd tries to justify this.

  4. Joe thank you so much for posting this. I'm so sick of White America thinking that we are thugs. A Licensed Therapist with his hands up and explaining to the cops the situation and is still shot and you'll wonder why we hate the Law. It's not just a few bad cops it's to any incidents like this to just be a few bad cops. This is sick and it's also attempted murder. So go ahead white republicans blame Obama for it

  5. in the cops' defense, the guy they shot was black....

  6. Killer cops! They are out there! Police must start being held accountable! Not just shootings! For every wrong period! No more flexing the boundaries of law to enforce it! I'm talking time for 100% law abiding cops! If a cop has to break a law to secure an arrest or citation then it doesn't need to happen at all! Walk a tight line and be true community leaders. Lead by example! Time cops do things right and like the old cops used to! By the book!

  7. They didn't shoot the "special" guy playing with the toy truck that could have been a gun made to look like a toy but is really a fully automatic .50 cal. (sarcasm). Even when the white guy is not complying, the black guy still gets shot. MSN says the LEO is a white hispanic, whatever that is.

  8. CBS morning news said the police offers gun just discharge?? He was put on administrative leave?? Why hasn't he been fired?? If you can't hold a gun with out it accidently firing then you need to get the hell out of the police force. I'm surprised they didn't shoot the Autistic man for good measure also.

  9. Guy must have had a rap sheet. That is always the justification about two days later, to make it seem OK.

  10. 1:58 that is exactly right and notice how they always say if not that, that "they got a call" there was someone with a gun...

    I am in fear of my life because this person was handcuffed behind their back sitting on a curb so I had to beat them up and shoot them... I seen and hear that one too...

  11. Sprinkle some crack on him then call it a day. The police like to tell you "If you see something say something". Yet at the same time they must know that there are bad or at the very least incompetent cops on their force and they tolerate it. Then when something like this goes down you get the blue wall of silence. A good cop would speak up. The problem is they really need to be paid more because anyone willing to do that job for the salary of a SBY cop must be in it for the power trip. It's not going to take many more of these before our cities are on fire, and it will be somewhat justified. Just remember that your hero's destroyed property too when they threw tea into the Boston Harbor, and that was mainly about taxes not unjustified homicide. And remember that Obama is President and this is eventually going to turn on him if it hasn't started already.

  12. I really want to support and respect the police force of this country so much. But its incidents like this that make me want to loose my trust in them.

  13. Note 1:46, the autistic man was white.

  14. 1:58 yep they always find something. Going to be a little hard to explain away the video. Maybe they should ask hildabeast her opinion?

  15. We cannot trust cops to do the right thing.
    They have terrible training.

  16. The last report I read said the cop fired three shots...just to hit the guy in the leg. The cop should be fired, if not for shooting an unarmed man on the ground with his hands up, then just for failing any kind of marksmanship ability. He shouldn't even be allowed to carry a gun, if he is that poor of a shooter. I totally think charges are in order for that particular cop. Color of the victim, and the cop, are irrelevant in this situation. The cop is a danger to the public.

  17. Let's face it: Cops are excellent at their primary job.
    They take money from the people by force.
    The courts back them up.

    As far as "serving and protecting" . . .
    They suck out loud!

  18. Who cares there is more to this story I am sure. Just like Baltimore and Ferguson. I call B.S. on this one

  19. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Who cares there is more to this story I am sure. Just like Baltimore and Ferguson. I call B.S. on this one

    July 21, 2016 at 4:42 PM

    there is always one in every crowd.

  20. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The last report I read said the cop fired three shots...just to hit the guy in the leg. The cop should be fired, if not for shooting an unarmed man on the ground with his hands up, then just for failing any kind of marksmanship ability. He shouldn't even be allowed to carry a gun, if he is that poor of a shooter. I totally think charges are in order for that particular cop. Color of the victim, and the cop, are irrelevant in this situation. The cop is a danger to the public.

    July 21, 2016 at 3:06 PM

    You are correct, the cop did fire 3 shots, AT THE AUTISTIC person, but missed. WTF?!

    The Miami-Dade Police Union president said Thursday afternoon that Kinsey did everything right and that the North Miami Police officer was aiming for the patient out of fear that he had a gun and was planning to hurt Kinsey.

    “The movement of the white individual looked like he was getting ready to charge a firearm into Mr. Kinsey,” said John Rivera, president of the Miami-Dade County Police Benevolent Association, “and the officer discharged, trying to strike and stop the white male, and unfortunately, he missed.”

  21. “The movement of the white individual looked like he was getting ready to charge a firearm into Mr. Kinsey,” said John Rivera, president of the Miami-Dade County Police Benevolent Association, “and the officer discharged, trying to strike and stop the white male, and

    July 21, 2016 at 10:30 PM

    unfortunately, he missed.”

    Unfortunately?! He would rather have had the cop not miss and hit the autistic person instead?! Perhaps even killing him? Geesh

  22. OMG I was right they were going to shoot the Autistic man. WTH is wrong with the police force of this country?! If they needed to get this man under control they should of used their Taser guns!

  23. When you've been TRAINED to think EVERY citizen is a probable gun carrying escaped felon with a propensity for violence bent on killing all cops, then you can see why people with their hands up, running away, lying on the ground and not resisiting, and even just standing around, get blasted at the very first opportunity. Trained to be afraid.
    "I had my 9 pointed right at his head, 15 feet away and I thought I saw him twitch a finger. I was already scared and THAT finger move made me so afraid I almost wet my pants. It was at that point I emptied 16 rounds into him."
    Listen. When you have a gun DRAWN and AIMED at someone, there is NO WAY that person is going to "reach for a weapon" and be able to actually USE IT (critical point there) before I put at least -- at least -- three rounds into his head/body. Game over for the bad guy.
    Shooting anyone for "moving their hand", or looking like he MIGHT be "reaching for a weapon" is the kind of reaction that has the police in the hot water they are in right now.
    Its hard to claim "protecting and serving" when dozens of UNARMED citizens are murdered every year by police. UNARMED. Which, for all you brainless cheerleaders, means they were KILLED (!) and didn't have a weapon at all!! If I kill someone who doesn't even have a gun or knife or club because I'm afraid, it's 25 to life. Wear a badge and kill an unarmed person because FEAR made you shoot, well, some serfs gotta die sometimes. WE ARE THE POLICE!!
    Two sets of laws.
    Two sets of standards.
    In your face and undeniable. Unequivocally factual.
    It's causing major social issues and it ain't getting better.
    Entropy. You can't do anything about it.
    Keep cheering.


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