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Sunday, July 31, 2016


In less than 24 hours a war has broken out between the City of Salisbury and Wicomico County.

Yesterday the Farmers Bank of Willards was struck by lightning and experienced $300,000.00 in damage. The hidden part of that story is, fire departments from Selbyville, DE., Berlin, Fruitland and others in Wicomico County were called in. Dispatch went nuts trying to find ANY stations out there that could respond but almost all of them are Volunteer Stations and it takes time to not only get to the Station but also to respond. 

The City of Salisbury could respond but clearly Dispatch is NOT allowed to call in the City for a County fire. Mind you, this is now at the expense of property owners based on BORDERS.

That being said, this morning there was a serious accident on Beaglin Park Drive and North Park Drive. If you had been listening to the scanner, Salisbury Police and the Wicomico Sheriffs Office were fighting between each other as to who's territory this accident belongs to. So clearly it's a TURF WAR within all emergency services and quite frankly Ladies & Gentlemen, this needs to end TODAY!

County Executive Culver and Mayor Jake Day, (this all started between Ireton/Culver) need to put aside their differences and resolve this matter immediately. I can only wonder just how often this has happened over time but we were fortunate to catch both these calls in the past 24 hours to know, there's a serious problem. 

Look, I just report. Don't come after me. This is a serious problem and we the taxpayers are experiencing ridiculous losses because the people who were elected are infighting. Bob, Jake, get to the table today and resolve this immediately before someone gets seriously hurt or dies. 


  1. If this is what is going on, it is completely ridiculous. Lives are more important than petty turf wars.

    We, the people, are footing the bills and paying the salaries of the "leaders". Get it together before someone dies because of your inability to lead.

  2. The leaders of Wicomico County should be embarrassed that help was called from Delaware and Worcester County. What the h#ll are our tax dollars for? We expect protection of citizens' life and property to be at the top of the list!

    1. Pittsville got called and went to the big fire in Somerset. I don't know the accuracy of this article, but with fire companies on a volunteer basis, there is no shame in getting help from neighboring counties. It is still cost effective as well bc most companies are called out to go all over. It breaks even in the end. I know it's upsetting to need help elsewhere but that's what happens with volunteer services. The accident Joe is referring to I don't know about; if what he says is true, that definitely needs to be evaluated. But it gets sticky with volunteer services bc not everyone is available. Worcester and Selbyville are actually closer to Willards than any of the Salisbury locations... It was good that they came.

  3. It's all about the $1.3 million plus that the city says it's owed by the county for ambulance response done outside the city.

  4. If they fight over who should come to my aid or the aid of my family and their delay causes harm, I won't be afraid to sue all involved. I have the financial backing to do so with the best legal team available. What happened to true public servants? Culver and Day are in it for glory(Day) or the paycheck (Culver). They both need to go.

  5. Culver and Day need to put on their "big boy pants" and take care of business.

  6. That intersection is literally 300 feet or less from the Beaglin park Drive fire station, right?

    1. Have they not heard of a mutual aide agreement? This isn't difficult. Need help? Just ask. This needs to be resolved immediately before there is more loss of property or life due to egos and attitudes.

    2. My husband and the other motorists had to rescue the people trapped in the over turned vehicle this morning. I couldn't understand what the hold up was for the response... Now I know

  7. Once again, if this backward county was more progressive, they would have a county fire department that is well run and state of the art. Instead, we have this patch work of small towns fighting to raise money to buy equipment. I have enormous respect for volunteer firefighters and think they are needed, but the system needs to be county-based.

  8. It seems to me this is the same old problem. People running for office talk big - UNTIL they get elected. Nothing really changes. Oh I how I long for a real leader who isn't afraid to shake up the status quo!

  9. Unfortunately, I was an avid Culver supporter in the election, and really thought he could handle the job. But alas, I was led down the primrose path to witness a person in a position well out of their league. Within the past few months I have seen county monies thrown away llike there is no tomorrow!

