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Sunday, July 31, 2016

A Viewer Writes: BLM/Ocean City


I heard that there was a major issue yesterday regarding BLM and OCPD - bottle/rock throwing at police, several bars closed early by OCPD, race baiting, etc. All of the bartenders seem to know about this, but there is nothing being reported in MSM locally (big surprise) nor is anything noted on OCPDs stats page - not sure if there is more to this, but wanted to share it with you.


  1. And here we were told it was a family resort town... 😈​😈​

    1. Yeah its tough to be a family resort town when every scummy tourist who visits treat it and the people who live here like trash. Now on top of that we have this new terrorist like cult movement based on isolated incidents thousands of miles away ripping apart the award winning boardwalk. All because rioting nowadays is the solution to any and all major issues that society faces.

  2. Yea, but we got those horrible banners out of the skies. ISIS, BLM, etc is no big deal, they only want to kill us. This is typical liberal logic at it's best.

  3. Last night downtown Ocean City looked like a ghetto

    1. Ocean city has been a ghetto resort the last 5-10 years. It is not a family friendly town from any viewpoint.

    2. So I heard... Buddy of mine was there and he said before he knew it, he and his family really STUCK out...

  4. oc sucks nothing but riffraff. fat slobs uneducated trash! family resort what a joke!

  5. 5:16 Its sad,your are right Ocean has been Scum collecting Rat Hole for many years now.

  6. I've been posting comments for several years about the control OCPD put's on news releases and here we see it again! If people knew what really went on in this town they'd never go!

  7. God bless the police that responded last night on 7the street. Law enforcement did a great job dealing with the "BLM" people. It's a shame that they don't know how to act. I'll never be back to Ocean City.

  8. Wish I had known they would have been in a world of hurt.

  9. If you see a bunch of thugs see where they park and cut their tires.

    1. That's just wrong, and you know it. I despise aggressive, noisy urbans, but some things are just ignorant. We are better than that!!

  10. Anonymous said...
    Last night downtown Ocean City looked like a ghetto

    July 24, 2016 at 5:03 PM

    I have noticed that Ocean City has turned quite ghetto in the last several years. They are even going on the beach these days and years ago they stayed away from the beach because the sun would make them darker.

    The issue is that black people know that the beach is FREE and they don't have to pay to get on it. It gives them something to do without having to spend money. You should see them at the free showers at the inlet parking lot. I think there are two of them and blacks and foreigners line up to use them at the end of the day. They take showers out in the public with that water that is only suppose to rinse your legs off. After they take their free shower they change clothes and roam the boardwalk to pick up young white chicks.

    Where else can a black guy go and gawk at half naked white women all day? On the Beach in Ocean City. Then they change clothes and pick up the young white trash roaming the boardwalk and they are almost half naked as well.

    They take them cold showers with their beach clothes on and then change into dry clothes and bathe in cheap cologne. White girls are STUPID!

    Ocean City is GHETTO and you can thank the elected Democrats for that.

    1. Go back in your hole racist slime

    2. Truth does hurt! Everything stated is TRUE! I will never bring my family back to Ocean City. Hopefully, come this November, the Democrats will crawl back to the hole they came from, and the thuggish SCUM will be wiped out!

    3. Bro that was so racist. Wow and full of grammatical errors.

    4. Racist comments like this contribute to ugly that this world has become. This is discusting!

      Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.

      P.S. I am not a liberal. Since I know that is the first thought in your head after reading this.

  11. BLM better get to Philadelphia and support their loser candidate, Hillary Clinton.

  12. Everything that was posted suddenly disappeared this morning. From 7th St to 12th St was out of control. Had several friends who couldn't leave work because of the chaos. It's just like the local schools. Covering up problems doesn't make them go away.

    1. Was it blacks, whites etc? Did BLM come to town to disrupt vacationers? Irritated that there isn't adequate coverage.

    2. My family and I were staying on the boardwalk at 11th street and got to see this nonsense first hand. I took some videos but idk how I can post them here. Suggestions?

