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Sunday, July 03, 2016

PHOTOS: UN military vehicles seen rolling down Virginia interstate

What were United Nations vehicles doing in Virginia on Friday?

That’s what motorists were left to wonder when they saw UN tactical vehicles — with bulletproof glass — on a flatbed truck and rolling down Interstate 81.

Jeff Stern posted several photos of Facebook and added the description, “Can’t begin to tell you how many of these I passed today on 81 near Lexington, VA. Interesting times ahead!”



  1. They need to be heading for Norfolk and be loaded on ships and sent to another country. We don't need them here.

  2. Maybe a US contractor was delivering them to port. Or, let's remember we are a member of the UN. Or it's the latest shipment of tactical vehicles to local PDs. No matter what it's no big deal.

  3. This is highly illegal and shouldn't be in our soil.

  4. How/why is transporting these vehicles on a flat bed highly illegal?

  5. 6:07 says, as Russian and Pakistani troops patrol his neighborhood during the Democrat weapons round up.
    Ironic, Democrats will use foreigners to bolster their anti gun agenda and eventual confiscation, but they won't round up and deport criminal aliens.

    I think we need an amendment that allows your gun to vote! Then those Democrats would come around!

  6. Maybe they're heading to southern WV for disaster relief? Geez folks, read the news!

  7. Maybe Clinton donors moving in early ?

  8. 7:30
    Armoured vehicles? Since when does the UN help with disaster relief in the USA. That brings up another question. Where are all the singers and actors in Hollywood? Why aren't they on tv crying the blues and raising money for the people in West Virginia?

    1. Because its mostly white and we dont matter anymore

  9. Remember the "Strong Cities Network" from last fall at the UN? There's more going on behind the scenes than Obama is letting you know about. Someone recently reported seeing the contents of a trailer load of signs stating "Marshal Law In Effect". Don't be surprised if something happens before the election.

    1. They really saw signs that said "Marshal Law in Effect?" WHEW! That's not so bad, really. I'll get concerned when I see something about martial law. I'll let you guys know, if I do.

  10. maybe we manufactured them and sold them to UN and are now shipping them to buyers?

    or it's TEOTWAWKI!!

    it's fo time!!

    ammo up and hunker down!!!

  11. Red Dawn coming???

  12. They are built in York, Pa., and are headed for Savannah, Ga., to be shipped overseas. But please continue with the conspiracy theories.

  13. 9:31, Yeah, that could be one explanation. However, calling people conspiracy theorists simply tells me you are a Liberal going on the instant attack in the hope of shutting down comments and or open thought.

    There could be many reasons for this going on and we are here to leave it up to all of our viewers to choose for themselves, not just what you want them to believe.

  14. Democrats have trying to usurp the constitution using the UN for decades ,They are getting their pieces in place for the total loss of freedom.

  15. @ 9:31 Did you steal your comment from the original articles comments section? It sure looks EXACTLY like the comment left by Bobby Elrod 20 hours ago, or do you have some personal knowledge of this manufacturing plant??


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