    From free college educations being given out like postage stamps (I had to work for mine - it was not a gift), treating retired county employees like the morning trash and throwing them under the bus regarding their health care insurance. It is a real shame that the retired employees do not band together and file some class action legal charges. Maybe then the bumbling idiots on the county council that voted for these changes and Mr. Culver will sit up and take notice. Lastly, his hiring of Ms. Bassett as a public whatever to satisfy his ego and possibly "letting the little head think for the big head." Yes, I cannot hardly wait for the next election, to vote for anyone (especially any members of the current county council) that challenges Mr. Culver. As a taxpayer I am tired of Mr. Culver, Mr. Cannon, Mr. Hall, Matt Holloway and a few others playing Santa Claus with county funds.

  10. Slebyville Fire is 11 miles to the scene. Salisbury is 14. What is the issue?

    1. 100% agree. With volunteer services, Selbyvillle and Worcester were closest. I know it's not what people want to hear, but having neighbors come to our aid is great. Pittsville fire dept went all the way to Somerset for that big fire earlier in the month. We all go all over.

  11. County should pay their bills. Just like Trump said if they aren't paying why should we defend them.

  12. We do not donate to our local Fire Department anymore because of what we perceive to be wasteful spending.If they drive around running errands and picking up their kids from school in command vehicles like a select few do,they are not too hard up for cash,are they? I can barely afford gas for my car and some of these "farmin" are the ones who make the rest look bad.

  13. Dave T: Great job for surfacing this news. An interesting dilemma which I hope officials can find common ground.

  14. Sir Day has bigger things to worry about than who fights fires and responds to medical emergencies - he has a particular fence downtown that the decor does not fit his standards - all while the owner of this fence is helping revitalize downtown in Main Place - His resources are consumed!

  15. Postage stamps aren't free.

  16. They all have their territory that they are responsible for. The amount of money from state and federal agencies they receive are dependent on the number and type of calls the respond to in a given period of time. That is the reason everybody is so concerned about who covers what ,Don't blame the local fire departments for trying to have the best equipment to serve their citizens.


  17. These calls have nothing to do with the supposed feud. The fire in Willards has specific fire companys both in Worcester County and Delaware that are assigned as responding companies and the same goes for fire companies on the East side of the county also being called to respond to Delaware when needed. The Accident on Beaglin Park this morning is an example of not the feud between the County and the city but rather the haphazard bounties of the city of Salisbury. This area has often caused problems with whether it is in the county or the city limits and who responds. A county Police Dept. would solve this problem as well as the many duplicate functions the City, County and state perform.
    There is often good news and information posted on this site which informs the readers of things the local media does not, however making up stories such as this one with inaccurate information decreases the credibility of the site.

  18. Clearly we now need a county run system

  19. Jake Day is a little baby and his pansy ass is too busy painting daisies on the walls in downtown and licking Duncan's boots to be worried about the health and safety of the citizens of Salisbury.

  20. United we stand Divide we fall. What happened to neighbors helping neighbors. It it that bad that a life or property could be lost over something this trivial. Come on city and county. Let's work together for our communities. Who cares who helps each other. The only mission that's important here is that we help one another. In the military you got your brothers six no matter what. Shouldn't it be that way here? Do the right thing here people or find another profession.

  21. The MAYOR needs to be arrested for not activating the fire service.

  22. Excellent commentary Joe!!! I thought we would move past this with Rick in Crisfield and Ireton asleep on the council.....thought for sure Culver would resolve this.....I'm disappointed in Day and Culver, they are NOT working together at all.....SAD

  23. @11:29 you're so right and its a sad day when things become so petty and meaningless argument. A divide between city and county government is a no win situation. But the truth is we have leaders that don't care about anything but personal agenda. I can't wait for the time to come in the near future that Day and LEWIS square off for state legislation office. Day get ready to get your feelings hurt

  24. I have said for years upon years - combine city and county and quit the stupid arguing over who is going to cover what. This is like kindergarten. Stop it and just combine.