  13. Idiots....it's not the place.....its the scum that come here to "vacation"......which is translated thugs! Ride down any street and just look at the license plates.....New York and Pennsylvania out number the Maryland plates!!! SO DON'T BLAME OCEAN CITY!!!

    1. I saw 2 different news reports that identified a dozen people that were arrested as a result of these incidents and 11 of the 12 were from Maryland. Just saying.

  14. You people are one sorry useless bunch. It sounds more like a drunken brawl than anything to do officially with BLM.

    lots of people come to OC behave properly and enjoy themselves every day of the summer. I have no idea why you run down our Eastern Shore. If OC was the only community you acted pompous toward maybe I could understand to a degree but you go around the shore finding fault with many communities, businesses and media.

  15. Come on OCPD, let citizens know what the heck is going on in your town. You might as might, we are going to find out sooner or later anyway.

  16. True to form and until school restarts in the lattter part of Aug, this will be routine every Friday/Saturday night. Nothing about BLM - just been routine the last 10 years in August.

    Very sad, but very true.

  17. 5:49 what did you see happen at 7th street?

  18. I have spoken to several friends from Ocean City who are life long residents. These are people who walk their dogs on the beach or walk the boardwalk for exercise every single day and they have seen a massive difference in recent years.

    I was told today that when they went to walk the Boardwalk this morning the beach was loaded with trash everywhere. They went on to say this was not normal.

    I was also told that the ambulance service was "stacked" all night last night, meaning they were extremely and unusually busy. So something was going on.

    The way I see things is, the Town has been overpaying their employees for far too many years. Now their reserves a completely depleted and they are STUCK having to tolerate just about ANYTHING or ANYONE to keep afloat financially.

    Ocean City may be past the point of no return.

    1. Wrong about over payed employees. I grew up in O.C went to Stephen Decatur. I worked for a popular pizza place & amusment park. I put in a lot of time & hard work & never made all that much. This is because the towns collections on property rent & taxes. The old saying the rich get richer & poor get poorer... But yes my once beloved beautiful SAFE town has turned into a horror flick. I saw mass changes back in 2005. I was still delivering Pizza and the good tips i used to get went to crap. I remember a new supervisor who was a foreigner was making me stay on and help deliver way past my scheduled time off. It was storming so bad a noreaster came in. Blew the huncap off my new car. Light fixtures were falling off the wires. Big trash cans in the street. I injured my leg on a delivery when my car door slammed back into me. I took the pizza to the cliant, they gave me the $ in change which i had to count. Not only were they short but they made me stand outside and wait for 10 more minutes. And NO tip. I had several NO tippers that night. I got fed up after that delivery. Called my manager directly and she was furious that the new guy didnt let me go home. In anycase my point is that the more years go by the lack of human respect & decency there is in this entire world...

  19. I heard it's a second attempt at the "college takeover" or whatever they tried a couple of years ago and then cancelled because they heard police were amping up their presence.

    1. These thugs that were in town don't even know how to spell the word College

  20. Liberal mentality finally catching up to you people, white trash ho's the thugs will follow. Ocean city is a dump and reflects what it's really all about drugs and alcohol

    1. 815 well at least they don't have those offensive banners flying over anymore. 👌🏻👍🏼👍🏼🙀🙀🙀🙀😹😹😹

  21. Back in the 60's the white teenagers rioted and tried to put the bridge up so the state police could not get across. (no rt.90 then) The next year the national guard was on duty to prevent it from happening again. Also there was a curfew for anyone under 21. This all happened during the labor day weekend.

    1. Really?

      Years ago, you didn't see our colored cousins in OC unless it was Labor Day.

  22. Liberal mentality finally catching up to you people, white trash ho's the thugs will follow. Ocean city is a dump and reflects what it's really all about drugs and alcohol

  23. Rick Meehan - I know you read this blog. Your years of advertising in the inner cities of DC, Balt and Philly are paying off. This summer, two locals who own a boardwalk mid-rise have been filming almost every night from above. They plan to put it on youtube after Labor Day. It is absolutely astonishing.

