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Sunday, July 31, 2016

Salisbury News Confirms, Thousands Chanting Black Lives Matter

While the leaders of Ocean City had all good intentions putting out commercials inviting people to come visit Ocean City Maryland, the stakeholders of Ocean City weren't aware just where those ads were being placed. This has become a massive issue now. 

Many of those ads have been placed in Baltimore City and guess what, they've worked. You get what you pay for. Now, don't come back here in comments and call me a racist. I have always told the TRUTH. You may not LIKE that we go right for the throat but unlike the rest of your main stream media, we tell it like it is.

So now people are commenting the issues we had this past weekend had nothing to do with the BLM movement, that's not true. I have seen video of HUNDREDS of people yelling BLACK LIVES MATTER while the Police were trying to break things up. Some have also said the numbers weren't even in the hundreds, NOT TRUE. The numbers were in the low thousands at one point, you just haven't see it yet.

I can tell you that there have been hundreds of elderly people staying at Hotels on vacation who packed their bags and left Ocean City. I was told the main reason was because they are scared. Ladies & Gentlemen, this is a serious problem. I also have friends who walk the Boardwalk every single morning and they have NEVER seen so much trash on the Beach in their lifetime of living in Ocean City.

I have seen other waterfront resort communities experience the very same problem in the past. While they recognized this as being a very serious problem, bikini contests, strip clubs and massive fights emerged and the problems got even worse. In order to FIX things they had to recognize by driving certain businesses out and restricting certain events that were causing problems, they had to tighten their belts and know they were going to see losses for a period of time but they did so to save these resort communities.

Ocean City has a unique problem, (I've mentioned this in the past). Their employees, (during the best of times) received huge salaries. They didn't see the recession coming and when it hit it took the millions in reserves and depleted those funds in a  very short period of time. All of a sudden they started adding fees like you had to now get a permit to put in a new A/C unit. Floating Docks and so on. They had to advertise anywhere and everywhere to draw in as much traffic as possible in order to survive. This has created a monster. 

The ONLY way Ocean City is going to stay away from becoming the next Atlantic City is to immediately rethink their marketing strategies not only in where to draw in traffic, they need to figure out how they're going to survive within the enormous salaries they've grown to enjoy so much. 

When you have 70 cops against more then a thousands thugs, someone is going to get hurt. Citizens are going to instinctively want to help defend police being overwhelmed and a race riot is going to break out. Remember, many of these Officers do NOT carry weapons/guns. 

Why can't we all just get along peacefully!

Published 9:00 AM


  1. First...let's hire local people who want to hustle some money for the summer instead of housing and temporary visas for exchange students that come to the local Social Security office by the van full service. Let's take care of own no matter what race but live and need jobs here.

    1. There are approximately 15,000 students working 2 40 hour work weeks - the equivalent of 30,000 jobs. They are only here during the peak time are are gone in the shoulder months as are the college students that go back. The employers want to hire more locals but they do not want to work. They need them to work and they can't find them. We need workers - not paycheck collectors. Anyone that is in OC that wants a job has a job.

    2. I have heard many Decatur students were turned down for jobs because they were filled by international "students". Also heard from an employee of an OC landmark that they hired "too many" employees and the locals hours were being cut while the internationals were not.

    3. These students I work with everyday. Not directly I help them. What I have learned some students are working 8p hours at 1 job with no overtime pay. I have also learned they live 9 people in a house that should have 3 people. Yet these students smile and are always happy. Can we say that about the Americans we run into. Half are just miserable and nasty. I would rather have the j1 students here.

    4. What you are seeing here is Ghetto live and in full motion. They act this way in their home communities and do the same wherever they go. No one speaks out against this Thug Behavior, just the opposite, they are defended by many in the press and BLM. Best thing to do is round them up, kick them out and put them in a database of do not let them work stay at OC for a specified time period. Left to do there damage, OC will go down the tubes and out of business.