  25. 10:31
    "Don't blame the local fire departments for trying to have the best equipment to serve their citizens."
    Please don't take this as criticism because that is not my intent. When taking of money or budget I can't help but think the parade vehicles would be less expensive with less chrome. Sure some equipment may have alloy wheels as standard equipment, etc., etc. I am in larger cities often where these vehicles are constantly rolling. They have painted rims, actually dirty due to demand of calls. I'm not saying the cab shouldn't be spotless inside for occupants and everything functioning properly, but is this not a work truck. Just saying....

  26. 9:46
    I was listening to the call at the beginning. The fire department responded. It was the police that couldn't figure out who was going to write a report. One said it was city other said it was county. I never did hear which it was.

  27. The accident was in the city... That's why we have City Police! City Officers are qualified and do not need help to do their jobs! Wicomico County Sheriff Departments should stay in the County where they belong.

    1. Depends on where it was on Beaglin Park the entire road is chopped up between city and county. One block in next block out next in. Most people think because they are in Salisbury they are in the city, that's not always correct.

  28. I think everyone forgets that Ireton wanted the county to pay the city if they had to go outside city limits to assist other departments, what he forgot is that WICOMICO central dispatches the city's calls too, so if the city is that worried about it they better get busy on building their own communications building or have the dispatchers at SPD do it.

    1. Which would creates a delayed response. As calls come into one 911 center who also does the dispatching. If you separate dispatching you have to deal with two agencies instead of one central agency. You talk if combining city and county services yet you're dividing them. The problem is not who responds but Salisbury city waiting money. Salisbury fought for those county areas and agreed to cover them. They get money from the county just as all the county stations do. To give them way more than the other stations doing the same job would be unfair. For them not to respond as Ireton so foolishly suggested is also wrong.

  29. Rumor is something big is about to happen. Supposedly a City/County deal for fire/EMS has already been reached. And the rumor around the county fire departments is they are going to take a significant hit in funding next fiscal year. Many do not realize the county provides minimal funding as it is. Barely enough to keep the companies' doors open. If the smaller companies take a funding cut some may be forced to close down. And that will hurt many tax payers. To those of you pushing for a county system, well be prepared for a tax increase. The funding now, including EMS funding for paramedics will not cover the cost of a county wide fire and EMS system. Not even close. Let's be honest. The real problem with the city/county agreement, is The Salisbury FD. Yes I said it. It is mismanaged and needs change. They need to learn how to trim the fat. Administration is way to large for that size of a department with its call volume. But with that being said it sounds as if Culver and the County Council are caving. And if this is all true, the county tax payer is getting ready to get screwed over royally!

  30. What needs to happen is station's 1,2,16 need to leave the city and go county like 1 station is as i under stand is working towards at this time . The city needs to be all paid like baltimore. City of salisbury is taking everything from them now. Why keep the vollys if you dont want them . Each station has the right to call whom ever they want to assit them on any call.Also the only reason them station's have not left is due to there lazy fire chief saying he will take there retirement away from them that they have earned doing this job for free. The fire chief has made conments he dose not need the vollys which is a slap to them but hey he gets paid 90 thousand a year . Oh and why don't your questions get asked why the city can violate the charter but vollys gotta follow it . Them members need to stand up and leave the city dry. New dep chief what a joke . Two paid dep chief's. Thats a waste of tax payers money . The fire chief and mayor day need to be investigated.

    1. your brain needs to be studied.and what do you think the vollys money should be spent on..

  31. We stay off of North Park Drive a few nights a week and never knew about this problem. Where exactly is the county city response line boundaries there?

    1. Contact station 1 they will tell you

  32. Can someone explain why there even is a City of Salisbury. Two police agencies. Dumb, poor use of taxpayers dollars

  33. The only reason the three volunteer organizations within the city of Salisbury still exist is so they can still get the funding for them from the County. I it wasn't for that the City would do away with them altogether.

    1. your flat stupid...you still gotta pay calls taken in the county

  34. Why is there a border between the city and the county in the first place in regards to Fire Protection? The city is where the fire departments are but they serve the county and each taxpayer needs to be paying the same amount and reciprocity should be the law. Excuse me for being simple

    1. I excuse you for being simple. Now go to your local fire dept and find out how things work and quit reading misinformation.

