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Sunday, June 26, 2016

Dems stage election-year sit-in on guns, GOP unmoved

WASHINGTON (AP) — Democrats carried a remarkable House floor sit-in into a second day, disrupting the business of Congress with demands for gun-control votes in an unruly scene broadcast live to the world. Republicans branded the move as a publicity stunt before summarily adjourning the chamber until after the Fourth of July.

Even after the House adjourned around 3:15 a.m. EDT Thursday, and Republicans streamed to the exits, Democrats stayed on the House floor, shouting “No bill no break!” and waving papers with the names of gun victims written in black. Rep. Maxine Waters of California said she was ready to stay “until Hell freezes over.”

Gradually the Democrats began to wind down their protest, but a core group lingered, some wrapped in blankets or resting on pillows. With a crowd cheering them on from outside the Capitol and many more following the theatrics on social media, Democrats declared success in dramatizing the argument for action to stem gun violence.



  1. I say lock them in there until after the election! Surely some of them are up for re-election. Furthermore this is just business as usual in Congress. They make their living off doing nothing!

  2. Don't know why he's not sitting on the floor with them. I've never seen a speaker more democrat sympathetic than Paul Ryan. He's horrific.

  3. Why don't we the people cast a ballot for some intelligent adults the next time. I know it will be a task, due to most of those sharp adults have no interest in holding office and prefer to work for a living . These nuts are suppose to be representing the people, not arguing their personal emotions. I'm referencing this crowd, right on down to the recent decisions our county just made. And don't forget Salisbury, are the so called leaders doing anything about employment and our safety? All I see is interest in bicycle trails and paths. I rode my bike to other nearby towns as a child, and not one arrow to show where to lay down the rubber....amazing.

  4. No spine Ryan. He should enforce the rules of the House. The DemocRATS were violating Law Rules by committing this unlawful act. Ryan should have them removed and arrested for trespassing. The House is the Peoples House not the DemocRATS House. They should be censured for their disrespect. They never had a gun bill when the DemocRATS were in charge of all branches.

  5. Just waiting for obama to get involved with an executive order. The plan is in full stride and will happen.

  6. Bunch of Bullies whining to get their way. They should introduce a bill that would be acceptable. Don't prohibit my rights and let the Terrorist get away with murder.

  7. Charlie Rangle stated the Liberals view on gun control when he said no citizen should have a gun, just Politians.

  8. I have many guns , they are all good guns , they sit in my gun safe and never complain. They come out on occasions but they have never harmed anyone or anything. I did a test and sit them in the front room and they were happy , the mail man came , they didn't harm him. The next morning I put one in every room , they did nothing , no harm to anyone. My guns don't have legs or arms or even a brain. I keep them clean and they like it. My wife tells me to keep them locked up because she doesn't trust me in these troubling times , good suggestion . It takes a troubled person to kill someone , it takes a human to pull the trigger , it takes an obama to screw up our nation and our rights.

  9. Judge Napolitano just made a good point. After Obama was elected the dems controlled congress for 2 years. How many gun control measures did they introduce? NONE!

  10. Why didn't the Dems try to pass their unconstitutional laws when they were in power?

    Maybe the Congress needs a course on the Constitution before swear-in.

  11. They are merely trying to gain attention and it's the same tact a 2 year old uses when he throws himself on the ground throwing a temper tantrum in Walmart. Lock them in and don't let them out until January 20th.

  12. Nail the doors shut.

  13. They are denying people of their civil rights...Typical of a Democrat.


  14. The Speaker should have instructed the Sergeant at Arms to clear those who were out of order.

  15. Someone should have gone in and taken all their devices that they are NOT suppose to have on the floor. Oh well the democrats never follow the rules anyway.


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