    Meehan is directly responsible for the conditions on the boards at night. When was the last time he took his girlfriend and daughters for a weekend late night stroll down there? We don't see the city council and their families there, either. Keep sweeping it under the rug...until it explodes. Then put the liberal spin on it, or just hide it. In the interim, keep those anti-Hillary banners on the ground and the smokers out of sight!!!

    Next election, run on a "more thugs, more crime" platform.

  24. At least your in a smoke free outdoor family resort environment. What a joke . Never will you see this local anywhere near that hellhole they call a resort?

  25. you never know about a few bad eggs just like on here but plenty of Black and Hispanic along with people of with other origins come in and shop in our store in OC. They are as respectful and capable as white people, sometimes more so.

    I can not address mixed couples except to say I hope they are as happy in their relationships as couples who appear to be of the same origins.

    I don't approve of the making,selling and consuming of ethanol drugs which probably contributed to any recent problems in OC but it is a common practice among the worldly lot and you can hardly not expect such to be available in a resort location.

    1. "Ethanol drugs"??)

    2. Pennsylvania White trash ruining OC!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  26. Not fair to blame ocean city for a college takeover group that comes out of nowhere. Can't shut the bridges down just cause you don't like a certain element.

  27. There was a near riot, and the approximate 1000 black youths were chanting black lives matter. Police were overwhelmed, but did an excellent job! Police horses were a big help, and the auto rifles everywhere didn't hurt. This was almost a Baltimore reenactment. We're lucky.

  28. Where was the Intel this was coming, oh, worried about banner planes. It was the worst single event I ever witnessed, can't believe there wasn't a person shot.

  29. Hundreds of protestors looking for nothing but trouble. I was working on 11th Street, and they were screaming black lives matter.

  30. 9:37 What did you witness?

  31. I live in Ocean City and am sad to see how the town has degraded. Although the mayor and his band of city council brothers purport they love their family resort and will do anything to keep it as such, that could not be further from the truth. The only thing that mayor cares about is reelection and who is looking at him when he's strutting around like a peacock. Same with his council brethren. The beach downtown is trashy...the boardwalk is yes, a ghetto. The side streets off the boardwalk, prostitute and drug laden. Prostitutes under the Rt 50 drawbridge. Crime, drugs, thugs, pennsylvanians, new yorkers, jersey folks. So yes, we are getting out. Heading to North Carolina. Buh bye oc.

    1. Ocean City is my hometown. This is where I was born, raised, and still live. It's not Ocean City that has degraded, it's the people who come here. We can't tell people they can't come to the town because of how they look. Ocean City is a tourist attraction just like any other major place. My hometown shouldn't be judged like this because of the vacationers. There are no "prostitutes" under the bridge. I walk under there almost everyday. Drugs, crime, and thugs are everywhere so don't act like it's just OC. Head to North Carolina, OC won't miss you.

    2. Exactly, I have never seen a prostitute in OC period. There is crime everywhere you go and there are fine upstanding citizens that go to OC. It is sickening how you can take a small group of ignorant people regardless of their race of nationality and say it is all of OC. I love OC. Nothing stays the samw forever and is always changing in one way or another. OC is just as safe as anyplace else. Moronic behaviors frequent the beach as many are partying while they are there... some get in fights b/c they can't control their alcohol intake, some fall off balconies, some get in accidents and a huge group of others have a great time. The inlet is packed with primarily hispanic, if you don't like it or care to see it, move down the beach furthee. They are not hurting anyone and have just as much right to be there as anyone else. I was there this past Saturday. It was packed but we didn't have any issue's and up until we left the inlet I didn't see or hear anyone cause a disturbance. If anyone is looking to go back to the 60's and relive the golden days and what once was, as your wife to fix you dinner and enjoy your recliner in front of your black and white tv. We are in 2016. Everyone is equal and everyone is allowed to go where they please. As for the idiots... well, it is everywhere you go

  32. I have a very good friend who owns a business between 8th & 9th Street he said it was just minutes from turning into a full on riot! 3 years ago he made the decision to carry a firearm at all times in and on his business property due to the increase in serious assaults, strong armed robberies and even several full on armed robberies. Joe this must be exposed before the number of victims grows exponentially! Can you imagine someone going on a shooting spree on a Saturday night on the boardwalk? I'm concerned for this once great town.

