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Tuesday, May 03, 2016



On the same day former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina dominated political headlines via her vice presidential association with U.S. Senator Ted Cruz, one establishment “conservative” is pushing for S.C. governor Nikki Haley … to be president.

Brooke Rogers (Twitter, here) – who works for the publisher of National Review Online – penned a column on the website HeatStreet arguing that Haley provided “voters on the right – libertarians and conservatives especially” with a compelling alternative to presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and presumptive “Republican” nominee Donald Trump.

Here’s her argument …



  1. I despise the Republican establishment. Now that the MD primary is over I will be changing my voter registration to Conservatarian.

    I have no time what-so-ever for the Mitch McConells, John Boehners, and John McCains of the world.

    I see no difference at all between the Republican establishment and the Democratic establishment.

    They are only interested in feeding the beaurocracy and maintaing the status quo DC club.

  2. Do they really think the people will just sit by and let them nominate someone who didn't even run in the primaries?

    They must be on drugs.

  3. 9:58, While I agree that BOTH parties are out of control, Donald Trump will change most Americans way of thinking when it comes to the next generation of politicians.

    Look, your Main Stream Media, (especially as they continue to downsize) only publish, (mainly) what is FED to them.

    Let me give you a quick example. Governor Hogan just had his budget passed and the Media told you how wonderful it was the BOTH sides came together and passed his budget.

    What you DON'T KNOW is that his budget was much higher then ANY budget Governor O'Malley every brought forth.

    So you see, unless everyone starts reading the Blogs and gets the grass roots TRUTH, things will always remain the same.

    We need NEW politicians. We need people who will finally tell us what is really going on. We need a pack, a new group of politicians who will agree to a set standard and commit to those standards or they will be removed immediately.

    I have an article going up tomorrow that will show just how many BILLIONS of dollars that was spend on new airplanes that flat out do not work. Would you believe that IF those funds were instead used to put every single young American through TEN YEARS of college, nothing would have been wasted. The college thing is just an example of how much money was BLOWN on equipment that us useless.

    Someone needs to come up with the new set of rules politicians need to commit to. Politicians would then be held accountable on all sides.

    This is not a stretch, in my honest opinion. Those politicians who refuse to become a part of that new party would be removed from office in the next election. We either UNITE and take our country back or we simply give up and watch America finally fail.

    Oh, there's no need for any kind of revolution if these rules are set for every politician to follow. No more lobbyists. No more under the table deals. No more bailouts. Whistle Blowers would be rewarded, not punished. The list can go on and on.

  4. why. A vote from the establishment means I need to go the other way. Trump strong 2016.. there will be hell to pay and the Donald will bring it.

  5. She is not a good choice, having leaned left way too many times.

  6. Nikki Haley is a Jackass in an Elephant suit.

  7. She knew she was done the day she took the flag down.


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