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Sunday, May 08, 2016

BREAKING‬: Bernie Sanders has won the Democratic primary in Indiana.

Bernie Sanders is leading Hillary Clinton in Indiana's Democratic primary Tuesday night with more than half the vote counted, as he seeks a shot of momentum for his flagging campaign and she hopes to hammer one more nail in the coffin of the Vermont senator's upstart bid.

With 56 percent of precincts reporting, Sanders had 53 percent to 47 percent for Clinton, according to the Associated Press.

Less than a half hour after results began pouring in, Sanders rallied supporters in Louisville, Kentucky, where voters will head to the polls on May 17. Ticking through his standard stump lines while bashing Clinton for her paid speeches and 2002 vote in favor of invading Iraq, Sanders told a boisterous crowd that their ideas will prevail.

“I’ll tell you what is extremely exciting for me, and that is that in primary after primary, caucus after caucus, we end up winning the vote of people 45 years of age and younger,” Sanders said. “And that is important because it tells me that ideas that we are fighting for are the ideas for the future of America and the future of the Democratic Party.”



  1. I'll be damned! He just needs to fix his tie now

  2. NO shot Bernie.

  3. Bernie for nursing home commercials lol

  4. Nobody cares, Trump will be our next President, and I am sooooo pumped!!!!

  5. Bernie for Adult diaper commercials.

  6. What democrats need to realize is their vote don't count the establishment makes the decision for them.

  7. Who cares? Trump is our next POTUS!

    I am loving life!

  8. kasich get the HELL out ,idiot.

  9. Ted for SUPREME court.

    1. A far more useful position than president, for a man of his background.

  10. I agree with 10:04...CRUZ would be an excellent Supreme Court Justice...

  11. Who can Trump get to be VP after how he treated the other GOP candidates?

    1. John Boehner? He's in position.

  12. 1:14 plenty of governors and senators out there who Trump had no interaction with. Hell, maybe Warren Buffett or even Jimmy Buffett.

  13. This is just votes opposing Hillary. Many of these Dems will vote for Trump in the general election.

  14. 7:07 is an example of what happens when our education system fails. Warren Buffett and Jimmy Buffett are both Democrats.


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