  2. Very well said! The truth hurts

  3. Anyone else sick and tired of black lives matter. These people are trouble. They are hateful. They are dangerous and will be responsible for a lot of harm to there own community before its done. Peaceful african americans better get loud condemning this type of behavior.

    1. Seriously I'm a local my military brother is coming back first time in years and as well as my childhood friend I have a son and I'm terrified to take them to the boardwalk or beach Bc people have no commen sense

    2. So what you're saying is BLM can't come together and walk down a street and protest peacefully over people getting killed but y'all can destroy a city because your favorite team lost wtf

    3. There have been a lot of peaceful protest but it's always that one white person that thinks blacks aren't aloud to protest or whatever and like to start being crazy..... I go to ocean city a lot and every time is some punk white kids fighting and being crazy white people is crazy as well they are bullies

    4. white people have always been hateful towards black people since way back when but yet black people are the ones who are hateful ? BLACK PEOPLE HAVE MORE LOVE FOR WHITE PEOPLE THEN WHITE PEOPLE HAVE FOR BLACKS , but yet blacks are so wrong ? and im not speaking on all white people because once again color doesnt determine the inside , a hateful person is going to be hateful regardless , im just sick of these white people saying what they saying when most arent NO better then the people they talking about , open your eyes , fix YOURSELF and the hate & ignorance you have to be able to talk about anybody before you go passing judgement on somebody or a group of people you know NOTHING about , i cannot wait until everybody can actually see past peoples skin and realize that people are going to be who they want and act how they want regardless of the color of they skin .

    5. Dats right totally agree whites treat blacks funny they always jump to conclusion that we are dumb ignorant we steal we kill we can't have anything we can't accomplish anything. like when my family and moved in our new house. some white lady walking back and forth called the police on us and when the police arrived instead of him saying hi i was called for this reason he says what you all doing here nobody's suppose to be do u have paper work. the things that these white folks are doing is wrong . not only do black lives matter but every life matters. stay strong my brothers and sisters

    6. Yeah I never have understood this color thing. I grew up in the projects and we loved each other. Hell we didn't see color we seen people and that's how I still roll today at 53. Just for the record I am caucasin. I pray every day to God that he help our coutry become one and we love one another. That there is no color or enenthtisity but just people to love.

  4. I second that,well said! Locals can not get jobs during the summer or there's only a few left bc of the foreigners..

  5. There was a post right on this site about Ocean City's advertising plan and I said right on this site that it was idiotic.

  6. This will put a short-term dent in OC's boardwalk traffic.

  7. I live 40 minutes from OC and have been over there once in 13 years which was during off season. The character of some/most people that frequent OC are not the type of people I want to bring my family around. The environment brought to the area by outsiders is not family friendly or fun. I'll take my family and money to the outer banks, Virginia beach or Myrtle before I invest in what is becoming a waterfront ghetto.

  8. How can these liars even suggest black lives matter with the way they are killing each other off and shooting each other every single day in this country. How many last night not including the nearly 20 of them shot and/or killed at a party in FL. They are a cursed people and will continue to be a cursed people until they stop that lying they are prone to doing. They can profess (more of that lying going on) to be Christians until they are blue in the face but God sees the dark hearts.

  9. You really just do not get it. Americans will not do the work that the foreigners do. Employers will be left with NO employees if it relied on American workers.Ask any employer in Ocean City. When you don't understand something quit professing knowledge like you know what you are talking about

    1. I personally hire work release just to get them to show up. And I pay half way decent wage

  10. To answer the question "why cant we all get along peacefully?"

    Its very simple. Blacks are entrenched in such a long and deep hatred of whites that every new generation is taught to hate us. Its never going away.
    I would say the same for whites as well. Except the difference is that, like it or not, the morals and values are different between whites and blacks. Their actions make me hate them. The things some of them do makes me wonder if there is any hope left for them as a whole.