    1. Great? Used to be, just like America! NOT so much anymore! :(

  33. This is 5:49. I saw everything from my balcony on 7th st. I could see trouble coming when I was walking the boardwalk earlier that night. Thugs trash talking and stopping the boardwalk train talking about shooting the driver. "BLM" is a joke. The only thing that " mattered" to them was showing total disregard for law enforcement and disorderly conduct. I'm not trying to get on any kind of racial soapbox but maybe the "BLK" folks should take a step back and look in the mirror. Law enforcement isn't the problem. Young black males are the problem (18-22ish) The law enforcement people that responded last night acted very professional and showed far more restraint than I would be able to. May God watch over all our law enforcement community in this trying time. FYI... ALL LIVE MATTER!! Not just BLACK ones

    1. All lives matter that's true...Even law enforcement

  34. Stewart Dobson and Steve Green - you guys read this blog, too. Well, is the mayor going to let you accurately report what happened? It should be front page, at the top, in bold print, with hard questions posed to the mayor about his role in bringing thugs here and letting them run wild. "Tell us, Rick, what are you going to do to immediately ensure the safety and comfort of the non-thugs who come here, spend tons of money, and cause only a few minor problems???"

  35. Anonymous said...
    Idiots....it's not the place.....its the scum that come here to "vacation"......which is translated thugs! Ride down any street and just look at the license plates.....New York and Pennsylvania out number the Maryland plates!!! SO DON'T BLAME OCEAN CITY!!!

    July 24, 2016 at 7:05 PM

    It is the "Place" you dumb moron. The place meaning the elected officials can do something about it but they won't. They are afraid of Profiling or getting sued. You are and idiot and you are to stupid to see what is going on.

  36. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    You people are one sorry useless bunch. It sounds more like a drunken brawl than anything to do officially with BLM.

    lots of people come to OC behave properly and enjoy themselves every day of the summer. I have no idea why you run down our Eastern Shore. If OC was the only community you acted pompous toward maybe I could understand to a degree but you go around the shore finding fault with many communities, businesses and media.

    July 24, 2016 at 7:13 PM

    Why do IDIOT's like this refuse to blame black people for anything. God pray that you are not white, turning on your own race.

  37. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Go back in your hole racist slime

    July 24, 2016 at 8:48 PM

    HMMM... who are you directing that to?

  38. The events of Saturday evening/Sunday morning on the boardwalk had nothing to do with the mayor, city council, advertisements, "overpaid" employees, or virtually any of the other ridiculous insinuations that have been put forth in these comments. An extremely large, social media inspired gathering of college age young people was what brought this group to town. Many of them were day trippers or did not pay for a place to stay for the night and were gone by midday Sunday. Simply put, it was an anomaly in the otherwise family-filled months of July and August in Ocean City.

    This idea that Ocean City has transformed in just a couple of years from being a family resort into some sort of drug filled, prostitution laden, violent crime attracting hell hole - is being pushed by people that either spend no time in Ocean City and/or have some sort of negative attitude/agenda towards the town that they feel the need to inseminate social media and websites like this one with.

    Great entertainment reading everyone's well-informed reactions, though.

    1. You're blind! It has been going down hill for over 15 years now! All the street from 17th down on Bayside house drug dealers and orostitutes! Heroine abuse is up! You can go up town and buy drugs on Bayside on the 140's and up! Alcohol is on every block! It was a BLM issue not college students! I'm local and my town has turned into a minu Salisbury/Baltimore ghetto at times! Open your eyes and accept it! Help fix it!

