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Sunday, July 24, 2016

Ocean City, MD Officials Deem America First As Hate Speech

By Thornton Crowe

Censorship has now taken to the sky...

As many of you know, the Constitution is 'my thing,' so when it came to my attention that Ocean City's Mayor, Rick Meehan, had contacted Ocean Aerials in order to cease political banner adverts from flying the skies over the Atlantic, it titillated my interest.

As the torrid tale goes, he spoke to business owner, Bob Bunting, about the voluminous alleged complaints regarding such fly-by ads as "Stop Mad Cow Disease Defeat Hillary," "Stop Hillary" and "America First, Build the Wall" from a plethora of residents and tourists alike. While the OC Council and Mayor claim these are offensive statements on the premise that Ocean City is a "family-friendly" resort town, I find it highly hypocritical, indeed.

A town which hosts such businesses as The Bearded Clam, BJ's on the Water, Big Peckers, the Red Light District Adult shop and Hooters -- all with highly suggestive names steeped in sexuality, to say "America First' as being offensive is absurd. Additionally, if you've strolled the Boardwalk in recent years, it's not uncommon to see scantly clad visitors, wearing less than my wife wears to bed.

Therefore, it seems that it's not political messages that offends but its Donald Trump's message that molests the ever-sensitive Liberals whom believe their First Amendment Right usurps all others with different opinions and/or views.

Apparently, to the OC Gestapo, it's perfectly acceptable for buxom blondes with size D-cup brassieres to parade around "families" in hot pants and tight t-shirts with the word, Hooters, strategically placed to lead one's eye to the feminine form, but to say Stop Hillary or America First is considered hate speech. In short, once again, the Democrats have launched some hysterical meme that further quashes others' rights to free speech simply because they don't like what that free speech has to say!

More troubling is local media plays along with the idea that Bunting's acquiescence to this insidious request as being fine. WBOC, The Daily Times and The Dispatch have completely disregarded others' right to free speech which has now been silenced by the local regime. Instead of rushing to defend the owner's right to do business as he sees fit, they brush off this abuse of power as a pass.

Not only is this is a dereliction of their journalistic integrity, its an affront to the very premise of free press which is a cornerstone of this country! How dare them not defend all of our First Amendment rights instead of catering to the local political directives of the pansy leaders in our communities.

Is this what America has come to? The complete obliteration of our rights as guaranteed by the Constitution in order to placate feigned offense?

It seems in Ocean City, Maryland, the answer is: Yes!

While it appears Mr. Bunting did agree to this farce and stopped running the adverts, he has folded to an idiom that permeates our life! With these flights costing $400.00 per fly -- that's a nice chunk of change he's forfeited to placate Nanny State whiners and yet, it's all in vain. Why? Because as I said above, whether the Council and Mayor want to admit it, Ocean City is far from a family-friendly haven.

To me, this family-oriented vacation defense sounds like an obtuse way of saying "censorship!"

To contact the Mayor and Council,  go HERE


  1. Because Hillary is such a family oriented person!

  2. I thought they named BJ's after Bill Clinton. Am I wrong?

  3. Exactly what are the number of complaints? No cheating...just give the actual facts.

  4. The Mayor and Council claim there were a couple hundred complaints. I call BS!

    1. More like a couple of Lrft wing nuts on the council, and once again a BUISNESS caves in from threats,since when does the nazi left OWN the Airspace.?

    2. That is always the case.. they use the "we had complaints" excuse all they time to enforce Thier opinion.

    3. But yet a Christian bakery is forced to go against their beliefs and has to serve anyone

  5. If someone was willing to pay $400 to have an anti Hillary banner fly, good for them. For the leaders of OC to object is wrong in so many ways, the first amendment being just one. Apparently there are lots of so-called complaints that the whiners in OC use to stop what they don't like. Family town - what a laugh - it is turning into a little Cuba as far as being controlling.

  6. I agree Joe. Total BS. If people don't like the anti Hillary banners, what is keeping them from paying for pro Hillary? Not only are they censors, they are CHEAP!

