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Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Kate Steinle's family files wrongful death suit vs. feds

Family members of Kate Steinle, the woman who was shot and killed in broad daylight on a San Francisco pier by an alleged attacker who was a previously deported illegal immigrant with a felony background, launched a lawsuit against the federal government, claiming her death was preventable.

“Kate’s death was both foreseeable and preventable had the law enforcement agencies, officials and/or officers involved simply followed the laws, regulations and/or procedures which they swore to uphold,” the suit stated, CNN reported.

The suit names U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the former sheriff of San Francisco County, Ross Mirkarimi, the federal Bureau of Land Management and the actual suspect, Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez, 45. Sanchez was in the country illegally at the time of the shooting, taking advantage of San Francisco’s sanctuary city status. According to widely reported immigration records, he had been sent back to Mexico on five prior occasions, due in part to his seven felony convictions.

Steinle, killed July 1, 2015, while walking on the pier with her father, died at the age of 32 from a bullet wound to her chest. Her death helped fuel the launch of Donald Trump to the presidency for the Republican Party. Trump referred several times at the start of his campaign to Steinle’s murder as a prime example of why the country needs better immigration and border controls.


  1. And the taxpayer is going to pay again.

  2. A righteous lawsuit.

  3. Why was the sanctuary city of San Francisco not included in the lawsuit?


  4. Good for them....tax payer wouldn't have to pay if they knew how to vote.

  5. San Francisco didn't let him back in the country. We're moving to a state with normal gun control laws unlike this crap pile where I might be carrying or I might not. You choose.


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