    1. I guess the Jim crow laws worked. lets be honest. That was the plan all along.

    2. I wonder if colorism taught by Willy Lynch during slavery, Jim Crow laws, systematic racism, or multiple murders of black people including genocide throughout the history of America cause black people to hate white people. Although I'm pretty sure the majority of them don't hate white people they just want equal treatment.

    3. Wow what back woods thinking you have. Wow is about all I can muster at this point. Spoken like the grand wizard himself.

  11. 9:20 any "dent" "short-term" or otherwise is not acceptable. A "dent" only proves lack of forward thinking and planning skills and is a reflection of bad leadership.

  12. Joe you are right, Ocean City has overpaid their top level employees for many years. I'm not sure if it has depleted their funds though, as they have a very high tax rate and room tax rate. The problem this summer has been is they don't have enough police officers. They can't find enough applicants that can pass the new standard tests that are required to be a seasonal officer. This is that same college takeover weekend event that was supposed to happen the last two years in June. Both of those times the OC Police knew about it in advance and had a number of allied agencies assisting and their was basically a cop on every block. For this event it appears they had no idea. This is the same thing that happened in VA Beach. I believe everything you said is true. I heard they even had to use tear gas to get them to stop. And I heard the same thing from a boardwalk hotel manager that some people left as early as Friday night because they were scared and they will never come back. You are right OC needs to get rid of some of the events and change philosophy. But I don't know what this town can do to change what happened this weekend. This was an underground event/gathering. Most of the people who came to town slept in their cars and couldn't afford a room or anything. There wasn't a town sponsored event that brought them here. That's why it caught everyone off guard. I have no doubt that everything you stated is true, and as a lifelong OC resident I have never seen anything like this ever. This is a national problem that needs to be addressed and unfortunately won't be by the current administration.

    1. Dude you wreek of racism. To me all lives matter even yours. But maybe OC got a taste of what it's like to be black this weekend. Have youbsewn what's happening in our country with black men and woman being shot and killed by the officers that are sworn to protect them. I ask you only this, if innocent white folks were being shot and killed by black officers how would you feel?

    2. Look it up. Thet are. Black people are also being shot by black officers, so whats that about. Every race gets murdered by cops.

    3. That does not answer the question that was asked

  13. I will say that when I drove into town yesterday morning, there was more trash on the streets than in the trash containers. It looked as if there was one big Pigfest on Saturday night.

    As for American jobs there, our Government exempts employers from paying unemployment taxes and social security taxes when using foreign workers but not for American workers.

    1. My boyfriend and I were in the Boards for a couple of minutes last Sunday! He grew up here and works there! The 1st thing I noticed was the trash...everywhere! It was horrible!

  14. This was not a BLM event. Shouting BLM does not make it an event. I saw it with my own two eyes. It was just a group of trash on the Boardwalk that started to yell and scream and argue. Does OC have an issue with being a family friendly resort ... hell yeah they do. I think the Ocean City Police along with their friends from Worcester County, MSP, and even at least one DNR did one of the best jobs setting up and implementing a successful plan to break all that mess up. I wish we could somehow keep that trash off the Boardwalk.

    1. OC has changed, very much over the years! It's so NOT a family resort anymore!

  15. Blacks can't get along with their own. They are shooting each other like there is no tomorrow. To think they can ever get along with others is absurd. They need to learn to stop being violent and then maybe everyone can get along. Last night at a party in Florida they shot each other up. They are an inherently violent people who also inherently have zero self control. Again they prove this every hour of every day.

  16. 10:03 Yes it was a BLM event. Stop fooling yourself. BLM promotes when blacks get in groups to act up. And the groups have no problem following orders because they want lawlessness so they can do what they do best and that is commit crimes. Time to stop coddling this sub human species.

    1. What a racist pig you are. People like you make me embarrassed to be Caucasian

  17. 10:23, Who are you kidding. White kids can't get along either.

    Heck, just look at your own work environment. It's natural for people to disagree and not get along. We are independent thinkers and we all react differently.