  35. Good Lord People! I don't care what the LINE is, a person was trapped inside a vehicle that flipped over onto its roof. Just get your rear end to the damn scene and do what the hell you're being paid for. Funny, cops say they don't see COLOR. I guess that means, unless the person is IN or OUT of their district.

  36. We must have a DMZ around the Bury , that way all will be treated in a timely manner. All lives matter!

  37. It's funny that Dover which is the same size as Salisbury has an all volunteer fire department and Salisbury doesn't and Dover seems to make out fine. 90% of the calls Salisbury has are EMS related.

  38. I live on Morris Rd in Pittsville and last year a strange man was wondering around as my 9 and 7 year old were playing and this man began screaming at my kids as I stood near a window I heard the yelling and grabbed my phone next to me and went out to my kids and this man was screaming at my son and all I heard out of his mouth was he would knock my sons head off and I grabbed my kids and ran inside and called 911 I was transferred twice from the sheriff's office to the Maryland State Police and was told that an officer was on their way. 45 minutes later a sheriff's patrol car pulled up after numerous calls back to 911 in attenpta to keep them informed as to the mans whereabouts. With all this info about the turf war I can assume that is what caused them to take 45 mins to respond. My family may have to leave Wicomico County

  39. First of all dissolve the Salisbury Police Department and absorb them into the Wicomico County Sheriff's Office and patrol County wide. Let the WCSO move into the SPD Building and you will save millions because Bob Culver plans on building a multi-million dollar building for the Sheriff's Office. Yes that is a FACT! Pay back for supporting Culver for Executive!

    Second, dissolve the City Charter and become one Wicomico County. The city and county would save millions of dollars in taxes by not duplicating so many services. There is no need for a City in this County. Stop annexing and paying City and County taxes.

    When are you people going to wake up!!

  40. Anonymous said...

    It's all about the $1.3 million plus that the city says it's owed by the county for ambulance response done outside the city.

    July 29, 2016 at 9:42 AM

    That happens to be exactly what they need to pay for those 12 paid firemen when that 2 year Federal Grant expired. First and foremost Salisbury didn't need those additional paid fireman. A structure fire is a very rare occurrence in Salisbury. The obvious need is to pay for paramedics. Wicomico County is always dispatching Delmar, Parsonsburg, Hebron and Fruitland to assist them in the City for ambulances multiple times a day while the fire trucks chase the ambulances and stand at the ambulance call.

    WAIT!! Ambulances and fire trucks can respond to assist Salisbury but they won't send their paid firemen to help out at the Farmers Bank of Willards?? Okay WTH is wrong with that picture!!

    Jake Day and Bob Culver you need to step down for your incompetence!!

  41. Anonymous said...
    Once again, if this backward county was more progressive, they would have a county fire department that is well run and state of the art. Instead, we have this patch work of small towns fighting to raise money to buy equipment. I have enormous respect for volunteer firefighters and think they are needed, but the system needs to be county-based.

    July 29, 2016 at 9:46 AM

    I agree with you. The County continues to throw money at these volunteer stations with no accountability from either one of them.

    Have a paid county fire station that is organized and lead by paid professionals. The volunteers can still volunteer at their respective stations, but the county owns everything and buys everything. That would be a huge savings by buying in bulk!

    Someone should come up with the plan and present it to the Wicomico County Council and make them put it into legislation.

  42. The FAA is requiring Wicomico County to have a paid, on duty fire and EMS staff because the Piedmont crew is no longer going to respond to calls. Bob Culver is kicking the can down the road on this one and ignoring the demands of the FAA.

    This needs to be investigated.

  43. Anonymous said...
    Pittsville got called and went to the big fire in Somerset. I don't know the accuracy of this article, but with fire companies on a volunteer basis, there is no shame in getting help from neighboring counties. It is still cost effective as well bc most companies are called out to go all over. It breaks even in the end. I know it's upsetting to need help elsewhere but that's what happens with volunteer services. The accident Joe is referring to I don't know about; if what he says is true, that definitely needs to be evaluated. But it gets sticky with volunteer services bc not everyone is available. Worcester and Selbyville are actually closer to Willards than any of the Salisbury locations... It was good that they came.