  7. If you follow anyone on Facebook, you will see that most locals vacation in the Outer Banks not OC. Why do you think that is? OC isn't a family resort at all. It is completely honky tonk and low class. It is the people from PA, NJ and NY that are keeping it going, including the crime!

    1. I've lived in Rehoboth beach my whole life and avoid it as much as possible. I spend 2 weeks in Avon (obx) in beginning of summer and 2 weeks in carova (north obx) at end of summer. So much better down there I hate what Delmarva beach towns have become.

  8. Ocean City is a joke. It is overpriced and overcrowded, and now I guess over censored. Give me the Carolinas anytime.

  9. It is a shame that Mr. Bunting was intimidated into not flying those banners. Wonder what pressure was brought to bear? The Mayor and Council in OC are out of control.

  10. It wouldn't matter if there were 10,000 complaints. A civil liberty was denied. Its denial is stuff of protracted litigation and expensive settlements, should anyone care to pursue it.

  11. America land of Oppresion.

  12. I avoid Ocean City, especially during the summer. It is a rip off and full of rude, ignorant people. Now, you can't express your political preferences if they aren't "in line" with what the Mayor and Council want. What, they get a couple of complaints (I will never believe a couple hundred) and they panic?!

    Yeah, stomping on the first amendment was a great idea Rick.

  13. The owner should fly a banner stating "Screw U libs".

  14. Mayor and Council,

    We expect you to CENSOR the t-shirts sold on the Boardwalk and all over town. We find them offensive. We find the name of some of the bars offensive too.

    We will mount a campaign to fill your inboxes and voicemail boxes, so you have the required number of complaints to take action - JUST LIKE YOU DID WITH THE BANNER PLANE!

    Really, HOW STUPID ARE YOU? You've left yourselves and the town wide open for law suits.

    You better start censoring EVERYTHING that is considered offensive. Or is this only about POLITICS?

  15. I want you to put yourself in the position of being the owner of the banner company.

    Imagine, out of nowhere, getting a call from the Mayor who states he represents the Council as well and they'd like to request they stop promoting the political banners, WHAT WOULD YOU DO?

    Well, let's see, you can either stand up for your First Amendment right and risk going out of business or you can fulfill their request and protect yourself from being forced out of business.

    I personally believe the Mayor and Council absolutely abused their power.

    That being said, what about the local media. Without the 1st Amendment, THEY ARE NOTHING! They should be screaming from the top of the highest mountain against this political abuse.

    That's not the case because they are circling the drain and are extremely dependent on the financial support of local municipal foreclosure ads and so on.

    Funny how the lobbyists pay off our politicians by wining and dining them to make sure that ALL ads must be published in a print newspaper, a newspaper that NO ONE buys any more. As if everyone is supposed to believe the masses will read something they no longer subscribe to.

    This is a massive story and I can only hope you have your eyes wide open. Your local media is a joke and your local politicians continue to prove they are crooked.

  16. Preach! I agree with every word!!

  17. Just another reason not to spend any money in OC. Crime on the rise, full of drunks - who needs it!

    1. Thats Salisbury.

    2. Salisbury? OC has more crime even before the season begins. No where in Saliscury did a biker hit a truck going 90mph on a busy street. More than sun & fun in OC!

  18. So now just another reason not to go to Ocean City!! they will never get another dime of my money. ever since the Nazis banned outdoor smoking. Which poses no health risk only a littering problem. it could have been enforced by ticketing littering. so now we have the commie Nazis imposing restrictions on freedom of speech. Where do I go to send compliants, emails phone numbers? of the Ocean City commie Nazis leaders. we will take care and also include the businesses with unruly names.

  19. We the people , no longer exist in certain areas if we let them, we the government are the rule makers and law makers . Ocean city , cannot stop this business legally . I still don't understand that OC owns the air or the ocean.