    I come from a family of five kids. Each and every one of us have a different personality and not one of us are alike. However, as families we all learn to agree to disagree.

    This is just one of the things we all need to share and teach. Another thing we have to teach is that fighting is 100% against the rules of life.

    Unfortunately we see out alleged leaders purposely going against the grain opposite of what the masses want and anger is now taking over this country.

    I've stated it many times in the past, our government is creating a DIVIDE, especially when it comes to race. I HATE that this is happening because IF we all just followed our Constitution and treated everyone as an equal we would Make America Great Again. Right now all of us are being played.

    Next weekend we should all gather on the Boardwalk and shake hands with everyone. We should WELCOME everyone with the kindness the Eastern Shore had always been known for. I actually think what Chief Duncan started in Salisbury is a great start. I think what Sandy Fitzgerald and her entire Staff did last week was fantastic.

    STOP falling for the racial divide people.

    1. I applaud u for saying what u just did. It is all about keeping the racial divide. What % of police r black or Hispanic or over 25. We need officers who live in the community, who r familiar w the boardwalks and locals, not newbies who come down for a summer to strut around as an officer. The ones on bikes r ridiculous. Maybe if they had Black officers on staff at these times it would help. There need to be positive black and white peacemakers available who can quell these instances.

    2. Our officers work extremely hard to keep our community safe. The majority of the police officers in ocean city are locals and aren't just "newbies who strut around." They need to be respected also. Right now, they are the people being harassed so you may want to reconsider your thoughts. And why are the police officers on bikes ridiculous? They work just as hard to keep us safe. And honestly, I know several African American police officers in ocean city. They are not the problem! BLM is the problem right now. This situation can be handled in better ways but these protests need to stop.

    3. The bike cops are usually out of towners. They aren't academy cops. They party and drunk when off duty. Maybe there should be more than a few black officers. Many oc cops move to oc from other areas for pleasure too. Born and raised black and white and Hispanic would solve a lot. Not Baltimore cops who retire here

  18. I live in Ocean City and agree with some of what has been written and disagree with others. As an FYI the people complainng about trash should be aware of the VERY violent storm that came thru OC Sunday morning. We had winds strong enough to tear off vinyl siding and yes...even blow trash. What happened on the boardwalk did happen. That said, to say the town was a racial powder keg for BLM is a far strech. The boardwalk is what the boardwalk is...a very tough crowd at times (especially after dark).

    1. Because we have allowed it to become that way. I agree. The incidents w street performers last few years have brought in odd crowds. Too many parents rent condos w plenty of illegal alcohol for groups of teens to come down get drunk and ravage the boards.

    2. I don't understand how they say Blm or Wlm or whatever if you are starting or joining a riot. You don't deserve respect either way. My 1 year old son isn't going to understand he doesn't see the color of ppl he sees innocents or violence.

  19. When black lives matter, White lives scatter!!!!
    Hell with OC. Tell all white people to stay away and then we will see how much black lives matter!!!!

    1. White people are just as guilty being a part of the BLM bs

  20. Sorry Joe I hear you but it is not going to work. I preach harmony every day. The Black sub culture out there does not want harmony they want trouble. The quilted white women follow these thugs also. You notice how many pasty white fat women follow this movement as well. They have no self esteem. Black lives only matter to White people. We are the only race speaking to the Black on Black violence in America.

    If Ohbama had a son he would have been in Fort Myers this weekend.

    To all you so called African Americans clean up your race then worry about who is racist and who is not. The mere fact you still demand to called (African) American shows your total disrespect of your country.
    I am just American period.

    By the way I live twenty minutes from O.C. I only go in Fall and Spring. The South end becomes a ghetto. The recent Banner Plane debacle says all I need to hear about that town. They demand no more anti Hillary banners and yet just look at the filth on the board walk. FFFFFFFFK BLM and all the trash they bring. One of the shooters in Ft. Myers is a Ste'Fan yes folks that is how his momma spelled his name. Enough said.