  39. Anonymous said...
    "Ethanol drugs"??)

    July 24, 2016 at 10:42 PM

    I know right! And that idiot was defending those black thugs.

    1. Probably a "religious" owner of a very popular beach store that's located all over OC!

  40. It's a shame but the only thing those people on the boardwalk seemed to understand was force.

  41. 2:17 there are 2 OCs and you know it. The downtown area is flat dangerous after dark.

  42. 2:17 When was the last time you were downtown after dark on a weekend? Not once in the last five years, I bet.

  43. You 5:03pm you are part of the problem old white racist thinking that is still in some minds Oh I'am a 62 year old white man .The violence and civil disobidince wrong but being a racist about it will not solve it.

  44. Business owners must get together and deny service to them..Let them call it racism who cares ,They are ruining peoples business's and livelihood.

  45. Ocean City has to make a choice to who they want to cater too ...These black idiots that can only have fun by creating chaos and damaging the resort and denying others their fun or the vacationers that want to spend money and enjoy the beauty and relax.

  46. I was there Saturday night but stayed in the condo I thought it was strange when I got up to head home at 430 Sunday morning there were two young black guys in the hall of the carousel but thought oh well young guys on vacation stay up all night but then when I went to the garage to get my car there were 5 young black men sitting in a corner on the third floor of the garage like I said young kids stay up late on vacation but when I got home and seen what happened online I wonder if they were hiding instead of hanging out

  47. Reports my co-workers got directly from OCPD was that at least one mounted officer was pulled from his horse. Large number of officers from midtown were called in as well as North OC. Also heard reports of targeted attacks on the buses. This was being touted as BLM and not college takeover. It was definitely not a drunken riot.

  48. This had to be just a one-time type thing. Ocean City is a great family resort! At least that is what I keep telling people and will continue to say until my condo sells. Just put it up for sale a month ago, due to the changing atmosphere that I have noticed in the last decade.

  49. After reading most of the anonymous racist comments, here is my take. First of all anyone who think ocean city is a family town isn't doing research on ocean city. There are literally 2 bars on every street. There are however about 3 cops per street in the summer, mostly cadets with a few seasoned guys on the force. Ocean city in the summer months hit a population of around 300,000 people up from around 8,000 in the winter. It's mostly kids and newly turned 21 yr olds. Underage drinking is the biggest problem in ocean city, I'm 35 I live and work in oc, half of the servers at my job are under 21, but the once or twice I goto the bar in ocean city anymore I see all the girl that are under 21 at the same bar I'm at. Smh it's a huge problem. Ocean city, in the summer, has one of the highest burglary/robbery rate in MD. I haven't read about rape, but I'm sure with all the alcohol invivled it happens alot. And it doesn't get reported near as much so I would hate to know how many young ppl are raped in oc every summer. The cops do the best they can, but also the cops can be extremely rude and unprofessional, I'm not here to pick on the people who protect me tho. My biggest concern is the racist comments I read here, I really feel bad for people with such a narrow minded view of ppl with a different skin color. Wow. It's kind of appalling actually, I hope none you have kids. Is the blm movement perfect? No, but people like you are the reasons it exists, the racist remarks can and should be kept to yourself. Just because u feel it true doesn't mean it is. Yes there have been more non whites coming to the beach in recent yrs, instead of being the racist you are and Turing you nose up to them, and pointing out all their flaws, like you are flawless. Talk to them say hi welcome to ocean city. Enjoy your vacation with your family like I'm doing. People vacation differently,just because they don't do it like you do doesn't mean they are wrong. It doesn't make you right. We as Americans have a duty to be the better ones all of us, that includes the blm movement. It's 2016 guys now it sounds like alot of you want to go back to 1776, I for one do not. Oh and if you are going to make racist remarks. Put your name on it. All you guys talk pretty tough when you are anonymous. I bet you would stand up in a room full of no whites and say that. And that is the issue if u couldn't say it in public for all to hear, don't say it
    Keep that kind of opinion to yourself. That doesn't help the situation at all. Smh, and u wonder why non whites are so mad.