  20. Joe,

    You should have a survey question about who finds the name of certain bars in OC offensive or whether t-shirts should be censored. You could easily get the 200 complaints needed (sarcasm) to challenge the lame Mayor and Council to take action.

    If it works for banners, it should hold true for t-shirts and bar names. The large and in-charge leaders won't have the nerve to challenge the t-shirt vendors or bars. Censoring a solo banner plane is the lowest and weakest form of leadership.

  21. The liberal PC OC Council steps in it again - can't have anti-Hillary words in the sky, but never even notice the chemtrails poisoning the planet.

  22. I'm sure that it would not be hard to find a couple hundred people that would complain about anything. The fact is it shouldn't matter. Grow up people, if it's legal (which it is) than ignore it. I'm sure there are thousands that are offended by the action of this mayor and council, maybe they should resign.

  23. "JoeAlbero said...

    The Mayor and Council claim there were a couple hundred complaints. I call BS!

    July 20, 2016 at 3:28 PM"

    Unless Joe it could be they banned together like the terrorists they are and flooded him with complaints. Regardless the mayor and/or council have no business involving themselves in this.

  24. Of course it's hate speech. Anything that offends the liberals they shout out "hate speech." Or they squeak out "I'm offended by that." Yeah, right. And they put out all their lies about their opponents! How dare they! As someone has said here, defend Hillary IF YOU CAN.

  25. If they were anti Trump signs the Mayor would probably have not taken any action. It's all politics and people are really getting fed up with it. I hope Trump wins and puts this country back on the right track. Political correctness is killing us.

  26. Dave T: Interesting observation and I totally agree with this article. Shame on the O.C. establishment for mirroring those kooks on Pennsylvania Avenue. Mr. Meehan, if you're reading, let me tell you, your performance has been lackluster from day one in my book. Not a big fan of you or your ego. I bet it must be hard to fit them both in the same room. But at least you found your niche as yet another filthy politician who deems himself a civil servant. Not sure who you think you are fooling other than yourself. I am so glad to say, at least the dirt I acquire in a days hard work washes off. That's more than you can say for yourself !

  27. I agree with what I read elsewhere. Those who oppose Donald Trump are confrontational violent people. We see it at his rallies and I personally experienced it when out of nowhere one jumped in my face literally less than a foot away and called me a f-ing retard for attending the rally in Berlin. It's unfortunate but I feel if Mr Bunting continued they would no doubt be vandalizing his property and possible even the planes or worse sabotaging them. The people who can go as far as to complain about the banners have issues and they can not be trusted.

  28. And most complaints by non-locals? Another episode of squashing free speech. All because some people were offended. What's seen on the boardwalk in OC is more offensive than what was on the banner.

  29. Shame on the Owner for CAVING IN.

  30. Ocean City the land full of lib tarded Nazis!!! the epitome of Marylands Nanny state. get out now and do not spend another dime in OC. They have NOT been getting this locals money for years. They use the lame family resort argument every time they disagree with something! smoking, T-shirts, and now obviously signs in the sky? All of which have no health issues or risks to anyone. But hey that's how Maryland rolls. We once again have a NANNY STATE DICTATATING, a governor who's a RINO idiot, LIBTARDS charging cops with BS over scum thugs. NO 1st or 2nd amendment in MD No common sence, only knee jerk reactions to dampen any freedoms. Were are the compliants on loss of freedoms. My God i so want to move from MD. I pray my house sells soon

  31. "Mommy, what's a bearded clam?"

    "It's a clam with a beard, Daughter. Isn't he cute?"

  32. I would suggest that the DOJ open an investigation into how that Town is governed from nepotism to taxation without representation, to Union collusion. Unfortunately, our DOJ isn't prepared to get involved with anything that is above the law.

    1. Dept of injustice more like it

  33. 414, we don't want to spread the fire; we want it put out.

    I'm more with 429. I'm sure if the Mayor and council had done nothing, the banner planes would stay safe and maybe some pro Hillary customers would have shopped there as well.