    1. The don't want to be called African . The government did that. They want to be called human. On here u see the posts of racism. Subculture. Inherently violent. Treat them as u do your family. Things change. It's disgusting to see the hatred u spew

    2. You r so wrong

    3. 1:55 They are the ones demanding their African ancestry defines them.

      They do not want to be called "human", they want to be called whatever they think sounds superior. Their subculture is indeed one of degenerate, narcissistic self-gratification and violence. Too bad, because their place in society will not change until they finally learn to drop the black self-worship.

    4. Anonymous 1:55, thank you for saying that.

  21. 11:29, The cool part about what we deliver here daily is the fact that people can express their opinion while remaining anonymous. We will agree to disagree, but that's OK. I have a hard time, (especially after reading your full comment) that you are truly someone who preaches harmony every day. I just don't feel the love in your heart, if you get my drift. Things just cannot be black or white. As any doctor will tell you, all of our blood is the same.

  22. Joe, why don't you call Meehan up and get his take on all of this? That will provide the comic relief this series of articles needs. You know he will blame people like you and me and others for making something out of nothing. See how many lies you can catch him in when you ask him what happened. Thanks for your aggressive reporting so far.

  23. Here's some facts. Joe Albero wasn't supposed to get this information. The Dispatch, local TV stations etc. COVER IT UP! Joe must have sources that don't believe in the M&CC's rhetoric, and believe you can't fix things, if you can't admit them. There are many accurate accounts on here what happened. Where's the rest of the media? Good job Joe. This is not a racial remark: The black lives matter will keep pushing, including Obama, and the South will rise again, Nationwide!

    1. Disgusting comment. U r the problem

  24. O.C. you better get your act together. Me and my family and friends will NOT be visiting O.C. as long as you allow BLM and other groups like this in your city. How stupid of you to advertise in the BLM enclaves like Baltimore. Wake Up now, because we will go to Va. Beach or other beaches if you Don't clean your city up.

    1. First we need a government that doesn't solve all their problems with war, stealing, and covering everything up with lies. Then maybe the people will learn from example. Until then America must take credit for the chaos it has cause amongst her citizens.

    2. Bye felisha that's for 12:07PM

  25. https://www.facebook.com/events/253077265079269/

  26. Rick Hussein Meehan - still waiting for you to explain why you personally brought this plague upon us. Are you really trying to drive out all the non-thugs from the boardwalk at night?

  27. they also cut costs where they could but charge as if you are staying at the ritz carlton.

  28. One needs to be off the boardwalk by 10 PM. If you're out any later you will be "in for an education". If I had a room in a boardwalk hotel and witnessed such behavior I would have been packing my bags too.

  29. STOP falling for the racial divide people.

    July 25, 2016 at 10:33 AM

    most of us go out of our way to be friendly and actions like these are how we are rewarded. racism goes both ways and they arrested 12 of them over the weekend.

    why are whites always charged with turning the other cheek, being tolerant, peaceful etc. when knuckleheads continue to act like this? be the bigger person? love thy neighbor?

    sounds like some tough love is needed.

  30. July 25, 2016 at 11:54 AM

    I just saw it on fb from a balt tv station so I don't know what you are talking about

  31. Not fair that you should have to be off the boardwalk at any given time. If you are on vacation, you don't look at the clock and shouldn't have to. OC you need to clean up your town or you're not going to have a town, and you're getting there quick by inviting this trash to come here.

    1. Time is the Cinderella syndrome AND even she could stay out until 12.

  32. If only 12 were arrested, than why was there over 40 of them still locked up this morning?

    1. Ok, ok, I give up. What's the punchline?

  33. I'm a loner,and half of the time I can't even get along with myself.

  34. the racial divide will only stop when black people start calling out these racist blacks! until then nothing will change!

    1. kinda likw muslims calling out terrorists ? crickets.

