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Sunday, June 26, 2016

Photo of little girl standing on toilet goes viral for unusual reason

A Michigan mom thought her daughter was just being funny when she was standing on their toilet.

But when Stacey Feeley's 3-year-old daughter explained what she was doing, Feeley broke down, reports CBS Pittsburgh.

Feeley says her daughter was actually practicing a lockdown drill, hiding from a potential attacker.

She posted the photo on Facebook with the following caption:

"Politicians - take a look. This is your child, your children, your grandchildren, your great grand children and future generations to come. They will live their lives and grow up in this world based on your decisions. They are barely 3 and they will hide in bathroom stalls standing on top of toilet seats. I do not know what will be harder for them? Trying to remain quiet for an extended amount of time or trying to keep their balance without letting a foot slip below the stall door?"



  1. Teaching our children to be little Anne Franks instead of fighting for their lives. If a few people in Pulse had fought back they could have stopped this guy, but we are the "shelter in place" generation.

  2. If only that 3-year-old could be armed instead of having to shelter in place. All it takes to stop a shooter is a bunch of good guys with guns. Stupid liberals!

  3. You may want to choose your analogies better 8:21. And 8:48 please tell me you're being sarcastic, or do you really suggest we give children firearms?

  4. Next we will be building playgrounds underground for the children like they have in Israel.

  5. At 3 yrs old 8:21 doing what she is doing is all she is capable of doing to save her life.

  6. When you grow up learning the correct way to respect and operate a firearm, the younger to start the better!

  7. Three is a little young for that, 9:05. Maybe more like 8-10.
    Recoil forces and judgement must be considered.

    I think 8:48 is a troll trying to act stupid. Mission accomplished.

  8. First we taught them not to talk to strangers, then don't take candy from anyone, now they are being taught how to hide for safety.
    I grew up in a completely different world and am so sad that my grandchildren live in a world with some much evil.
    Our children/grandchildren are losing their innocence way too early!!
    Our government should be so ashamed. I truly do not know how they can possible sleep at night.

  9. "...Our government should be so ashamed..."

    A government Of the People, By the People and For the People.

    Maybe We the People should be ashamed.

  10. All due to allowing in Illegals, and Muslims! AS far as the Ann Frank comparison, I say we need to put together a modern Gestapo and go arrest the illegals, and kick out the Muslims, and then use them to get the stupid Liberals!

  11. 11:07 AM - 1930's Germany was the solution? Wow.

  12. Please read the US Constitution, 1107.

  13. Are you seriously insinuating we should be teaching our Pre-K and Kindergarten children to fight off potential suspects that have weapons? What kind of special are you? What do you think a 3 year old is going to be able to do to defend themselves? Some of them are probably still using the bathroom on themselves. Get a grip some of you people belong in a straight jacket.

    1. Would you prefer that they sit with their heads down on the desks and wait for the bullet. If the kids ran out of the class and rushed a gunman he could be brought under control. I'm not saying it's ideal and yes a few would die but when it's kill or be killed this is the only option. It's that or have the military inside every school in the country.
      Obviously she is old enough to learn how to hide. As sad as it is she must also be brave enough to fight. This is why we never should have gone into the Middle East. Now we have the blowback and the reality is we will all have to fight because freedom is not free.

  14. Thank obama

  15. Obamas Master plan in destroying america and to bring terror here.

  16. This will be the Worst 6 months of american history.
    Trump 16 17 18 19 20

  17. Yes, the answer is more guns! Are you people sane? Let's just ignore gun fatalities and mass shootings. Let's arm everyone! Oh yeah, we're already there and things are even worse!
    Arm kids and when the parents don't give them a lollipop when they ask for one, it's a bullet right between the eyes!
    How many people are already getting killed weekly by toddlers with access to handguns? Wth?


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