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Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Eisenhower Strike Group to Fight ISIS with Cannibalized Parts

In coming days, the aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower and its carrier strike group will deploy to the Middle East to launch airstrikes against the Islamic State -- and they'll do it with the help of parts stripped off of other operational ships.

This was one of the revelations Thursday from Navy operational commanders who testified to lawmakers about the readiness straits service ships and aircraft find themselves in amid maintenance funding shortfalls and the aftermath of sequestration budget cuts.

The commanders testified days after a congressional delegation made a fact-finding trip to Norfolk to speak with officers aboard the Eisenhower and tour other Navy units.

Capt. Scott Robertson, commander of the guided-missile cruiser USS Normandy, told members of the readiness and seapower and projection forces subcommittees of the House Armed Services Committee that 13 mission-essential parts had been cannibalized from the Normandy while it underwent maintenance to support the Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group's upcoming deployment.

"One of the parts I had to give up was a cable harness from my spy radar, obviously a very critical function for an air defense ship," he said. "Even if I wasn't in a maintenance phase, I could not possibly surge right now."



  1. Something else for o-bummer to apologize for......
    "folks, we can't attack you with new stuff, so you will have a better chance to continue."

  2. Would he feel the same if it were Air Force One? Of course not, because that will never happen.

  3. And who came up with the sequestration budget cuts??

  4. Your wonderful Commander and Chief , he's certainly not mine.

  5. It is Obama's policies his budgets and his plan to weaken the military, confuse the populace, create racial conflict, Infuse and allow terrorists infiltration of Gay, Muslim lslamic ideologies, etc... all part of the New World Order Plan to bring United States to its knees. So keep cheering people it's all rainbows.

  6. All I can say is here comes the boooooom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Joe thanks for so much honor you placed on our Vets this weekend. Nice job.

  7. Then it would be Air Force zero.

  8. This POS should have been gone a long time ago. But the Republicans are so freaking inept and same as he is.


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