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Sunday, June 26, 2016

A Big Snow Job?

By Thornton Crowe

Back in 2012, Republicans were not enchanted with Romney. Fact is, many voted for old Mitt because they were stuck with him! 

We all knew he was more liberal than conservative in every way possible. Things like the Romneycare disaster in Massachusetts while he was governor and other inclinations led us to believe he was more Democrat 'Lite' than a real conservative. However, from the previous three years prior, we saw the Democrat dominated DC establishment pass insane (and unconstitutional) legislature like Obamacare without so much as reading the bill in its entirety. People wanted this practice to stop because these Omnibills contain other nuisance laws and regulations which have proven to be economy killers.

Along came Paul Ryan - the dazzling Congressman from Wisconsin. He had the appeal of visual similarities to Reagan and his conservative views were supposedly legendary on the Hill. We saw promise and many probably wished he was the headliner on the ticket. He made voting for Romney a little less problematic. He seemed like the golden boy next door who had a small town mentality. Claiming Atlas Shrugged was one of his all-time favorite books while professing his adoration of its author, Ayn Rand, he had us believing that he truly looked to limit governmental inference in our lives.

Fast forward to the present...

After becoming the supposedly reluctant Speaker of the House, he has turned into every American citizen's nightmare. Surely, Ayn is rolling in her grave at the thought this faker would ever quote her work as his inspiration as he's a polar opposite of everything she professed and held dear!

Ryan has participated and proposed more legislation that has further damage Americans' livelihoods, restricted freedoms and now, has us facing a literal invasion of unvetted Muslims into our communities. No secret is many top intelligence officials have vehemently warned that ISIS has infiltrated these refugees, ready to bring out about America's demise yet, he refuses to halt this migration. Last week, he lied to O'Reilly and us about a pause on migration from Somalia as well as Syria. Then there was his support for Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) which has led to millions of jobs to leave America for foreign lands; putting millions out of work at a time when people are struggling to meet the cost of living increases. The latest dagger is, when the barrel prices fell, Ryan sided with Obama to impose an additional cost of $10 to pay for an international green slush fund, which would keep our gas prices high regardless of oil's market price!

To make matters even more worse (if they could be), when one really investigates Ryan's associations - namely his wife, we find she's actually a very successful (and rich) Democrat lobbyist. Now, how can a man sleep with a special interest opponent every night and then turn around and represent the American people in an unbiased, fair manner?

In essence, Ryan has made his intentions (and his corruption of self interest) quite clear and revealed, he's a man with a price tag - open to the highest money bidder. Sound familiar?

What's brought to light the real hypocrisy of Paul Ryan is one candidate: Donald Trump.

Trump's campaign, has exposed all the 'career' politicians who do not put Americans first. He has ripped away their disguise and revealed who they really are. Unfortunately, even our own governor has proven to not be on board with making Americans first and foremost with his refusal to support Trump - a provocative move that will surely lose many votes for Hogan in his next election.

This last week in the most underhanded manner, Ryan now threatens to 'sue' Trump over the Muslim ban (which is temporary only to find a way to vet people before they enter the US). Interesting, if he had been this vigilant against Obama, chances are Americans wouldn't be experiencing this downturn economy or being gunned down in nightclubs. Yet, Ryan doesn't seem to embrace the traitorous tones of his actions against Americans. He now has opened up the floodgates and, personally, I wonder if we the people should sue him!

Ryan has proven to Americans without any doubt, he is more establishment-based and voting for his own self-interests than that of the Americans he's sworn to represent. His capitulation to Obama's various green initiatives (which are just code for World Order political grabs) and other Americans last legislation, has proven Paul Ryan is not only a traitor as a faux Conservative, he's a sham and the ultimate con artist. He is a man never to be trusted with a position such as Speaker nor should he even be in Congress.

Enters Paul Nehlen, who, like Trump, is a Wisconsin native billionaire who got fed up with DC elites and their treasonous maneuvers that work against Americans. There have been many ups and downs in that primary which will only be settled on August 9th when Wisconsin heads to the polls. However Ryan's lead may be in the press, many voters weighing in are unimpressed with their once golden boy and looking at his challenger in a more serious light. Locals are not the only ones promoting Nehlen as people from all over the country have been donating to his campaign so he can win in the primary - which will bounce Ryan from Congress altogether in January 2017. Perhaps it's Ryan who is not who Americans are as his

We'll have to see as the summer moves forward towards the General how this will shake out. The DC Establishment is head over heels in soap opera antics to try to thwart it's own candidate, in spite of Trump's massive popularity! In fact, his un-adoring fellow Republicans may be just the reason for his popularity because he gives Americans a real choice this election:

Do you want business as usual corruption in DC (the establishment) or do you want a candidate that loves his country so much he would put up with all this mess to save it (the outsider)? The choice is yours.

How say you...


  1. I'll take the latter.

  2. It's all beyond our pay grade. We vote based on what we're fed, not knowing anything more than that. Witness the last eight years.

  3. Read the new book by Congressman X. I just finished reading it and it is disgusting what goes on in Congress.

  4. Excellent, A Suggested Reading by 11:44PM. The Confessions of Congressman X

    Link to Amazon. $2.99 on Kindle: https://www.amazon.com/Confessions-Congressman-disturbing-shockingly-tell-all-ebook/dp/B01FZITKVG/ref=dp_kinw_strp_1

    Thank you for the reading suggestion.


