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Sunday, May 08, 2016

Stricter Restrictions That Many Can't Meet Could Lead To One Million People Losing Food Stamps Next Year

A new report claims that food stamp enrollment is expected to drop by one million in 2016, and that decrease is a direct result of stricter rules that will be put into place.

The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities estimates that enrollment for food stamps will decrease by such a significant amount next year due to new guidelines surrounding timeline and job training that will be reimposed.

According to the CBPP, states will have to reimpose requirements that people who don’t have a disability or claim any dependents must enroll in job training or work at least 20 hours per week if they want more than three months of food stamps. Ed Bolen of the CBPP wrote that the group expects these new requirements to make the enrollment rate for food stamps drop significantly, and that will come mostly because they will have no choice, as many states do not offer training or jobs that meet the reimposed requirements.



  1. About damn time!

  2. The dirtbag Obama took work requirements away.

  3. they need those food stamps for all the new illegals rushing in before the wall is built

  4. I hope so, tired of supporting lazy ass bums.

  5. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I hope so, tired of supporting lazy ass bums.

    May 3, 2016 at 9:21 PM

    you don't know what you're talking about. do a little research on the food stamp program (SNAP). You might just be surprised how little you pay for food stamps. ( but you can still hate if that's all you want to do )

  6. Many people might be surprised to learn that the average contribution to the food stamp program is a little over 10 cents, or one thin dime, a day. Let's look at the numbers.

    A married person with one child making $50,000 a year will pay exactly $3,820 in federal taxes. Of those, $2100 is allocated to Social Security, and $725 is distributed Medicare. This leaves a whopping $995 to be used to pay for programs administrated by the Federal government. That money is broken down below in its entirety:

  7. How about also putting the requirement in there that everyone who receives food stamps, must be drug tested and if found positive, then no more food stamps. The End, that's it, go find a job.

  8. 10:12 those numbers are not accurate. I made $52,000 and I paid MORE than 3829 PLUS I paid additional for the SS. How do you get those numbers - from todays' high school math?

  9. They need to get out and work like real Americans not free loaders. Let their feet hit the ground.

  10. Glad of it!
    I am so sick of being in a grocery line watching someone hand over their food stamps with a cart full of food that I worked for.

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    10:12 those numbers are not accurate. I made $52,000 and I paid MORE than 3829 PLUS I paid additional for the SS. How do you get those numbers - from todays' high school math?

    May 4, 2016 at 7:12 AM

    there is always one in every crowd, and this time it is you. Those are not 'my numbers', they are from an article in the Examiner from 2012.

    Small minded people like yourself give me a headache. You have to be led by the had and you want everyone to do your research for you. Besides being 4 years old and most likely a different tax rate, it was an EXAMPLE of what someone would pay with a certain criteria. If you have ever done taxes for yourself you should know there are many, many different formulations in preparing taxes.

    Even if your numbers are not EXACTLY like those mentioned, the point which you missed or ignored was the miniscule amount people pay for food stamps.

    You and others believe the myths and enjoy them because they give you a reason for your hate and misguided feelings of superiority.

    If you bums take the time to write such uninformed nonsense you could at least make an effort to justify your bs. I know that means you would have to do a little bit of work and be contrary to your beliefs, but you could learn something if you just gave it a chance.

    Here is the link, http://www.examiner.com/article/a-person-making-50-000-a-year-pays-10-cents-a-day-taxes-for-food-stamps, to the article, ( with the high school math ), since you can't be bothered to look things up for yourself or simply do not know how.

    You must be a truck driver or a cop. Most people who make over 50K have a little bit of intelligence to understand what this is all about, which you fail to do.

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Glad of it!
    I am so sick of being in a grocery line watching someone hand over their food stamps with a cart full of food that I worked for.

    May 4, 2016 at 8:33 AM

    But you didn't.

  13. If you can work, you should work.

  14. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    If you can work, you should work.

    May 4, 2016 at 11:27 AM

    People work and still can qualify for food stamps. Does anyone know anything at all about this topic?

  15. All I can say is good luck trying to find a job. Especially in this town.

  16. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    All I can say is good luck trying to find a job. Especially in this town.

    May 4, 2016 at 12:01 PM

    You got that right. And even if you did get a job here, just think of all the stupid people you would have to work with.

  17. 10:32 AM. I think you are the one that is not paying attention to the facts here. NOT A DIME to those will not help themselves. It is called survival of the fittest. Do you think Cecil the Lion asked if his last meal donated to obamacare? Help people that need it. I would give my last dollar to someone that needed it. I refuse to give to those ho no longer give a shit.

  18. 10:10, it is still money out of our pockets. Ok? Money WE work for. I feel if you weigh over 300 pounds and are on food stamps, you are getting way too many.

  19. Putting that many people back to work will make the labor numbers better, and boost tax revenue.

  20. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    10:32 AM. I think you are the one that is not paying attention to the facts here. NOT A DIME to those will not help themselves. It is called survival of the fittest. Do you think Cecil the Lion asked if his last meal donated to obamacare? Help people that need it. I would give my last dollar to someone that needed it. I refuse to give to those ho no longer give a shit.

    May 4, 2016 at 7:49 PM

    and how many do you know is getting food stamps? and how much of their situations do you know? jesus.

    most of you seem to think there are no guidelines, rules, regulations, qualifications, oversight...anything. People just wake up in the morning, walk to an office and scoop up all the food stamps they want and go on their merry way?

    Does ANYONE in this country think anymore?

  21. Blogger bayman said...
    10:10, it is still money out of our pockets. Ok? Money WE work for. I feel if you weigh over 300 pounds and are on food stamps, you are getting way too many.

    May 4, 2016 at 8:29 PM

    That money is coming out of your pockets regardless. A person's weight does not always equal gluttony, which you seem to imply. Nor do you know if anyone is getting too many or too few.

    All of you act like it is such a huge sacrifice to have a few hundred dollars a year go toward feeding someone. Then there are those who always chime in with the get a job mantra. How many millions are unemployed/underemployed? Even with college degrees?

    If it makes any of you people happy, drop a dime and report people you think are getting food stamps fraudulently. You might get lucky and nab one of the few.


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