    Hey, kids, it's an election year! Happens every 4, and everyone picks sides! This is called "NORMAL"!

  34. 5:35
    People don't know what they are missing by not going there. It's peaceful and no annoying planes flying over. The people are also pleasant to talk to there. We either stay in Rodanthe on the Ocean side or Frisco on the sound. It's even better off season!

  35. I'm going to the brass balls saloon and thinking this thing over

  36. Of the 37 comments that are posted how many of you took the time to email the Mayor and Council letting them know your displeasure? I know I did.

  37. Sue them for denying civil rights.

  38. If the Mayor is that far left wing he must support Black lives matter...I hope the city police realize this.

  39. President Trump won't forget this. He crushes his enemies. He could ruin Ocean City. Look what he did to Atlantic City.

  40. Hey Albero, I hate you with a passion, but I agree with you on this one. Anyone have a plane.

  41. My guess? Mr. Christ has a hand in this, and perhaps "Mr. Crowe". Manufactured outrage is a tried and true political tactic.
    As to OC and the banner guy, they're both Trying to make a year's salary in four months.
    Just sayin, it's usually good to consider all party's concerns.

    1. Your comment makes no sense 709. Manufactured outrage is ridiculous spew. The fact is it is a violation of a right. If you don't like it by all means, go find another Banana Republic to live in. Then it will be manufactured outrage. Seems funny you don't mind abusing your first amendment right bashing people you don't even know. Fancy that, twit. 🤐🤐🤐

    2. And you're sure that I don't know these folks? How? I'll add that the banner guy probably just wants to have a good year, and chooses to fly 'under the radar,dimwit.

  42. This is awful. Being an election year the owner had a chance to make some extra money and sick people ruined it for him. They need to get themselves and grow the hell up. Being offend over words is a sign of shallowness in other words you are superficial merely trying to show off in an attempt to make everyone think you are superior or 'better then that' as they like to say. Concern yourselves with being 'offended' over children being murdered in the cities and spend your energy trying to do something useful instead of trying to make everyone think you are something you aren't.

  43. Did someone mention OC crime fighting? They just announced their major operation that arrested 50 some people having a value of $50 each in crime money. They have undercover people driving out of the state to monitor their citizens with hopes of finding a bad guy. Well, they haven't found any REAL bad guys but they continue to spend OC taxpayer money in the process who are mostly not even able to vote there. Need a new fire truck, stick it to the taxpayers. Need a new firehouse? Stick it to the taxpayers. Need a new elected OC representative? Experience need not apply. Just show your RE rep ID. It's all they require.

    Organized crime at its best?

  44. Will you people get back on topic before I start rejecting comments.

    1. Post the council members names complaining.

  45. Uh, who is Rick Meehan? I just moved here, sorry but it sounded like he was some important guy. Is he part of the recent LGBY movement?

  46. Blogger JoeAlbero said...
    Will you people get back on topic before I start rejecting comments.

    July 20, 2016 at 8:34 PM

    THANK YOU! People are distracted so easily. Try to use words they do not know the meaning of. It was akin to torture reading these comments.

    People complaining about OC not being a "family friendly" resort, the number of people, the crime, the cost, etc. Here's a hint people: the things you complain about EVERY year will keep happening EVERY year. Money talks and BS walks.

    THAT is the driving force behind everything in this country, money. I rarely go there myself and doubt if they miss me or my money.

  47. I applaud this move. I look forward to leaving the real world behind for a few days of sun and surf. I look forward relaxing on the sand with a good book. I don't want to spend my hard earned money for a vacation and then be subjected to the toxic politics of either side. No one forced the owner to stop the flights. I think it was a smart thing to do.

    1. I look foward to you leaving my Free speach Country.

  48. 12:01, You're a typical liberal hack. Enjoy your big peckers signs in front of your kids instead. What an Idiot.

