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Sunday, June 26, 2016

Do You Really Want To Follow Your Liberal Leaders?


  1. What a perfect example of acting like a spoiled child.

  2. Note that Elijah Cummings (D-MD) obstructed the Senate House investigations in the Benghazi hearings. If anything, he should be charged as such, yet he's sitting there now trying to punish law abiding citizens for the acts of a radical Islamist. Whose side is this guy on?

  3. Are you a terrorist? Are you soaking up ISIS propaganda on the daily? Are you actively plotting attacks against the US? If no, no one is trying to steal your guns! Sheesh people, I wish only the adults on both sides of the room would come in to hash this out. It's fairly simple. NO, you should not be allowed to obtain weapons if you are on the FBI's radar or a known crazy. YES, there should be a clear cut system/due process with oversight to get you on and get you off the list.

  4. breaking senate rules with the sit in and taking pictures

  5. This is cute but is outdated by 40 years. Unfortunately for the rouge dems, the civil rights movement sit ins were protesting to give civil rights to everyone, whereas these dems are sitting in to take away Americans' civil liberties. They are unhinged and the reason why their approvals are lower than their IQs.

  6. "... NO, you should not be allowed to obtain weapons if you are on the FBI's radar or a known crazy...."

    But it's perfectly fine to run for President and potentially have control of our nuclear weapons when under active FBI investigation...but only if you're a Democrat.

  7. Clowns!!!!!!!!!!! Abuse of power at its' best!!!


  8. Not to mention the reason these dummies are showing their lack of intelligence, the photo says it all.
    Take a gander at the D-MD that goes by Cummings. A Cummings runs better the longer you use it. This Cummings can't even stay awake during his demonstration. You might as well go into retirement, you have been at the trough too long.

  9. Please persuade them to hold their breath till they turn blue. Just think of all the benefits / pensions the Tax Payer would get out of paying. That would be a big win for the Tax Payer.

  10. People are tired of this child play , what a bunch of idiots.

  11. This is just a distraction order by their supreme leader Obama. They could have done anything they wanted in the first two years of Obama 1st dictatorship. They did not. They think this is going to win Hillary the election. People better wise up now. The liberals will never understand and will vote for Hillary. All conservatives need to support the party now!! Hear me Hogan? NOW!!

  12. OMG are they going through the terrible two's again? I have never seen grown people act more like spoiled little kids in my life (I am 66). This gives more meaning to replace them all in Congress. They have stayed past their welcome.

  13. 8:18 - People are also tired of GOP leaders refusing to do anything at all about gun violence. If House GOP leaders truly believed themselves to be on the right side of history and popular opinion, they'd hold votes on common-sense gun control measures. But they apparently don't want to have to go on the record by voting against those measures and then have to go home and face their constituents.

  14. "... they'd hold votes on common-sense gun control measures...."

    Can you define "common sense gun control measures?

    I didn't think so.

  15. "..People are also tired of GOP leaders refusing to do anything at all about gun violence.."

    Which people are those?

    Many more people are tired of democrats trying to disarm them in the face of a terrorist onslaught. The issue isn't "gun" violence. The issue is radical Islamist violence. That is what people are tired of. So if you democrats are REALLY wanting to do something about the violence, how about joining us in dealing with it at its source.

  16. Next thing you know these liberals will be ripping their clothes off and sitting there naked.

    Isn't that what they often do when they want attention? Naked protesters?

  17. Why can't both sides agree? Absolutely no individual that is on a watch list or their immediate family members should be able to by a gun EVER.

  18. Guns are not the problem it's the violence in the entertainment industry that normalizes the behavior.

  19. Sorry, 10:09, but we cannot allow anyone, anywhere, for any reason, to be allowed access to the full compliment of available weaponry. Republicans refuse to even allow a vote on whether someone on a terrorist watch list should be denied the legal right to buy a gun.


  20. When they're done play acting Cummings can have his Uber driver daughter ferry them home in her congressional plated taxi!

    Frauds right to the bone!

  21. 7:21 right on to that!Why don't himself and that bunch take a trip to Chicago and try to help them!

  22. "common sense gun control measures"

    Defined as the registration of all firearms, banning scary black guns, banning those pesky magazines, pistol grips, and folding stocks. Creating a no-fly, no-buy list that nobody can get off of, but EVERYONE can be added to for anything under the sun, such as posting negative things about Killary or Obama or the government in general.

    There are no "common sense gun control" measures that will stop a criminal that's hell bent on destroying someone. The problem lies within the mental health of individuals that seek to harm others. Address that issue first.

  23. If a few of them turned blue, it would be an improvement.

  24. The majority of firearm transfers in this country never pass through a store or dealer and have zero background checks. Firearms are durable and most last longer than their original purchaser. Do you really think that when a firearm owner dies his/her heirs just give the gun back to the manufacturer or the government?

    Most firearms are passed to family members upon death, or passed from parent to child as a gift, or sold from drug dealer to drug dealer or gang member to gang member or neighbor to neighbor. What kind of law or background check is going to be effective here? The only thing that will work is absolute and total confiscation of ALL firearms and that just isn't going to happen.

  25. Cummings typical democrat sleeping on the job and head in the sand. There is no such thing as gun violence. Guns are inanimate objects. It is the violent Islamic terrorists that are doing all the mass shootings. Get rid of them and the violence goes away. But with Obama bringing them in the country by the millions it is no wonder there is so much violence. Also I don't get why gays and trans genders want to vote for the democrats. Hillary and Obama are bringing in Muslims like crazy and they all believe in stoning and killing people for being gay. Just look at Orlando. That is in their Muslim beliefs.


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