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Tuesday, May 03, 2016

Sharpton: Wilmore's Use of N-Word With Obama 'Poor Taste'

Comedian Larry Wilmore's N-word bomb during President Barack Obama's final appearance at the annual White House Correspondents' Dinner was "at best, in poor taste," activist Al Sharpton charged.

Comedy Central's "The Nightly Report" host used the term at the close of his monologue at the yearly gathering of politicians, journalists, celebrities and dignitaries – triggering an immediate storm of comment, including condemnation by Mediaite columnist Joe Concha, and a Twitter jab from an ABC producer.



  1. Every cRAP tune has that word in it, they even use it on each other.

  2. what's poor taste is Sharpton owing $4mm in back taxes and the IRS won't do anything.

  3. Larry's ratings must be down. He is one unfunny foreign black man.

  4. Who cares what Al Sharpton thinks. Biggest racist in our county.

  5. What's poor taste is Sharpton owing $4m in back taxes and the IRS won't do anything about it and he is invited to the White House's big dinner just as if he isn't a criminal.

  6. President Obama and Hillary Clinton are best of friends with Al Sharpton. Why can't the Internal Rev. service go after this guy for back taxes. (millions)

  7. Who gives a s--- what that racist Sharpton says! He is a criminal that should be in jail.

  8. I use the so called "N" word everyday as well as many others , screw those who don't like it , it's part of my vocabulary and has been for 65 years.

  9. He just called Obama like he saw him, big deal.

  10. I agree 1106 and All others too.


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