  49. This just may be something positive in the offing.
    If the Town can ban something like this due to it being considered "offensive" to some, it may open the door to some things that offend me, and could also be banned:
    1. Fat chicks in bikinis on the beach.
    2. Hairy guys in wife-beater shirts.
    3. Crying babies in higher-end restaurants that serve entrees starting over $20.00 in price.
    4. Rap music on the beach. In cars. Anywhere I can hear it.
    There's a few others, but that'll do for now.

  50. I love that sign flying over Ocean City, it's not hurting anyone and the way I feel about it is, if you don't want to look up and read the signs flying by, then don't, but leave the rest of us alone who like it. Offensive - NO. What is offensive is the Ocean City council memebers getting involved and complaining.

  51. Don't bring Hooters girls into this!

  52. Ahhh yes whatever happened to Freedom of Speech I think we lost that when Obama became President.

  53. This too shall pass, just like all other "nutty" things in OC. One thing is certain, OC - City Hall is better today than in the past. Anyone remember the Hall brothers? We were in the dark ages until they were voted out.

    Small steps for our island...small steps indeed!

  54. I agree the anti Trump crowd is rabid. A Mexican lady from Selbyville, told me a lot of hispanics and latinos are voting for Trump. If they say anything in support of him on Facebook though, people they don't even know, come at them with insults and threats. They feel if they were to put a Trump sign in their yards or a bumper sticker their property will get vandalized.

  55. OC's in the dark ages now. It was going good for awhile but again it's circling the drain. All the residential development was short sighted. A lot of those places are now being rented year round by those using Section 8 vouchers and other forms of renters assistance. You would be shocked at the high number of people on welfare in OC. This is the result of people buying property not being able to afford it and renting it out or because it's older and not favorable to being rented weekly. This is why so much crime esp in the winter.

  56. This post is not the unlikeability of OC, it's about the fact that any government whether it be local, state or federal should take such liberties by mandating how a business makes money but also whom he/she can do business with. Remember the Left was all about condemning cake bakers but now wants to silence campaign slogans because they feign some upset. I've heard Hillary Clinton say much worse about Trump and yet, Meehan has made himself the thought police under some guise of a family oriented town. His hypocrisy is stunningly evident and fails to present him as a leader but a pathetic enabler for partisan BS. Sorry but Meehan and the OC council have exposed the very reason WHY Trump resonates with Americans of all political ideas because they over reach their boundaries, trying to dictate behavior.

  57. We all know it's because the Crooked-Hillary supporters can't afford to rebut, so they do what they do best -- cry, whine, and complain of "unfairness" until someone gives them what they want.. just like the spoiled, stupid babies they are :)

  58. I thought the banner was entertaining, just what I had hoped for in our Ocean City vacation.


  59. Pretty much doubt there was an onslaught of calls or emails. Someone with connections called the mayor. Liberal Jim? Any council action without a meeting notice would be out-of-bounds.

    The banner operator is giving up revenue; how will they make him whole?

    Just chalk it up to OC hypocrisy. And the banning will generate more attention to it than the banners would.

    The planes used don't have a lot of power. They certainly couldn't tow even an abbreviated list of her lies on just the e-mail question!

  60. There was 3 complaints not hundreds.

  61. The Council had no knowledge of this situation.

  62. How is it the Mayor controls air space over the ocean? And what happens if Mr. bunting refused to stop?

  63. I recommend that everyone against this Communist-type action call Governor Hogan's office on Monday and request that Hogan call Meehan to thoroughly explain the meaning of the First Amendment to him.

    Hogan's next call should be to Bunting to let him know that he will be sued if he refuses to air these types of banners.

    The days of these old fogies & oppressive Oligarchs such as Mathias & Meehan are nearing their end. Not too much longer before they're gone and the younger generation takes over. Good riddance to those Ancient, Selfish & Greedy Control Freaks who promote Oppression.

  64. I spend a week in OC every summer. Guess where I WON'T be returning next year??

  65. The test is to pay Bob to fly an anti Trump banner. Joe, I'll put in a hundred bucks cash. Who is with me? Fly the Trump ad and then I'll put in 500 bucks to fly the mad cow ad

  66. I wish I could afford to pay for a banner fly-by with "ALL LIVES MATTER".

    Especially on Labor Day weekend.

