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Sunday, May 15, 2016

London’s New Mayor Warns Trump: Let In Muslims Or They Will Attack America

The new Muslim mayor of London has issued a warning to Donald Trump: Moderate your stance on Muslims, or they will launch more attacks against America.

Trump recently praised Sadiq Khan for winning London’s mayoral race, and said he would be willing to create an exception in his policy restricting Muslim entry into the United States in order to allow Khan to visit. But in a statement Tuesday, Khan dismissed Trump’s invitation, and also denounced his views on Islam as “ignorant,” suggesting Trump’s policies would increase the terrorist threat in both the U.S. and U.K.

“Donald Trump’s ignorant view of Islam could make both of our countries less safe – it risks alienating mainstream Muslims around the world and plays into the hands of extremists,” he said. “Donald Trump and those around him think that Western liberal values are incompatible with mainstream Islam – London has proved him wrong.”



  1. They're already attacking America. That statement is one more reason they have got to end the Islamic invasion.

    And his attitude...well...London, it was nice knowing you.

  2. np then bomb the crap out of whatever country they are from! make them police their own!

  3. Well. If anyone should know. It be a Muslim.

  4. London has become a liberal bastion - they will soon be just like downtown Baghdad!

    You voted for this slime - you need to live with him!

  5. Dave T: Not sure about you guys, but I don't take advice from Muslim cowards who offer idle threats. Attack this country, you pay the consequences and God love you cowards if we elect a real president. Hell will sooner freeze over before I'll ever fear Muslim terrorists.

    1. Yeah, since we've done such a stellar job of retaliating over 9/11.
      Should have nuked them all on 9/12. Game over.

    2. Yep, 15 years later it would have cooled off by now, the radiation would have dissipated and they could be setting up their tents on the glass sheet that used to be sand, by now.

  6. This is Treasonous and the English people better throw him out,

  7. Obama related?

  8. ENGLAND is doomed.

  9. Yo muslim. Get your house in order before you try to get ours in order.

  10. Vote Trump X 10.

  11. Please come to our soil and invade.

    1. Have any of you looked around. Pretty sure they are already here. This religion has been invading countries since its creation.

  12. President Trump should ban this terrorist Mayor from entering the US.

  13. we've been to war with England before..... I think we won

  14. England ur in BIG trouble.

  15. He sure is bright!!

  16. gotta b pres osamas brother or "pastor", and good luck telling PRESIDENT TRUMP what to do

  17. Europe will be overtaken soon. Mark my words.

  18. Donald Trump is our one and only [last] hope.

    It's either "Trump for America", or we're doomed just like London.


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