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Sunday, May 15, 2016


Dear Beloved God in Heaven,

Please give us a President that loves this country and
everything it stands for.

Please give us a President who respects you as the one true God.

Please give us a President who will, with your help, restore
this nation to its former glory, the way you created her.

Please help us to respect what you have given to us and not
take anything for granted ever again.

Please God, weaken the evil and strengthen the good, both
within and without. May our eyes be opened.

In Jesus' name, Amen


  1. AMEN to all of that!

  2. Amen!
    There is much more at work here than the forces of man. This movement is resilient because of divine intervention. Your prayers are working America.
    There has never been a movement, operating against such severe odds, succeed with such vigor.
    God has his hand on this movement.

  3. The Donald Trump movement is a miracle. When the Planned Parenthood videos came out and nothing substantial happened, I thought, that is our last chance. We deserve to be destroyed. But perhaps there were others like me that were crying and asking for forgiveness, sick to our stomachs constantly over what our country has become. Also, having so much regret at failing to stop all of this madness, yet realizing we are helpless in the face of the leviathan. I remember praying many times for a leader. I was convinced Mr Donald Trump was that man last summer as he started crushing the politically correct insanity that has plagued us for so long. And he never stopped. The Bible says, “all of their lies would be revealed”. It is happening.

  4. This sounds great but until there is a movement to stop some of the nonsense that has become Christianity things will not change. Pastors for nothing more than tgeir own own pursuit of recognition and popularity and the clowns on TV that do nothing more than BEG people to so called sowing seed and extorting money

  5. True 7:31 esp when it comes to these "black churches." Almost every single one is fake and they are no where near Christian then devil worshippers are.
    They think it's politicians who can "fix" them when what the only thing they need is a REAL spiritual awakening and start being REAL Christians.
    The Bible instructs in no uncertain terms to call out the sinners and they won't. They will allow a female to continue making babies in sinful unions into the fold without repenting and not sinning like that again. That in and of itself is a sin so those who "forgive" because they are lied to by evil people calling themselves "pastors" into wrongfully believing only God can judge.
    People blacks esp need to call out these fake "pastors" because you are only sinning yourself if you don't. The black race has sunk very low and unless they get back to God in a REAL way it is only going to get worse. We are seeing it here. 2 from on family one dead one arrested for another murder and it's no fluke. It's a message being sent from God above. He is saying "all you fake sinning Christians, you need to get back to me in a real way!"

  6. 7:31 for every one pastor you describe there thousands at small churches all this country doing the right thing. Do you throw the whole bushel of apples out because one is rotten. U are the type that ruins America with your narrow weak mind.

    1. Forgive me but I've yet to run into one of your so called small churches it seems as though there is nothing more than a look at me I'm so special mentality, there's no worrying about the peopke at the bottom, they do nothing more than look down their noses at them. This area especially church is made up of a church body and its little clicks within

  7. Prayer is the only thing that can save us. Lack of prayer and pushing God out of our lives, our schools, our buildings, off of our money, and yes, even out of some of our churches has led to the decline on the United States. SOME of our churches just preach the "feel good" story. If you do good and you have courage and commitment then things will be fine. Not so. We need to preach God's word in our churches. Some never mention the bible. No one gets to heaven except through Jesus Christ. God's word says it just that way. God is who made us great to start with and will do so again if we will just seek him. He stands at the door and knocks, who will let him enter? Let he who has ears, let him hear. Please help us Lord. We need you.

  8. @10:45 I have to tell you after everything that's been thrown my way I would gave broken if u were s so called weak mind. I tried your so called small church encounter and found those people to be worse than the ones I was trying to get away from.

  9. The fact is almost every single "black church" is not really a church. Blacks are only fooling themselves. They are political platforms. It's no secret that they were created with a social justice theme and not a religious theme.
    They still to this day look to politicians to help them instead of God. Only when something tragic happens do they look to God. The rest of the time they look to the government.

  10. Add to this prayer that someone steps up and rids this world of Obama and Hillary Clinton fast!

  11. If you all , as "Christians", are looking to Donald Trump for the answer, you had better step back a bit and pay attention. You are being mesmerized by false promises and evil intention. You mean nothing to him. He is interested in power alone. You may well be witness to the anti-Christ.

  12. Nope 3:52 you are wrong. Donald Trump was sent here by God Almighty himself. Mark my words here and now. I am never wrong.

  13. There are plenty of liberals planning to vote for Trump over Hillary. Hillary is all about herself and power-hungry. Trump probably is too. Two weak candidates. Whatever happens in the election will be what we deserve for taking God out of public affairs, including schools. We always reap what we sow.


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