    July 30, 2016 at 10:07 AM

    You are a stupid idiot!! The Worcester County and Sussex County lines may be closer to that fire, but those fire departments responding such as Showell and Selbyville are not. Regardless, Salisbury has a paid crew at three stations during that time and could easily smoke most anyone responding as a volunteer station. If they don't then they need to be fired.

  44. It is obvious Culver can't handle the job. When you elect someone who just wants a paycheck, had many failed businesses and can't treat his family with respect, then this is what you get. We were fooled once by you Mr. Culver, NEVER AGAIN. I'm hopping off that train right now. You will never get another vote from me, my family and my friends.

  45. Why should Delaware companies respond to Maryland at all?Because they care about peoples lives not money and control.

  46. All you "Mayors for a Day" out there are clueless. The City residents PAY TAXES to have their fire service. All of them do. The county residents DO NOT pay taxes for fire protection.

    So, what you are saying is "we don't want to pay for fire service, so let's get the people who do pay taxes for fire service take care of us when we are in trouble". Sounds more to me like you guys are Bernie supporters. You want something for nothing. And, you hide behind "it's the right thing to do". That is what Bernie does. Sorry, if it is wrong for Bernie supporters to glom off the workers in society, then it is wrong for the County to glom off of the City. Maybe we need a fatality for you cheap county bastards to come to the realization that if you want fire protection you have to pay for it.

    1. The county does pay taxes for fire service thru county taxes. And Salisbury is not a separate entity it is in Wicomico county . Salisbury residents also pay taxes to the city to have a paid fire service. The county divides money between all the county and the three Salisbury Fire depts equally. And there is accountability. Salisbury accepted and fought for areas in the county to cover as a part if their fire district. Salisbury is trying to get more money from the county to pay for their paid crew, as the are not fiscally responsible in part and to pay for the new buildings. It used to be the Salisbury volunteers that responded to their county areas, but then they started using the paid crews.

  47. This is what happens when you have three dishonorable, immoral, lying leaders trying to make a common sense decision to protect us, the citizens from tragedy. Lets face it, Culver is dishonest as evidenced by him dishonoring a pledge that Wicomico County made decades ago concerning alcohol sales at our Civic Center. He is not a man of integrity. And there is Ireton, a known and professed immoral person and homosexual. You see, when you have a leadership in our county like this, we cannot expect common sense to be utilized even for the safety and well being of us, the citizens. Their proven decisions are solely based on financial considerations and immoral lifestyles. And Day has done absolutely nothing to be an effective mayor to resolve these issues and is nothing but a continuation of Ireton. Day is a lot of talk with no action. Wake up Salibury and all of Wicomico County. We need a good house cleaning before it's to late.

  48. If I live in Salisbury, and pay both city and county taxes, what county resources do I get?

    1. You get mutual aid from the county when needed. You get standby crews when Salisbury is busy. You get an ambulance when Salisbury is busy. County stations help the city all the time and vice versa

  49. Typical hierarchy foolishness at the expense of the people they are supposed to service!

  50. Anonymous said...
    It is obvious Culver can't handle the job. When you elect someone who just wants a paycheck, had many failed businesses and can't treat his family with respect, then this is what you get. We were fooled once by you Mr. Culver, NEVER AGAIN. I'm hopping off that train right now. You will never get another vote from me, my family and my friends.

    July 31, 2016 at 8:26 AM

    That's exactly what Culver wanted. A new Suburban to drive and more than anything else a pay check. He hadn't had a pay check in over a year. His restaurant was a failure as was everything he has ever touched. He has a license to sell houses and he has been a failure at that. Just look what he did with his daughter? He gave her a job which was unethical. Now he is staffing his office with buddies that helped get him elected like A. Kaye Kenney. His son is getting the next job.

