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Tuesday, May 03, 2016

Trump: Can't Keep Allowing China to 'Rape Our Country'

Republican front-runner Donald Trump has ratcheted up his already harsh criticism of China, telling a campaign event in Indiana on Sunday, "We can’t continue to allow China to rape our country, and that’s what they’re doing," The Hill reports.

The U.S. trade deficit with China has been a constant theme in Trump's campaign. He has often accused the country of manipulating its currency to help its exports, but has not used the word "rape" before.

"We're going to turn it around, and we have the cards, don't forget it," Trump said. "We have a lot of power with China."



  1. Mr Trump is sorta close. We are being gang raped by multinational corporations and our elected 'representatives'.China just happens to one of the crime scenes.

  2. The problem is that China holds vast amounts of US securities (debt). It is not as simple as saying we are going cutoff trade with china.

  3. them and the Saudis. Now that we have the biggest reserve of oil we do not have to take it from the Saudis any longer.

  4. Plus one to the comment about the Saudis - our so called allies. They are one of the most oppressive and brutal regimes in the world. Also the Saudis royals are very closely aligned to the Bush family; hence the first gulf war.

  5. 1:31 you still do because they own the debt. They can start selling it off as sign that they have lost faith in the ability of the US to meet it's debt obligations (pay interest). That would lead to economic disaster in the US. China can do the same thing. Not trying to be mean, but try reading the wallstreet journal once in a while.

  6. 716, yes, but as we offer military services to China, Trump will be charging for the services, as well as all other services we provide them. AND, for all the manufacturing jobs they took, those companies who used to be here employing Americans will now have to pay a 35% premium to bring those products here.

    Or, they could move back and employ us.



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