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Sunday, June 26, 2016

Republican Operatives Launch All-Out Effort To Unbind Delegates, Deny Trump Nomination

If you think that Donald Trump already has the Republican nomination locked up, then you don’t understand what is going on behind the scenes.

It has long been my contention that the elite will move heaven and earth in order to keep Trump from ever setting foot in the Oval Office. One way that they could try to do this is by attempting to deny him the nomination at the Republican convention next month. Over the past couple of days, the Washington Post, CNN and a whole host of other mainstream news outlets have been reporting on a new “last-ditch effort” that has been launched by Republican operatives to get the Republican convention Rules Committee to unbind all of the delegates and allow them to vote however they want. As you will see below, they can do this, and if they get enough votes they will do it.

This current effort is different from what we have seen so far during this campaign season, because it is actually being organized by the delegates themselves. The following comes from the Washington Post

Dozens of Republican convention delegates are hatching a new plan to block Donald Trump at this summer’s party meetings, in what has become the most organized effort so far to stop the businessman from becoming the GOP presidential nominee.

The moves come amid declining poll numbers for Trump and growing concern among Republicans that he is squandering his chance to defeat Democrat Hillary Clinton. Several controversies — including his racial attacks on a federal judge, his renewed call to temporarily ban Muslims from entering the United States and his support for changing the nation’s gun laws — have raised fears among Republicans that Trump is not really a conservative and is too reckless to run a successful race.



  1. ISIS would be toast if they fought IT that hard.

  2. Big Mistake morons.

  3. I served my country as a Marine in the first Gulf War and have worked 2 jobs most of my adult life to provide for my family and pUT my kids thru college..I've always paid my bills on time and I've always voted republican because I felt they best represented my ideals of hard work and fair play. After 8 years of Obama we need to bring this country back to its core values. So what do I get from the Republican party? Lying, cheating, changing the rules and bulls$@t. I am starting to understand why citizens rebel.

    1. Btw...I was not referring to peaceful demonstrations.

    2. Your mistake, kust like so many others, has been to blindly follow one party. This goes gor the right and the lrft.

    3. I never said I followed them blindly. I voted for them because they best represented my ideals. Carter, Mondale, Dukakis, Clinton, Obama.....none of them were better candidates.

  4. What a same that some idiots are trying to Hijack the election. Are they that stupid to think they are smarter than the major of voters who are telling America that they want Trump as their President.

    I hope Trump, et. al., will out these Republican miscreants and bring them to justice.

  5. 6:10PM: AMEN. I can leave this earth never having voted for a Republican again and can leave my kids the knowledge why. THEY are toast!

    1. Thanks..but the question becomes..what is the alternative? Hillary in office is a nightmare scenario for the bill of rights.

  6. It is time to become adults and realize that US Politics are a rigged game.
    The elites do not leave matters to chance. They will not allow a person to change their organization (crime syndicate).

    No matter who wins, we lose. It is designed that way. Trump may be a Trojan Horse. He may set us up and do the opposite of what he has stated. Nobody knows. Except we know that if elected, he will do exactly what he is told to do. Period. End of story.

    November 11, 1963 was a pivotal event. But the cover up which ensued thereafter proved once and for all that the elites own this government.

    Hunker down and look out for your family. Become a prepper and get ready for the economic collapse.

    1. Become adults? I became an adult when I went to war for this country jacka$$. Becoming an adult does not mean accepting defeat and stocking up on greenbeans

  7. These people who are trying to "vote their conscious" are doing nothing but usurping the vote and will of the people they are supposed to represent. I thought these people signed a contract and now they want to back out of it. I say they be removed from their "job" by means of breech of contract and find someone who will do their job.

  8. They are sell out's and moron's on drugs.

  9. They had better NOT!!

  10. Declining poll numbers reported from the liberal media.
    I'll take it with a grain of salt!

  11. The delegate thing essentially means your vote does not count.
    THEY, the delegates, pick the nominee, not YOU.
    Doesn't THAT make you angry?
    Even just a LITTLE bit?
    Guess who influences the delegates the most? You guessed it --- the wealthy and political elites (the ones who can't wait to tell you how to live YOUR life --- while they lie, cheat, and steal their way toward retirement).
    If anyone thinks this is still a Republic, think again.
    The process is rigged, the outcome is predetermined.
    Keep cheering.

  12. The Establishment needs to go and go soon. They are complicit in allowing Obama to 'take down' American. Most of them are 'globalists/new world order' and President Trump is NOT. This is why they want Trump to fail. They will be losing 'control' and all the little freebies and monies that line their pockets and fill their coffers. This is the bottom line...


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