  51. Anonymous said...
    You get mutual aid from the county when needed. You get standby crews when Salisbury is busy. You get an ambulance when Salisbury is busy. County stations help the city all the time and vice versa

    July 31, 2016 at 12:41 PM

    Another clueless idiot that doesn't know what he is talking about. Salisbury didn't go to Willards did they? NO! Guess who covers the Salisbury Wicomico Airport? Parsonsburg. LMAO. That was something Jim Ireton did when he got his panties in a twist. Refused to send the Salisbury Fire Department there first due.

  52. You get what you vote for.

  53. Anonymous said...
    This is what happens when you have three dishonorable, immoral, lying leaders trying to make a common sense decision to protect us, the citizens from tragedy. Lets face it, Culver is dishonest as evidenced by him dishonoring a pledge that Wicomico County made decades ago concerning alcohol sales at our Civic Center. He is not a man of integrity. And there is Ireton, a known and professed immoral person and homosexual. You see, when you have a leadership in our county like this, we cannot expect common sense to be utilized even for the safety and well being of us, the citizens. Their proven decisions are solely based on financial considerations and immoral lifestyles. And Day has done absolutely nothing to be an effective mayor to resolve these issues and is nothing but a continuation of Ireton. Day is a lot of talk with no action. Wake up Salibury and all of Wicomico County. We need a good house cleaning before it's to late.

    July 31, 2016 at 9:51 AM

    "Lets face it, Culver is dishonest as evidenced by him dishonoring a pledge that Wicomico County made decades ago concerning alcohol sales at our Civic Center."

    You are 100% correct. Only a dishonest man would do something like that. Bob Culver is a snake and he hired a dirty lawyer that was a Barry Tilghman reject to do his dirty work. Bob Culver is a sneaky politician. He just makes me want to puke.

  54. Anonymous said...
    If I live in Salisbury, and pay both city and county taxes, what county resources do I get?

    July 31, 2016 at 10:53 AM

    That is why we should dissolve the Salisbury City Charter and let all departments be absorbed by the County. It is asinine to pay double taxes. For what!!

  55. Anonymous said...
    The county does pay taxes for fire service thru county taxes. And Salisbury is not a separate entity it is in Wicomico county . Salisbury residents also pay taxes to the city to have a paid fire service. The county divides money between all the county and the three Salisbury Fire depts equally. And there is accountability. Salisbury accepted and fought for areas in the county to cover as a part if their fire district. Salisbury is trying to get more money from the county to pay for their paid crew, as the are not fiscally responsible in part and to pay for the new buildings. It used to be the Salisbury volunteers that responded to their county areas, but then they started using the paid crews.

    July 31, 2016 at 12:38 PM

    There is no accountability. Just because you say it is doesn't make it accurate.

  56. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    All you "Mayors for a Day" out there are clueless. The City residents PAY TAXES to have their fire service. All of them do. The county residents DO NOT pay taxes for fire protection.

    So, what you are saying is "we don't want to pay for fire service, so let's get the people who do pay taxes for fire service take care of us when we are in trouble". Sounds more to me like you guys are Bernie supporters. You want something for nothing. And, you hide behind "it's the right thing to do". That is what Bernie does. Sorry, if it is wrong for Bernie supporters to glom off the workers in society, then it is wrong for the County to glom off of the City. Maybe we need a fatality for you cheap county bastards to come to the realization that if you want fire protection you have to pay for it.

    July 31, 2016 at 9:31 AM

    You obviously don't know what you are talking about. First of all there are about 90% of the population in Salisbury that are renters. The slum lords pay the "taxes" not the renters. Second, check the county budget and see if their isn't line items for the county appropriations to the City of Salisbury. Only a douche bag would run their mouth on here about something they don't know what they are talking about.

  57. Anonymous said...
    You get what you vote for.

    July 31, 2016 at 6:31 PM

    Yeah I hear Mike Elliott who left the Sheriff's Department a while back is talking about running for County Executive in the next election. He sure has been posting a lot of crap on his Facebook Page.


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