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Sunday, July 10, 2016

#OccupyCongress: Congressional Black Caucus Urges Disruption of House for Gun Control

The House of Representatives reconvened for a legislative session July 5, and the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) leadership is calling on CBC rank and file to “be as disruptive to (House) Speaker (Paul) Ryan (R-WI) as possible.”

Breitbart News previously reported that House Democrats promised guerrilla tactics for gun control following their 25-hour sit-in on June 22-23. However, there was no specification of the type of tactics that would be employed.

Fox News now reports that a CBC leadership memo reveals plans to disrupt the House for the coming week — and especially disrupt Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) — in an attempt to secure gun control.

The memo says: “Rep. Robin Kelly (D-IL) would like CBC members to be present for Floor activities on gun violence when the House returns to session on Tuesday, July 5, 2016. The plan is to be as disruptive to (House) Speaker (Paul) Ryan (R-WI) as possible next week.”



  1. This is a bogus stunt, because blacks are being killed by blacks with illegally obtained guns that will continue to be available to them under stricter gun control measures.

  2. This is the Democrat way of "reaching across the aisle". They all need to hold their breath until they die.

  3. They all need to be arrested for such nonsense, anyone else acting that way would be. Here we go again, two sets of rules, one for government, the other for everyone else.

  4. What a bunch of turds!

  5. Black Labs Matter!

  6. Cummings needs a bitch slappin'

  7. The black folks don't understand that the Democrats still own them and keep right on doing their dirty work. It is a disease.

  8. Again that same old ugly racist man is center of the picture! What's the deal with that guy?

  9. " that same old ugly racist man" is a Baltimore politician. That's what represents Baltimore in DC. It is the face (and mouth) of Baltimore.

  10. That is the same dummy they had to wake up to go home when they were crawling around in the floor a couple weeks ago protesting big bad guns.
    That's the only way the left knows how to get attention. They protest rather on the job as shown here, being paid by the taxpayer or on a street corner protesting, still getting paid by the taxpayer through welfare.
    OMG, I just noticed the other white headed dummy behind Cummings on the right. Now there's a piece of work. We have the cream of the crop right here in a huddle.
    And Crooked Clit wants to lead these losers.
    Why would a female even consider working off of the same desk that her husband has really worked off of with his companions. Lol

  11. Do what they did before. Cut off the microphones and the wifi and make sure they have no devices on the floor per the rules. If they are found to be in possession of a device take it from them! That way they can't broadcast all their shenanigans.

  12. Guerilla tactics?....lol! Who writes this crap? But they r correct...lol

  13. Elijah Cummings is a clown performing for the Democratic Party, you know the party of slavery. Some things never change. Slaves to the Democratic Party.
    Everyone pictured is a career politician, the worst kind. They are concerned with only themselves and their plush little kickbacks and insider deals.
    I would bet money they all have armed security details. Disarm yourselves first because 7:37 said it best!!


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