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Thursday, June 23, 2016

This Election Could Help Make or Break Your Retirement

With the future of Social Security in question and a dangerous shortfall in many Americans' savings, five states are testing out bold and controversial legislation to get people to put away more for retirement. The new laws could give much-needed financial options to one in five Americans, opening the door to similar experiments in other states—depending on who gets elected in November.

Connecticut, Illinois, Maryland, and Oregon have all passed laws requiring employers to either offer their own retirement plans or seamlessly connect workers to a well-designed state plan. California is considering a similar scheme. When these plans are in place (the first will take effect next year, at the earliest), retirement experts hope they’ll become laboratories to improve the American 401(k).

"Because different states are trying different approaches, state plans can be the innovation labs for better retirement," said Joshua Gotbaum, a guest scholar at the Brookings Institution and former head of the U.S. Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp. "They can—and I think, will—create new options for gig workers, for portability, for lifetime income, and for getting better coverage at lower cost."



  1. I work with so many people who don't even participate in our 401k. People are just too stupid.

  2. 6:41. I completely agree. I've been contributing to my 401K for over 30 years and have built up a very comfortable nest egg.

  3. lmao well designed state plan! who the hell is dumb enough to join that? anyone who already is smart enough to have a 401k knows better! state cant even fund it's retirement plan which is already in shambles and they are gonna tell us how to invest?

  4. They want all of us to "invest" in their rigged stock market.


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