  35. 5:54
    they hold them for questioning

  36. When the mare wakes up and acknowledges there's a problem, maybe then it can be fixed.

  37. When the mare wakes up and acknowledges there's a problem, maybe then it can be fixed.

    1. Yes, no need in expecting the stallion to take care of things.

    2. @ 6:21 PM, OC has a horse for mayor. How much oats does she get paid. Lmao. Now that's the best thing I have read on this whole Damn thread.

  38. Gotta have a curfew.

  39. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    If only 12 were arrested, than why was there over 40 of them still locked up this morning?

    July 25, 2016 at 5:54 PM

    more were arrested maybe?

  40. As for American jobs there, our Government exempts employers from paying unemployment taxes and social security taxes when using foreign workers but not for American workers.
    July 25, 2016 at 9:45 AM

    You do not have a clue. Total mis-information.

  41. Bring this race war Already.

  42. "5:54
    they hold them for questioning

    July 25, 2016 at 6:05 PM

    The police cannot put people in jail for 'questioning.' The reason there were more people in jail than these 12 was probably because there were a lot more people arrested all over the town besides these two events.

  43. Question: Why do black lives only matter when taken by a cop? Think about that while keeping Chicago in mind.

    1. When taken by a WHITE cop, you mean.

  44. America and our government is a f--joke. Other countries laugh their asses off because of our actions with hate towards one another. We r not at all United. It's sad and pathetic when a person who was running for president doesn't even endorse his own party. How can our politicians stop these hateful and senseless behavior when they themselves act lick idiots.

  45. i used to love going to OC at night and sit on a bench and people watch, but noticed a change over the years, now I wouldn't even think about it. It's scary now.

  46. Joe -

    You seem to believe that this type of behavior is a regular occurrence in Ocean City, and that these types of people are regular visitors to the town. Unfortunately that just makes it painfully obvious that you yourself spend no actual time in OC, which of course just wrecks the credibility of everything thing else you've written on this subject, and really anything OC related.

    People that live/work in OC full time know the truth. This past weekend was an anomaly. That simple.

    Did they catch the police department a bit off guard? Yes. Were they gone by midday Sunday? Yes. Do some June weekends bring in rougher crowds? Yes. Was this noticeably worse than a typical June weekend? Yes. Was this a typical July weekend? Not even close.

    June is the rough month in OC. Just like it's been for 50+ years. Yet even in June, the majority of the major incidents happen on the weekends. It is by no means an everyday thing. The people who are insinuating that it is not safe to go out on the boardwalk after 10pm in the summer must be people who are never out on the boardwalk after 10pm in the summer. People who just enjoy using the internet to do what the internet does best, spread misinformation.

    Where Ocean City advertises has absolutely nothing to do with it's employees salaries. This seems to be an agenda you enjoy pushing, and you're seizing on an exceptionally unusual drunken boardwalk mob as an opportunity to do so.

    Also, every single police officer in Ocean City carries a handgun. I guess the same sources who indicated to you that this was a BLM rally also swung and missed on that tidbit for you.

    1. Let's hope this is not like terrorism; you don't know where the movement will strike next. Hope Homeland Security is keeping a close eye on things.

    2. Complete misinformation idiot, OCPD hired more PSAs,and they don't carry guns. talk about lack of credibility, you've been blogged!

    3. To 5:53. Glad to see intelligence at last on this thread

  47. 5:53, First of all, I live in Ocean City. Rather then wasting my time on a lengthy reply I'll simply say this. You are one clueless individual.

    1. now I KNOW ocmd home values are done.

  48. Sorry, must have touched a nerve with my fellow OC "resident". Perhaps you should mount another campaign and try dethrone evil Mayor Palpatine, oops I mean Meehan.

  49. BLM = Black version of KKK

    1. How many ppl have #Blacklivesmatter hung?

    2. lol your own people sold you to the europeans.