  67. Mr Bunting and Mr Meehan communicated and came to an agreement. Mr Bunting is a resort businessman who has 90 days more or less to earn his money. Believe it or not, everyone doesn't live a life guided by the political blogosphere. Mr Bunting is busy running this airport, responsible for young pilots, keeping a weather eye on the summer thunderstorms, basically minding his business. You all pile on him like he is an enemy of the state. If the man flew a black ISIS flag down the beach would you all applaud his brave display of First Amendment liberties?

  68. Pole Dancing I live 20 minutes away and I would go to Myrtle beach for a week first. Assateague for a day trip in chincoteague .

  69. Well is swore off Baltimore now I guess I will just have to go to go Va. beaches. or Assateague. I guess some cows got offended lol Maybe all the illegals O.C. employees got angry.

  70. Where can I get the bumper sticker "Stop Mad Cow Disease. Defeat Hillary"

  71. 1045 we aren't piling on Bob, I'm dissapointed he was cowed so easily, but you're right about one thing, the man has 90 days to make his money, has the council helped or hurt his bottom line?

  72. You know what happens after your offended by something?


  73. 10:45, and others. It would make sense that the complaints, (however many there were) were made by Liberals. One would instantly think that the Liberals would come back hard and heavy with anti Trump banners, wouldn't you agree?

    Of course you would.

    That being said, marketing wise it would have been an incredible and extremely profitable move on Mr. Bunting's behalf to let the banners fly and watch the Liberals and Conservatives go at it on the sky.

    What makes all of this so questionable is, WHY would anyone in their right mind, (especially after so many years of being in business) not allow not only free speech but let's not forget fair competition.

    As I have stated from the very beginning, something really stinks about this entire thing and someone is not telling the TRUTH.

    I'll repeat, why on God's Green Earth would a businessman allegedly call the Mayor to tell him he was stopping the political ads? As the story ORIGINALLY came out by OTHER main stream media outlets, it made sense. It clearly stated it was the Mayor who called Bunting, NOT the other way around and funny how the Dispatched changed their story THREE times.

  74. Ocean City is a joke. I love 20 minutes away, but I haven't been to OC in years. Would rather take my children to local carnivals like Hebron or Sharptown.

  75. Banners, check out the near riot's that happened last night.

  76. I'm gonna back Bunting in his business decision. As stated, he's got 90 days to make his money. He sure as hell doesn't need any goofy headaches. Suppose the feds get involved in the political end? It's not like they have anything more pressing than BLM or Islamophobia or transgender bathrooms. They could force Bunting to offer equal time to both parties. That may not sit well with his preferences or schedule.
    I'm sure he wants the feds involved in his business as much as anyone else would want it.

  77. 10:45 ISIS calls for killing people so no we wouldn't be applauding that. Can't you come up with a more reasonable example and not resort to that nonsense.

  78. The mayor wanted it stopped for the children.

  79. Regardless of whether it's for children or not, it's still wrong. Why is okay for kids to see the sexually suggestive business names then, 252pm? That doesn't make any sense. America First - Build the Wall is not sexual it's about a man who dared to challenge the establishment. Wow. You'd think that would sink in! 😵​😵​😵​

  80. Bunting & Meehan BOTH need to be sued.

    Meehan needs to be SUSPENDED until further investigation.

    As far as Bunting? If he refuses to air a SIMPLE banner that reads - "Trump
    For President!", then he needs to be SHUT

    Let us not forget what to a TON of Christian business owners who refused to cater to Homosexuals' unnatural & Perverted lifestyles. Most of them were Sued and are now BROKE & OUT OF BUSINESS!

  81. He'd better never fly any pro-Hillary crap or he will be sued no doubt! 👿

  82. Mr Bunting needs to send a Bill to the OC town Council for loss of revenue.


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