    1. Amen as a black man and a police officer these comments make me sick
      The fact that we have to mention race at all makes me sick colors are for crayons

  50. These comments make me ashamed to be an American it's sad this is what you think when you see blacks
    And as a police officer it makes me ashamed I go and risk my life for fascist racist xenophobes like the people who penned most of these comments this is disgusting to me! Which is why I will never spend another dime in ocean city

  51. Blogger Byron Clark said...
    Amen as a black man and a police officer these comments make me sick
    The fact that we have to mention race at all makes me sick colors are for crayons

    July 25, 2016 at 3:22 PM

    better go see a doc for that upset stomach. naming race is a description, it was never meant to be PC. these actions make me more sick than that. if people don't want to be called out for doing certain things, stop doing certain things.

  52. 11:54 You were not a city employee. You worked for a private company. The people that work for the town of Ocean City ARE overpaid. Their salaries are ridiculous. Like Joe said they have depleted any funds that they could have used on hiring more officers.

  53. And yet the majority of you people commenting on this weren't there and are getting false information. A lot of people were in Ocean City for "College Weekend" which was just that until a few bad apples decided to ruin it. Yes there were crowds and yes there were people being disruptive and disrespectful but it was not in any way, shape, or form affiliated with the BLM Movement. I think that the first incident was handled poorly by OCPD. Which in turn angered people and escalated the situation even more. No I do not condone people throwing things and trying to hurt the police, however tye issue was not that the police wanted to disperse the crowd it was how they did it. I was there and like I said I do not support people trying to stop the police from doing there jobs but I do think that this story is very one sided and the entire situation could have been handled differently.

  54. As a new UBER driver to OC, it didn't take long to see where all the trash is. I stay way north of 60th st. Much better clients near the hotels.

  55. We are all racists. Look up the definition of racism;if you love your country above all others, you're a racist! If you're prejudice against a race for the sake of that race, you're a bigot! There is a big difference between a racist and a bigot; most of us love our country against all other countries, we're racists, few of us hate people because of whom they are, if we did, we'd be bigots.


  56. I'm sorry, but I have to vehemently disagree with the posts that saying that Ocean City is not a family town.
    I, along with my wife, are residents - have been since I retired 6 years ago.
    Three or four times a summer, I'm blessed with 3-day (or more) visits from my three grandchildren.
    We bike in the mornings.
    We have lunch on the Boardwalk.
    Then we hit the beach and swim in the ocean together. Then maybe a trip over to see the ponies.
    At night, it's the Boardwalk and the rides, the Playland, and always a sundae at Dumser's.
    The latest we are ever out is when there is fireworks down on the inlet.
    That's our day. A day that would certainly not appeal to the vacationers - the young vacationers - that come to OC. The night belongs to them. We let them take over and do pretty much all the stuff my wife and I did together in this town back in the 60's.
    We heard the same "doom and gloom" about the future of OC back in the 60's.
    "Those dirty damn hippies are going to ruin this town!" Well, we didn't.
    We came back as grandparents and love the town more than ever, and relish the memories it constantly provides.

    Ocean City certainly is a family town.

  57. Here's the thing, ocean City was a great place in the 80's & 90's but it has become nothing but Trouble. If you are thinking of investing in property you would be making a huge mistake thinking you would be covering your mortgage by renters. Trash has arrived aka ghetto trash! You want a family place to vacation at look no further than the Outer Banks in nc. The ghetto foljf can't afford the rentals and you start one problem and the NC state police will let you know who's the boss. Ocean City needs to jack up the cost on motels where the crap can't afford it. Or just go to Rehoboth Beach where the police there also won't play that game.


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