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Sunday, May 15, 2016



  1. what did the spd do? watch real police working?

    1. chief Duncan only enforces parking ti

  2. what a flipping joke. hey I got an idea. come sit on my street and you can watch my drug dealing neighbor in the 1100 block of E Church St. In fact there are TWO just a few houses from each other.

    they did a raid on him the other night WHEN THE DUDE WAS NOT EVEN HOME. He knew they were coming because he stopped business and cleaned house the night prior.

    Cops sat on an adjoining street for hours in plain view in cop cars, advertising their presence.

    We knew he wasn't home, IDK how they didn't. Next day he is back in the hood, out and about, not a care in the world.

    Freaking pathetic.

  3. No they were busy solving murders 6:02. What were you doing this morning pulling you pud and talking trash. All the cops in this county have their hands full. No pun intended. Great publicity stunt by MSP. This type of operation needs to be done once a week not every two years. Time all of those at the top start playing well together and make this happen. Nice work.

  4. I got a drug dealer on my street too, right over here on Poplar! Maybe it is their way of marketing their product, one on every block in Salisbury.

  5. I have to agree with 6:29 AM, when neighbors and everyone else can see what's going on, why is it when the cops decide to do something no one is home? It's a known fact, drugs are rampant here in Salisbury and we see the unmarked police vehicles making stops? Why aren't the marked vehicles making the stops and the unmarked doing the drug busts?

  6. 633..lol were they? Pretty sure msp is investigating that too.

  7. You can lock up as many as you want for petty drug distribution and possession amounts. Same with local suppliers. You can oooh and ahhh about a couple of pounds of cocaine or heroin and a couple of hundred thousand dollars in cash, a few handguns and a few dealers going to jail. But these are just crumbs and dust in the larger drug picture.

    What is the answer?

  8. 7:40 AM - we all know that you want her. 'Fess up.

  9. 6:33 AM - MAYBE just MAYBE if they had been doing their jobs we wouldn't be here now would we???

    They knew about this guy YEARS ago and DID NOTHING! They know him by name, even Animal control refers to him as the CDS house.

    Now OUR neighborhoods adjoining his are a war zone and you want me to cry cuz the poor popo are BUSY!?!

    If they had gotten him and others off the street YEARS ago we wouldn't be here. So screw the police and how busy they are.
    Their homes are not in range of drive by shootings because they did NOTHING
    Their homes are not being broken into because they did NOTHING
    They don't have junkies and gang banger strolling thru their neighborhoods because they did NOTHING.

  10. "This type of operation needs to be done once a week not every two years"

    This is what your every 2 year strategy get you.
    You are either a cop or an idiot, or both.

  11. 8:00 and 8:10 Truth!

  12. What about the hookers behind the Giant food store, or over by Division street?

    Oh, that's right, Mayor says we are crime free.

  13. Just on a serious note do these photos look a little STAGED?? A couple of bags of suspect green substance and white TABLETS but the kicker is the syringes and spoons. Did you just happe to confiscate the paraphernalia before they got to be used. Come on what a joke

  14. They should be embarrassed at this press release.
    Only goes to show you just how out of touch law enforcement are, that they think this is something to shout about.

    Go on Youtube and see the videos of gangs, drugs, money, guns.

    I think you should start a post where as the citizens can comment on what street there is a known drug dealer. Let's put it out there for everyone to see. Lets just see how bad it really is and validate how the cops are doing virtually nothing about it.

  15. 127 then do it. Stop complaining put down your booze and pipe start helping people.

  16. 4:02 - nothing better to do on a rainy day than troll the comments?

  17. This isn't staged. All the stuff you see here was taken in the bust and it's getting ready for inventory.
    Some heroin addicts keep their works in zippered pouches or glasses cases. And yes, they carry clean needles and syringes, if they can get them, and they're not hard to get.

    1. Sorry but if you look close enough all this stuff is brand new.

  18. Yawnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn hit a major player then call the news please. What is our drug task force doing. I never see press from them anymore they used to rock. Does the city even have one anymore?

  19. Operation Mop up really you usually use the moniker after you have made a significant bust and you are chasing the left overs. What big arrest has MSP had in the drug business. NONE Sad when you get a minimal hit and you press it like it was huge. That shows what you have done the last couple of years NOTHING.

  20. Barrack E issued thousands of citations last year. The State Police are nothing more than revenue generators.


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