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Thursday, June 23, 2016

New rule lets feds hack your computer anywhere, anytime

'We're going to wake up in a few years in George Orwell's 1984'

A proposal that Washington bureaucrats be given nearly unfettered permission to hack into private computers, which WND reported earlier was being described as the ultimate “Big Brother” move, is drawing strong opposition from privacy activists and members of Congress.

“We’re in the midst right now of one of the biggest battles in the privacy world that we have faced,” said U.S. Rep. Blake Farenthold, R-Texas, on a website mobilizing opposition. “If we keep down this path, we’re going to wake up in a few years in George Orwell’s 1984. This is why, as we fight for security, any intrusion on privacy needs to be narrowly tailored and aggressively overseen.”

WND reported last month when the alarm was raised by the Rutherford Institute, which offered its assistance to Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., who is opposing the rule change.

At issue is a proposed change to Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 41, which addresses search warrants.

If the change is adopted, Rutherford warned, it would “erode individual privacy” by granting vast new authority to investigators.

“Police State USA: How Orwell’s Nightmare Is Becoming Our Reality” chronicles how America has arrived at the point of being a de facto police state, and what led to an out-of-control government that increasingly ignores the Constitution. Order today!



  1. Just another chapter of many in as the vice slowly turns and all the Sheep Wonder ....Look the hidden dangers of the rainbow explains how this is all being orchestrated coordinated, funded, enforced, politicized,legislated all for the glory of the Antichrist. We all need to be on our knees. The lost are doomed

  2. So, I guess it's okay for us to hack government computers, right? Without a penalty, right?

  3. They are not looking for terrorist either. If they were the FBI would have stopped the Orlando shooter one of the two times that they investigated him. This is about stopping any resistance movement from starting. It's why they gather so much information that they need a gigantic building just to hold it all. They do not have the staff, nor could they ever hope to have the staff to investigate it as it comes in because of the sheer volume.
    The terrorist has probably already committed his crime, resulting in his own death, before they can even look at his background. However if I start a movement, or if I sue the government to fight some over-reach or if I do something to embarrass them, they will comb through my history. If they can't find anything to arrest or embarrass me they will find something they can twist the facts on. All this information is being gathered as a giant blackmail operation.

  4. I don't remember hearing Mr. Trump's position on this sort of gov't overstep. I'd like to know where he stands on this., you too, Mr. Harris.


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