    3. Blaxks are cowards ie the knockout game, high crime rate for a low population,high welfar rate,single motherhoos.

  50. Why do everyone gotta be anonymous

  51. Yes because BLM is a racist terroristic hate group obsessed with causing trouble and murder and not equality for all citizens. Not to mention the fact that is was college week and the droves of drunk college students can't do anything wrong. *rolls eyes after speaking sarcastically* Why is it so hard to realize that there is a problem in this country and we should work together to fix it rather than pointing fingers at a movement that is actually attempting to fix it?

    1. Good job 12:31
      H2O club doesn't help. Going in and out drinking all night. White and black.

  52. 553am - ..i.e., "...unusual drunken boardwalk mob as an opportunity to do so..."

    Whoa - after pontificating about behavior, credibility, knowing the truth, caught off guard, lots of YES YES YES and the same anomaly excuses, please elaborate about drunks, OC and the boardwalk.

    Of the 12 officially arrested individuals on Sat nite/Sun morns debacle, only 5 (FIVE) were of legal age to drink and none (including the other 7( were charged with drinking.

    (scratching my head) "...unusual drunken boardwalk mob as an opportunity to do so..."

    So can I surmise, OC has a USUAL drunken boardwalk? I have several colleagues owning bars on the boards who'd differ with your opinion - especially when there are mobs of visitors in our town...

  53. Why can't we just be people? Not label white people, black people...just people. I do agree though thru the years we've been taught to hate. The stories my parents told of how "blacks" would get in the street until they walked by. As I'm sure they were taught the negativity of how the "whites" treat them. It's a sorry situation, that I personally see no answer to.

  54. Blacks are never happy. This hateful violence is exactly what BLM is all about. Look at Baltimore city, Black Mayor and 90% of city gov ib black. But, they still blame the white man for all their failures. Blacks killing blacks is on record pace every year. How about this, stop blaming white people for your own failures. Look at the city, blacks have destroyed it. African American? American black could not handle Africa. Your a black American! Period! Grow up blacks! Earn your own money and stop thinking people owe you! They don't!

  55. Reading lots of comments "foreigners are the problem." Foreigners don't employ themselves... Just saying. As far as I know, there is no requirement that employers hire foreigners. It seems like employers are choosing to hire foreigners instead of locals but we are blaming the foreigners for taking advantage of job opportunities. That makes complete sense... *rolls eyes*


  56. Just curious about which colleges the college weekend visitors arrested were attending? List me as dubious that they're risking paper cuts by opening books!

  57. Joe,
    Excellent job with this blog.
    You report and expose the news, and provide a place for all of us to voice our opinions anonymously.
    That has a huge value.

    I agree that all lives matter of course. However, government is not capable of curing our ills.
    The Church must stand up and speak the truth about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the atonement for ALL OF OUR SINS. Each and every one of us have been saved by Jesus Christ. That makes all of us brothers and sisters. We are in God's family and need to treat each other like family.

  58. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Anyone else sick and tired of black lives matter. These people are trouble. They are hateful. They are dangerous and will be responsible for a lot of harm to there own community before its done. Peaceful african americans better get loud condemning this type of behavior.

    July 25, 2016 at 8:54 AM

    Yes, there is 'anyone else' sick and tired of BLM. Me. And I'm sure there are plenty of others as well, no matter their race. I am also tired of being lied to, by this group, politicians and people in general.

    Politicians using BLM as a political football and in the process giving BLM more credibility and attention than it deserves. I had much more sympathy and understanding of them in the beginning but as time wore on, they have turned into what they claimed they were against. Racism.

  59. Make them leave and the most beligerant arrest, also if the media did not cover they would not get what they want most ATTENTION.

  60. As Joe previously stated...most crimes are committed by members of the same race. So for all you idiots who like to shoot off at the mouth without researching facts, how about taking a look at the FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting sometime. The latest 2014 murder statistics show that 2488 out of 3021 (82.35%)whites killed each other, and 2205 out of 2451 (89.965)blacks killed each other. So any decent person with a bit of intelligence can see we have a black on black crime and a white on white crime problem. Their are brutal and evil people in all races, so get over yourselves!


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