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Tuesday, May 31, 2016

SPD Press Release 5-31-16- (Weekly Shoplifting Arrests)


  1. spd doing what it does best, walmart's private police force!

  2. I'm pretty sure the SPD is not hiding in the milk aisle looking for shoplifters.

    Perhaps they're just responding to a call by the store owners or management?

    Would that be a more reasonable conclusion 1:11?

  3. 1:11 doing what 1:11 does best, which is ragging on SPD, regardless of what it does.

  4. As usual though, no weekly drug arrests, no weekly theft/robbery arrests, no prostitution arrests, just what Walmart catches....... Cops as good as WBOC weather reports.

  5. Yup the secret shopper all n walmart

  6. you may call it raggin on spd but lets look at the facts. when was the last time you saw any report on the capture of someone who committed a crime in salisbury, captured by spd? didn't think so. lots of money in salaries and toys and nothing to show for it! how's that working out for you taxpayers?

  7. WBOC is better than the local Donuts Patrol, they have to really on Walmart to keep them employed.

  8. 6:15 is that you babs? go back to new york. And do tell what does spd do? I see the rookies out harassing working moms and dads to generate revenue for the city. But fighting crime? never!


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