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Thursday, June 23, 2016

Donald Trump: Hillary Clinton 'Opened the Pandora’s Box of Radical Islam'

Hillary Clinton’s actions as Secretary of State “opened the Pandora’s box of radical Islam” even while she “refuses to acknowledge the threat posed by Radical Islam,” Donald Trump charged in a broad rebuke of the presumptive Democratic nominee.

In a televised address from his hotel in New York’s SoHo neighborhood, Trump stronglycriticized Clinton’s policies while she was Secretary of State, including her leadership role in advocating for the U.S.-led NATO intervention in Libya.

Trump also spotlighted Clinton’s role in allegedly denying security requests to the fated U.S. Special Mission in Benghazi, her support for the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and for the rebels targeting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s regime, and her involvement with the Iran nuclear deal.

All of these polices, Trump stated, have made the world far more dangerous by fostering radical Islamic terrorist groups and other extremists. And they cost “thousands” of American lives and “trillions of dollars,” Trump stated.


1 comment:

  1. Go get them Donald Stick it to the friggin treasonous evil witch. she has sold out the country along with her partner-in-crime,Obama. To the evil globist cancer. A Free American cannot be in the new world order. They are treasonous lying jihadists and they mean to dominate and seize control of the country during a Jihad they have funded via Isis. Whom they have aided and abetted into allow murderous evil demons into our once great nation. All due to porous border and insane imigration policy. They are here in this country this very minite. Its theather they produced!!! to finally take our only form of protection from their planned tryanny.


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