  5. It is disgusting to see how citizens start out as a politician for the greater cause, to help their communities and nation. And then begin feeling superior to the minions they serve and represent. Once they get a taste at the government trough there is no stopping them. They get nasty, steal, commit to certain groups and forget who they are by passing laws to benefit themselves.This not only refers to the so called leader of the free world, but trickles down to the lowest of low, right here in Salisbury and Wicomico County. I can count the few that actually take their mission sincerely and put the taxpayer first. Why would they take a position offering modest salary, if not for certain hidden benefits? Think about it, many come to office in bad financial shape and shorty appear to be living large.

  6. Here's a message to any of you readers from the 1st Congressional District of Wisconsin.., get the hell rid of this POS., please.

  7. Sooo - these clowns would rather see the HildaBeast elected - just to maintain their hold on the status quo...while the country is going down the tubes!

    All the more reason to elect Trump and get rid of some of them in the process!

  8. This is nothing more than John Birch Society talk. The John Birch Society is nothing more than a radical far right organization that is dangerous to the survival of America.

    Ryan has not turned into "every American's nightmare.” He is just the nightmare of the radical right and there is hardly anybody who wouldn't be a nightmare for them. The difference between tea-party people and the Birch Society is mostly unrecognizable.

    Together they have made the Donald, a loud mouth, know nothing, presumptive nominee that no respectable Republican American can vote for. They are destroying our party.

    1. 429 you are a pompous, self-righteous ass. I guess most of America is not respectable. How dare you judge anyone else but yourself. You know what you can do wth your respectability and John Birch society.

  9. Two Things Could Be TrueJune 19, 2016 at 4:37 PM

    John Birch Society? My aren't we working the way back machine today. It's funny someone posting under annoymous likes to comment on other people's choice but doesn't have the balls to make him/her name present for the world to see. So easy to cast stones while hiding behind a wall.

    1. Guess Mr. Birch is going to sit this one out. Wish there a way for people like this to not prosper when our man wins and puts us back online. Unfortunately while they sit on their fat asses at home, when we elect Trump they will benefit for us doing our duty as citizens. Kind of like welfare.

  10. They will not let the people be heard. Because it will cut into their pockets. If Mr. Trump is not elected I will NEVER vote again. If you want Hillary I hope you will be happy as for me no I will not. If you vote for her your giving this country away and will have no one to blame but yourself. Don't even think about crying afterwards. If you are a woman get ready to be raped or killed, if you are gay get ready to be killed and if you believe in God be ready to get beheaded. I know this sounds sick but if you vote for her this is what you will get. map

    1. Problem is, map, people think others who warn of this are being hysterical because they haven't sat back and realized just how much has been stripped away from America already. They foolish sit there and think it will never happen here. Ancient Romans felt the same way. So did many other countries who fell to fascism. The world pulled over their eyes to blind them from the truth.

      This election has some waking unlike they've ever awoken before. We'll see how it shakes out for sure.

  11. 4:29 said, "Together they have made the Donald, a loud mouth, know nothing, presumptive nominee that no respectable Republican American can vote for. They are destroying our party."

    Donald is a loud mouth know nothing????? You do realize, of course, that he is exponentially more keen, smart, and successful as 95% of our current population, and that DEFINITELY includes you!

    I think the Donald is more than just a choice in this upcoming election, he is a necessity. Hillary will be the demise of America, with a 100% guarantee.

  12. Sums it up perfectly.

  13. Trumps job is to get Hillary elected POTUS

    1. 1015 your comment here is assinine. Is that what you want? If you understand what's at stake then maybe it would be better if you tried to be a bit more positive!

  14. love exposing Ryan for who he really is. he's a globalist just like most of the other Establishment types, dems and repubs... Trump is NOT a globalist. period. has anyone seen a story regarding Loretta Lynch addressing the U.N. this past week regarding joining with them and American losing more and more of her sovereignty? Not seeing this in media. Loretta Lynch should NEVER be addressing the U.N. Wake Up America.

    1. People here on the Shore never thinks it will happen here. They live their lives in this bubble as the globalists have taken over. They've even been complicit by voting for them. Any so-called Republican vying for Clinton to win is a globalist. Unfortunately our governor is one of them. Sad. America will be a once was if people don't start getting a clue.

  15. First bad move hogan made. He should have endorsed trump and took the dems on for sb281 and its repeal.

  16. Just read an article about a Muslim refugee raping a five year old girl and then urinating on her dead body. This happened in a small town in Minnesota. All I could think of is that Paul Ryan is complicit for this atrocious act of violence against an American citizen too small to defend herself. Both the Democrats and Republicans in DC are radicalized, people. This crime will happen here if we don't put an end to it. The only candidate saying the migration stops is Trump! Still think Clinton & Ryan are good for the US?

  17. 4:29 is a troll or an idiot. If you are in the Republican party GET OUT, you are the problem.

  18. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    First bad move hogan made. He should have endorsed trump and took the dems on for sb281 and its repeal.

    June 20, 2016 at 7:53 AM

    Exactly. Hogan should be more concerned about the creeping globalism that has robbed Maryland of quality jobs and left his constituents scrambling just to keep food on the table and roofs over their heads instead of pandering to GOPe and their radicalized world view. Just sad. Won't vote for Hogan again.

  19. Believing the main stream media turns people into complete imbeciles.

  20. Dave T: thanks again for posting this great piece SBY. I was unaware of all the things gone wrong with Mr. Ryan, but I have lost my faith and confidence in him. You hit the nail on the head with the information explaining here how Ryan is much more establishment than people were originally led to believe. Very sad state of affairs today. We and this nation will be doomed if Hillary is elected.


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