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Sunday, May 15, 2016

Video Shows Woman Being Beaten on City Street in Broad Daylight While ‘Laughing’ Bystanders Watch

Disturbing video shows a man relentlessly beating a woman on a city street in broad daylight while onlookers stand by and do nothing.

It happened Thursday in Philadelphia, where one witness told WTXF-TV that he didn’t want to get involved.

“I didn’t want to jump in and be a hero and just get hurt you know,” the man, who didn’t want to be identified, said.

The witness went on to describe the brutal scene.



  1. It's Philadelphia. This is not uncommon.

  2. Black Lives Matter at its best

  3. It makes me wonder, if he has a daughter and the same thing happened to her, would he be ok with bystanders doing nothing just like he did?

    1. For all we know, this could be his daughter.

  4. Baltimore, Philadelphia, LA,Chicago anywhere you have the presence of AA!!! Can you imagine being white make a wrong turn into the jungle??? Can you imagine being a city a white city cop and having to deal with these AHOLES day in and day out. Yet the ALL know the buzz words like RESPECT, UNITY,DISCRIMINATION etc. And we keep giving these idiots more money for the same results! ! INSANE! !

  5. Lucky for the assailant there were no Sby News readers standing nearby.

  6. Happens in our schools everyday.

  7. Intervene in a scene like this one in Philadelphia and you'd better have a handgun and someone else with a handgun to watch your back.

  8. Isn't this allowed under Sharia Law?

  9. That kind of person should be behind bars forever!

  10. He is too poor to afford a gym membership so this is how he gets his daily workout.

  11. Typical behavior and we all fund it. The liberal left has created a culture of lazy ghetto dwellers. Our taxes spent on and fueling this sub culture. I say have a purge they need to go. What more alarming is it that every city in America has thousands of lazy food stamp taking bastards. The children going hungry because they are using the stamps to pay for the S.U.V. with 20's. Tar paper shack with Cadillac. The ignorance is mind boggling.

    Blaming the white man for this is like blaming children for being born. These people are sub human and are a sub culture of Black society. The fact is even blacks that have worked and live well can not grasp what has happened. Say what you will but Ohbamha is to blame for most of this. Michelle saying she shops for her clothes at K-Mart got well over a million dollars for making that statement.

    I recently spoke with a child who said her momma gets 1200 a month in food stamps. 8 children all like steps. They are Momma's income. Their names are not even close to anything African or American. I will not put the names out here it is not the children's fault.

    The point of the story is Momma buys food in bulk then takes it to Delaware and sells it at auction. The kids go hungry so Momma can by dope for she and her felon B/F. The state will not do a damn thing.

    If I would not go to jail I would shoot Momma right in the head. Oh yea she is pregnant. Where does this stop.

  12. 10:41 sterilization after two children should be mandatory if you want to continue on food stamps/aid.

  13. We give these FOOLS EVERYTHING! !!! Lower standards for jobs. Free health care. Free housing. Free food. Yet they still can't get their head out of their A$$.. You even listen to an AA senator. They sound like they are fresh out of compton. And they think that's cool!!! SMH!!! Even in my neighborhood they have to yell and scream to make sure EVERYONE KNOWS THEY ARE THERE. They don't have to do anything. We ALL know your there!!!


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