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Sunday, June 26, 2016

Do You Remember Your First Job, What/Where Was It?

I am so proud of my Grandson. The day after he got out of school he was hired to start his very first, (on the books) job. At 15 he is scheduled to work full time, (40 hours a week) and he's loving it. I gave him two choices. Either you fish and crab all summer or you get a job. He chose the job.

Do you remember your first job? Where was it? How old were you? I was 13 years old and I worked for the Bowie Race Track cleaning the grandstands. Hey, it was work! 


  1. 17 and the McDonald's in Severna Park.

  2. Lining Little League fields at 13. 1964 in Monaca Pa.

  3. I too was 13 , G.C. Murphy Company , Marlow Heights Maryland. 1956
    75 cents an hour

  4. 12 years old - paper route.

    14 years old - retail.

    15 years old - food service.

    18 years old - US Navy.

  5. Cutting tobacco. 75 cents an hour. 11 years old.

  6. Age 13 picking strawberries for 15¢ per quart.

  7. 14 at Dayton's bussing tables

  8. Age 14 - cutting grass - push mower and riding mower
    Age 16 - Dishwasher at Ponderosa Steakhouse in Bel Air, Md.

  9. Age 12, worked at a vegetable stand. Made 10.00 a day. Was the richest 12 year old for miles. In 1975 ten dollars was a lot of money for a kid.
    The owners were sweet, very kind people that taught me how to count back change, and to always be nice to customers no matter what.

  10. Paper route in the 70's.

    Fun part was collecting at the end of the month. Walking the streets, in the dark, with money in pocket and never worrying about anything. Summer months were the best, disco short short moms coming up to the door....oh boy!

    As Archie/Edith used to sing: "....those were the days!!!"

  11. I was 12 went I stared working on the farm for my uncles at $1.00 per day. I have worked the whole 56 years since that first job. I don;t regret it but I thought I would have more time to travel and relax. I never did always pushing it forward. Sometimes today I don't seem to be interested in those things any more.

  12. !2 yrs old delivering newspapers.
    15 yrs old at a car wash.
    And now look at me...
    An unbridled success...
    It seems the harder I worked and the more thought I put into things the "Luckier" I got. Without the help of the Federal Government.

  13. 12 or 13 summer baby sitting, until mom found out they were growing pot in the garden...of which I did not partake

  14. worked in my uncle's fruit stand. picked the fruits and veggies first thing then took them to the stand to sell. stayed there all day. 6 days a week. $10.00 a day. I was 14 and it was 1975.

  15. 17 at Burger King, met my future and current only wife there as well.

  16. At age 16, worked at McCrorys five & dime on Main Street (now Plaza)
    for 50 cents a hour, back in 1955.

  17. Age 16 part time at Sears at the old mall. Age 17 at the Green Giant plant on Dulaney avenue in Fruitland to earn money for tuition at Salisbury State College. My dad was supporting three kids and a wife on a meat cutters salary at A & P. If I wanted to go to school, I had to make some money. I'll never forget the pride in his voice and on his face when I managed to have an account with 1500 dollars that summer. I remember him taking me to register for college and telling them I had earned all the money myself. That look on his face. I don't know if anybody else ever looked at me with such pride ever again.

  18. Stocking shelves at 14, and McDonalds at 15

  19. My first job other than babysitting was working in an Archery Shop
    back in Pennsylvania painting arrows and putting the feathers on the
    arrow. I believe I was 13 or 14 at the time and later started working
    at age 16 for AAA making $56.00 a week after all taxes. Have not stopped working ever since and now I am 60 years old. Retirement
    is not in my future!

  20. 10 - paper route, lawn mowing, snow shoveling
    14 - busboy and prep chef, paper route lawn mowing, snow shoveling
    16 - busboy and prep chef and general store clerk
    17 - prep chef, race track groom, veterinary assistant, general store clerk
    18-20 - club waiter, county road crew summer worker, ski instructor, college student

    Let's say that I was never without some coin in my pocket and hardly ever bored, except in public school, which was a total snooze.

  21. summer job as a kid, corn skimmer at the sewage treatment plant outside baltimore. Only need it done during summer when people eat corn. believe it or not corn tears up the filtration system at the plant!

    1. Ding ding ding! We have a winner!!

  22. Grew up working on the family farm, added a job at Geno's while in high school; worked a building supply warehouse and then delivery truck driver during college.

  23. corn skimmer? who gets that job here in salisbury?


  24. I did farm work for $1.35 an hour. After graduating high school got full time job making minimum wage $1.60 an hour. For forty hours a week the gross pay was $64.00 after taxes took home $48.00 a week. Had to support wife and baby on that and rent an apartment. Those where the days.

  25. First real paying job @ Woolworth Dime Store here in Salisbury at age 14 I lied about age and my father was friend of store mgr Mr Kuntz at that time. Prior to that baby sat, cleaned chicken houses and worked in fields in Siloam here picking strawberries and everything on farms down there including pitching watermelons on trucks.


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